Sooth the Senses with Agacio Sober Boxer Agacio has always mesmerized it valuable wearers with the most comfortable fit on the body and a functional approach. The brand recently introduced a new collection of men’s underwear is as classy as ever and very appealing to the eyes without hampering its support. The Sober Boxer by the modish brand is one of a kind and equally appealing.
About the product As the name of the men’s sheer underwear implies, the product looks absolutely sober on the first look. The solid color structure with a thick string piping on the thighs as well as around the pouch and the contrasting waistband is what constitutes the entire men’s boxer brief underwear.
The enhancing underwear is crafted with 80% nylon and 20% elastomer in order a perfect combination of comfort, durability and stretch. The large chunk of spandex would make the style a companion for workouts and sports-friendly. Hence, it does not ride up and stays with you throughout the day in all situations. The design of the product is extremely simple, but is made to keep you feeling fresh and breathable down there the entire day and every day. The mesh holes allow the air to pass and your package can breathe well. Hence, you can work hard in the summer months without worrying about your intimate wear. The pouch on the other hand is made in a way that it consists of no enhancing features, yet the visibility is not compromised with. The thick piping around the pouch is made in a way that it subtly lifts the manhood to an elevated position where it is even visible in the pants. Lastly, the coverage makes me feel like a pampered baby when I tried these on. My butts went from drooling to be held by something that is more comfortable than nothing. I would want to sleep in these alone while I’m all by myself. What do you think of these pairs and which color combination did you like the most, white/royal blue, grey/yellow or navy/grey? Do please tell us in the comments below. If you want to buy it, check out