==== ==== For more information on Mobile Marketing How To please check out; http://www.mobilemarketingeu.com/ar/mobile-marketing-how-to.php ==== ====
Mobile Marketing! Everyone is talking about it and everyone trying to get on it as fast as they can. There are 5 Billion people in the world today that use phones and 1.8 Billion people that use the internet, that's a 3.2 Billion difference! So for those of you who are wondering what in the world is mobile marketing? Well simply defined, marketing is a way or the process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customers' wants and needs. Mobile Marketing is thus the process of marketing done through the use of your mobile phone device. There are three major questions that you should ask yourself when looking for a product or service to buy or invest in. Before you ask yourself these three questions first of all ask yourself; What do customers want? Now we are all customers of one product or service, so the question is what are the main things you want in a product/service. Well there are 3 major things we all want: • Availability • Affordability • Accessibility Availability-How available is the information or product to you. If it is a service, is information received easily or do you have to go out of your way to look for it. If it is a product is the a sufficient amount of that product on the market that you can just walk into any shop and get it cause you know it will be there? Affordability-this is a big one. Do I have the resources (money) to purchase this product of service? I think that is self explanatory. Accessibility- Can I easily access the information or product. Imagine every time you needed information on say, how your phone works and you had to go into the city (if you don't live in it) to the main distribution center, to get that information. Now what if you could find out on your phone while you in bed? You getting my point? Same with a product, buying the product from your mobile device and then having it mailed to you instead of going to get it in far away place. Your mobile phone provides all these three factors. You can sell and give information through your mobile phone. This is clearly the greatest offline/online opportunity and it has just started to seriously pick up this year 2011 so for those of your reading this consider yourselves the lucky few that have the chance to pounce on this opportunity.
Mobile marketing is clearly the greatest opportunity of this decade. If you want to be on top of your competition and business (whether you are an individual or a business) mobile marketing is what you want to be doing and where you want to be.
check resource box for information to learn more on mobile marketing and how you can profit form it go to http://www.mobilemarketingeu.com/ar/mobile-marketing-how-to.php
Article Source: http://www.mobilemarketingeu.com/ar/mobile-marketing-how-to.php
==== ==== For more information on Mobile Marketing How To please check out; http://www.mobilemarketingeu.com/ar/mobile-marketing-how-to.php ==== ====