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Manual wheelchairs are the style most individuals think of when the word wheelchair is mentioned. The standard style of manual wheelchair features a cross-brace frame which allows for easy folding, arm-rests that are either permanent or removable, swivel-away footrests, two large wheels with push rims, and a pair of smaller wheels in the front. This model has retained much of its basic design through the years as it is sturdy, dependable, and functional. One may want to seek some different opinions before choosing between a manual or electric wheelchair. A physical or occupational therapist can often provide insight to the style of chair that will not get in the way of your daily activities. Speaking with an individual that uses the style of wheelchair that interests you can garner some idea of the practicality of the design. A manual wheelchair does offer some benefits over an electric wheelchair that are worth noting. They are generally easier to transport and maneuver around when not in use due to being much lighter. This also makes them easier to push than their electric counterpart. One does not need to worry about battery power when using manual wheelchairs where it would be a concern with electric. This can grant one greater freedom and not leave them feeling as though they are tethered to a point. Oftentimes manual wheelchairs offer greater freedom of mobility, in part due to their lightweight nature. Folding wheelchairs have the disadvantage of featuring many moving parts. This will bear some attention to ensure they stay fluid and easy to use. The X frame they feature allows it to be folded sideways. Though this sometimes leaves it bulkier than its counter part; the rigid wheelchair. Rigid wheelchair frames are typically more durable than folding styles because they have less moving parts on them. A rigid frame often features quick releases in various areas of the chair to make it easily transportable in a vehicle. Many users find it easy to load the rigid frame wheelchair themselves due to it generally weighing no more than 10 or 20 pounds. One may find that their budget restricts their options on whether to use a manual or an electric wheelchair. Though electric wheelchairs do offer a number of their own benefits, manual wheelchairs have stood the test of time through by being a simple and effective mobility tool.
For more great information on manual wheelchairs, visit http://wheelchairscenter.com/ar/manualwheelchairs.php.
Article Source: http://wheelchairscenter.com/ar/manual-wheelchairs.php
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