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Many people take care of their skin and try to make it glowing and free of blemishes, but there are times when despite all their efforts, problems do show in their skin. So what wrong has happened? One not might be aware, but maintaining a well-nourished skin is one of the toughest jobs on a person's hand. While it might seem easy, there are small acts performed by us that we overlook and that goes a long way in damaging all the efforts that we put in to keep our skin fresh and glowing. Did you know that all the efforts of yours to keep your skin nourished and glowing might well end up to naught, if you do not take care to maintain a healthy diet? As has been discussed in countless forums, your skin is as nourished as your internal body system is. An improper diet might as well spoil all your efforts to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. However, there is no reason to worry, since there are many potions, lotions and supplements that are available in the market along with quite a number of herbal home-made recipes that can be used to keep your skin nourished. An oily skin is the first breeding ground for acne. There are three types of acne, Simple, Cystic & Rosacca. These small eruptions on the skin are a cause of embarrassment and people generally try to pick or squeeze these eruptions to get rid of them. This is not recommended at all, since it can lead to more serious implications and leave scars on the face which can prove to be tough to remove. Many people wonder why acne erupts up at all. As mentioned above these growths are due to bad eating habits and intestinal toxemia plays a big role in the formation of this. So first of all fix up your food habits and avoid junk food. Another reason behind acne is stress and strain which cause toxicity in our system and help in the formation of anti-inflammatory hormones. The best way to treat acne is to wash one's face with warm water to help unclog the skin pores and release the dirt trapped in them. Treating one's face with a good and oil-less alpha or beta hydroxide acid helps a lot too. If you have an oily skin, wash you face a number of times a day with a mild soap and then dry your face with a soft cloth. Dry skin is another problem faced by many persons. If you are faced by this type of problem, there is no need to get paranoid. Human skins are of 3 different types, oily, dry and normal. People with this type of skin try to apply lotions and creams that promise to soften one's dry skin. This is a misnomer. But what one does not understand that softening the skin is one thing and making it moisturized is another. There are some moisturizers available too, but the effects of the same hardly last for more than a few hours. This is okay if one has to go to a party, but if you are really concerned about your skin you should try to find out a long-lasting solution. Most of these lotions moisten your skin externally, but what is needed is to moisten one's skin internally. As mentioned above, your food habits play a long part in your skin's nourishment. One of the best ways to fix this problem is to take food supplements with fatty acid contents. Drinking lots of water helps in a log way and is extremely vital too. The water not just hydrates your skin, but it is good for your entire
body too. Another important task to undertake is to use exfoliate your skin. Dry skin assists in the formation of dead skins and these block the skin from absorbing moisture. Hence it is very important to scrub away these dead skins. Do not use harsh agents and always eub your face using a soft cloth in circular motions. One should apply moisturizers that prevent the skin from getting dry. Try to avoid direct contact of your skin with sunlight and use cosmetic agents that block the bad effects of sunlight, like UV blockers. Do not blame yourself for your faulty skin. While you might be unconsciously responsible, the main factor is the eating habits that have changed quite a lot over the years. Thanks to industrialization, the air around us is not as pure as it used to be a couple of decades back. The increased number of industries, the proliferation of cars all of these lead to factors that damage our skin. The stress and strain of day to day life plays a huge part too. The human body has got a wonderful mechanism that helps it to adjust to these changes, if they take place gradually and over a period of time, but if these changes take place rapidly and with great frequency, the inbuilt protection is helpless. Try out a diet that is low on fatty foods and consists more of leafy foods and those that contain lots of vitamins that are useful for your skin and you will find a marked difference. We, the modern human generation are trying to challenge the biological system as designed by Mother Nature and the effects of the same shows up on our skin. Thanks due to work pressures; we hardly give our body sufficient resting time. While we tend to overfeed ourself, the quality of food that we take hardly contains any nourishment that is vital for maintaining a healthy skin. Last but not the least; it would be extremely wise to consult a dermatologist. They are in the best position to solve your skin nourishment problems. There are many products available in the market which can help you to regain back a healthy skin, but one should know which product is best for their type of skin. Do not fool yourself by applying too much of make-up. These products do not fix up the problems of your skin. They just give an illusion of fixing the same and the moment you remove the same, you'll find yourself with the same under nourished and dull skin. Try to remove some of the stress from your life, eat foods that are suitable for the nourishment of your skin and in the course of a few weeks you will be finding a beautiful you in the mirror.
Article Source: http://tiensshop.com/p130-Body-Wash-Tea-Tree-Citrus.html
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