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The world is going organic! Green labels now appear in nearly every supermarket. There are even entire aisles of product devoted to organic products. Consumers are becoming more aware of organic foods, and distributors are put in a pressured position to deliver new organic products to match up to the rising demand. As these new patterns take hold, the entire food and supplement industry must raise their standards to ensure their involvement in the organic industry in order to satisfy their customers and offer healthier products. A common misconception is that organic foods and non-organic foods have little difference; people often claim that organic foods are just a fad, phase, or even sham. Research studies are of no help either, as their methods of research often are inconclusive or employ flawed reasoning to achieve inaccurate results. So, from a scientific standpoint, it is as of now unclear as to whether or not organic foods offer superior benefits or not. Some smaller, more independent and empirically-minded studies have suggested that organic products offer higher levels of trace minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients and polyphenols. Such findings are not evident on food labels or any government-funded claim, and because of the humble size of their studies, such results are not yet mainstream. However, to organic farmers and consumers, these findings represent the pinnacle of pride in the organic industry. Implications For Organic Tea What does all of this mean for organic tea? It simply means that organic tea most likely offers a higher potency of antioxidants and minerals. The nutrient content of even non-organic, average consumer brand green tea is through the roof, so research offering such a hopeful discovery of organic food's superiority provides a great excitement for organic tea drinkers! By purchasing organic tea you are not only drinking a more carefully-prepared product, supporting organic farmers, and giving foundation to the rising organic industry, but you are providing your body with the highest amount of vitamins and minerals found in organic tea than you would receive in traditional tea. You are doing worlds of good. There are quite a few companies selling organic green tea, and their prices are just as competitive as traditional tea sellers. It does not take much effort at all to receive the benefits of organic green tea. Organic Green Tea and DDT One more reason for choosing organic tea, I must mention, is the results of studies done on a
chemical called DDT. DDT is a pesticide used in certain countries to control the production of agriculture and produce. Traces of DDT were found in a few famous green tea products and have given rise to a scurry among health-minded tea drinkers. However, the negative consequences of these findings has not been fully known. There have been perhaps a handful of medical reports from the presence of DDT in tea, and several of those are quite hazy. If DDT was indeed a problem in green tea, there would be more of an outcry against the green tea industry. There simply is not. In addition to the lack of foundation against green tea because of DDT, the regulating authorities of agriculture, produce and exported products has become more strict. There's a greater level of scrutiny in regards to the quality of product we consume. Therefore, in decade since some of the fist discoveries of DDT, there has been great improvement in the production of quality tea. Whether or not DDT is currently an issue in green tea products, organic green tea sidesteps the risk for any chemicals or lack of qualities. With organic tea products, you can always be confident that you are receiving superiority in your health and well being.
Michael Tennis owns and operates Green Tea Weight Loss [http://greenteaweightlosshub.com/], an informative resource guide committed to weight loss, health and well being using the green tea diet. Michael currently offers a Free Weight Loss eBook http://tiensshop.com/p34-ORGANIC-GREEN-TEA-WITH-ROSEBUDS.html for those interested in losing weight.
Article Source: http://tiensshop.com/p34-ORGANIC-GREEN-TEA-WITH-ROSEBUDS.html
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