Protect Your Clothes From Moths.txt

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When asked about pests in the home, moths are not the first thought. The most popular answers would be rats and cockroaches. However, moths can be problematic for any household. The common clothes moth in particular can cause problems. Knowing how to get rid of these pests can seem quite daunting. The common clothes moth is also known as Tineola Bisselliella. These creatures are lovers of moist conditions and the dark. Only 5mm in size, the male moths fly around looking for a mate. The female moth rarely flies and prefers to run or hop about. They lay tiny eggs (under 1mm long) and as with most animals, the eggs are hidden to ensure survival. As the eggs are so small, a glue like substance is used to attach them to a surface until hatching takes place. These eggs can remain undetected to the human eye and this is how the clothes moth infestation can start. The larvae can feed on your clothing as they turn the keratin in the fibres into food. As they do not drink, their food must have water content. This is why they are attracted to dirty clothes that contain sweat or liquid. Carpets are a particular favourite for the larvae to feed on and hide in. The larvae spend their whole time eating and they can damage your clothing in a relatively short period of time. The larvae will eat silk, wool, cotton, linen and fur fabrics. Your most expensive cashmere jumper or fine woolen suits will be a target for the hungry larvae. They will eat until they have the right amount of food needed for them to turn into moths. At this stage, they will make a cocoon and emerge a few months later as a moth. The common clothes moth does not feed on your fabrics. Their sole purpose is to mate, and a female moth can lay hundreds of eggs. The moths then die after reproduction has taken place. Most people assume the moths are the culprit of their damaged clothes and will attempt to get rid of them from their home. In fact, it is the tiny larvae at fault. Even if you manage to remove the larvae, the eggs will hatch and the process will begin again. The size of the eggs is the hardest part of stopping a common moth infestation. Most people will attempt to wash all their clothes or rugs. Cleaning clothes or throwing them away can be a costly and time consuming affair. Other methods must also be employed if you wish to eradicate a common moth infestation. Clothes moth traps can be used to capture the male. A pheromone trap is used to trap the male and this will prevent any further reproduction. Vacuuming rugs, sofas and curtains can also help remove larvae and some eggs. However these methods will only halt further egg laying. Expert help may be needed to get rid of the common moth infestation completely. A specialised company will come to your home and make an assessment on the likely course of action. This can depend on the level of infestation you have. There are several methods available

to them, including fumigation with dry ice, freezing temperatures or heat. As the larvae need moisture to survive, removing the moisture will result in them dying off. There will normally be one or two visits required. In some cases a third visit is necessary to eradicate any newly hatched eggs.

Terminex can banish the pests from your home. Visit their website for more details. Clothes Moth Infestation

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