What's So Great About a Bob Marley Poster.txt

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==== ==== For more information on Most Beautiful Songs Of Bob Marley please check out; http://www.reviewsgoldmine.com/productreviews/1142/The-50-Most-Beautiful-Songs-Bob-Marley3-CDs==== ====

What exactly is the attraction when it comes to Bob Marley posters? They seem to be very popular amongst the college crowd for one. Walk through any college campus, and check out all the Marley t-shirts for starters. Carry it a little bit further, and start asking questions. I'll bet if you asked 100 students who Bob Marley was, the vast majority of them could tell you. A few could probably name a few of his songs, and if your really lucky a few more could sing you a few words. Your safest bet for this would be to ask the question around the music building. I'd hate to hear a Bob Marley song mangled by some engineering student that was rejected in the first round of American Idol. Now, I don't suggest this, but if you were able to see what was hanging on the walls of many of those same students dorm walls, I bet there would be more then a few Bob Marley posters, photographs or prints. Why exactly is that? For an artist that hasn't released a single new song in over 25 years that is certainly a perplexing phenomena. Perplexing, but true. The reason for no new material, is that Bob passed away from cancer over 25 years ago. His music, artwork, and image still seem to pervade our culture. Only a few icons seem to have achieved that the way he has. A few others that come to mind would be Mariln Monroe, and John Lennon. The thing they all seem to have in common, is that there was more to them then just their art. They all had a message to was distilled in their work. So why so many posters for Bob then? Here's some interesting stats for the Marilyn Monroe, John Lennon and Bob Marley. According to Wordtracker, there are approximately 5000 internet searches a day for the phrase John Lennon, approximately 10,000 for Marilyn Monroe, and approximately 18,000 for Bob Marley. Kinda interesting isn't it. What is it that makes Bob Marley almost twice as looked for as Marilyn Monroe, and almost fout times as looked for as John Lennon? Honestly, I don't know. It definitely indicates an interes in Bob Marley, and all things related to Bob Marley, such as music, lyrics, artwork, videos, photographs and posters. I think a little further research is warranted here, to explain these numbers. Suffice it to say though, that Bob Marley was about more than just Reggae music. There was a tone and timbre to the man that went message deep. But, what exactly was that message. Peace, love, brotherhood, understanding, compasion, passion? Yes, actually it was all the above.

If you like to see my favorite Bob Marley posters, or simply browse through a listing of some really cool Bob Marley posters in your inbox be sure to visit


Article Source: http://www.reviewsgoldmine.com/productreviews/1142/The-50-Most-Beautiful-Songs-Bob-Marley3-CDs-

==== ==== For more information on Most Beautiful Songs Of Bob Marley please check out; http://www.reviewsgoldmine.com/productreviews/1142/The-50-Most-Beautiful-Songs-Bob-Marley3-CDs==== ====

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