Roh boards

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PHOTOBOOTH The RoyalOpera House photobooth i s desi gned to work i n conj uncti on wi th the concept of fi ndi ng your ‘Inner Opera’. Thi s fun and engagi ng aspect of our cam pai gn ai m s to bri ng young peopl e together and to al l evi ate


preconcepti ons that opera

i s

hi stori c,dry,stuffy,form aland tradi ti onal ,and not rel evant to contem porary l i fe. The photo booth al l ows attendees to l eave wi th a branded souveni r of thei r ti m e at the opera;a m om ent




al ways— and

hopeful l y, the novel ty of the experi ence wi l l have them tal ki ng l ong after they’ve l eft the event.


POSTERS "W e perform ol d m asterworks a l ot of the ti me but we keep perform i ng them because they are real l y m i rrors to us - and as we change, they m ust change wi th us"

Befo ore they have even experi enced i t,the opera i s qui ckl y

di sm i ssed






young i dea

peopl e. W e

that opera

i s

rel evant to everybody because i t deal s wi th al l ki nds


di fferent




hum an

condi ti on. Our posters ai m to encourage peopl e to fi nd thei r ‘Inner Opera’ - som ethi ng that they have yet to di scover and appreci ate.

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