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Through the years the green type of tea has gained a reputation in the western world as a beverage full of powerful antioxidants which in some studies have proven to destroy cancer causing free radicals. Green tea as of late has caught the spotlight for aiding in weight loss as well. There is no doubt that you either read or heard about the many benefits green tea has to offer. From a healthy heart, to lowered cholesterol, to extracts that are added in many products or put in capsules. This mellow tasting beverage has definitely captured the attention of many health conscious folks searching for the next trend. But did you know that this tea has a sweeter tasting and more powerful sibling? It's called white tea. Although it may sound like a new beverage, this type of tea has a long history dating back to 960 AD! In these times, the tea was brewed in a powered form and it was not until around 1885 that whole leaves were used instead. It is also recorded that one Song emperor named HuiZong became so obsessed with white tea, he started losing most of his empire. But why the name white tea? The white type of tea, like all teas, comes from the same Camellia sinensis tea plant. The reason it is called "white tea" is because the young buds and leaves contain many fine peach-like hairs which give them a whitish appearance. The brewed liquor is usually a very light golden yellow. White tea unlike green, oolong, or black tea, goes through no conventional processing. It is simply plucked from the tea bush as early in the day as possible, steamed or baked, then dried either by the sun or in specially designed rooms. Because of this, the tea leaves get to keep all of their natural oils, which gives the drinker true tea taste, along with a cup that offers the most benefits out of the four types. A study conducted at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University revealed that white tea was more successful than green tea in removing tumor growth in rats, and was better in destroying disease-causing organisms. White tea has more antioxidants in one cup compared to any other organic measured serving in the world. The white type of tea also offers a more appealing taste to newcomers wanting to experience loose leaf tea brewing. It has a pleasant sweetness to it that is very light and soothing. The vegetal undertones are almost unnoticed unlike some stronger varieties of green tea.
Although white tea may be a little more expensive, it is worth every cent. The taste is lighter, the health benefits are greater, and it contains less caffeine too. However it is very important that you brew it using whole loose leaves, and avoid tea bag brewing. Tea bags offer less benefits since the leaves are reduced to a dried out dust-like state and pretty much depleted of any oils. The taste will also suffer as well and will be bitter certainly ruining your white tea experience. Brewing is easy, just add a heaping teaspoon of leaves in an infuser per cup, boil well filtered water and let cool for 30 seconds; steep for about 3 to 7 minutes depending on the variety and desired strength. Never add milk and refrain from adding sugar. A little honey is fine however. White tea is becoming more and more popular as it can now be found chilled in bottles next to green tea in supermarkets, with brands like Snapple® and Lipton® offering several fruit flavored varieties. As news of its more subtle taste and healthier benefits reach consumer's ears, this type of tea is becoming the next big thing.
To learn more about this powerful yet delicate sweet tasting beverage visit the author of this articleÂ’s informational website section The Color Of Tea.com: Discover White Tea This site also offers a guide to tea including helpful information, facts, tips, varieties, and the simple pleasure of brewing and enjoying loose leaf tea.
Article Source: http://tiensshop.com/p37-ORGANIC-WHITE-TEA.html
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