1 minute read


Understanding cannabis regulation on and off campus

IN RECENT years, Oregon has earned a reputation as a trendsetter when it comes to passing drug legislation.


With a progressive legislature and particularly headstrong leaders, many Oregonians have been pleased with active efforts at the state level to decriminalize and destigmatize the medicinal and recreational consumption of cannabis.

Today, many Oregonians enjoy cannabis in its various forms responsibly.

According to the United States Congress official website, federal regulation prohibits cannabis consumption or sales of any kind (except for veterans). As of late, the 1-3 Act of 2021 is pending to reclassify cannabis from a schedule I controlled substance to a schedule III controlled substance, but it is currently illegal to possess, use or sell cannabis under federal law.

The grounds of reclassification stand on cannabis’ low potential for abuse and dependence.

Schedule I drugs are designated by federal law as illegal outside of research purposes; schedule II drugs are allowed to be purchased for medical use (for those above 18 years old); and schedule III drugs are able to be purchased medically for anyone over 18 and purchased for any one resident over the age of 21.

Oregon currently classifies cannabis as a schedule II drug.

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