Station to Station Brief University of Leeds // Shauni Sanderson // October 2015
Station to Station Walking England’s most scenic railway route The historic Settle-‐Carlisle railway is England’s most scenic railway, attracting visitors from far and wide, and worldwide admiration for its Victorian architecture, stone viaducts, tunnels and remote wayside station buildings. Of the two station to station walks between Horton-‐in-‐Ribblesdale and Ribblehead, one is particularly challenging to navigate. To attract more walkers to this scenic trail, Natural England has asked the STEM Team (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths -‐ based in Educational Engagement at the University of Leeds) for assistance in mapping the route in a digital format.
The purpose of the project -‐ To utilise digital technology in helping walkers navigate a challenging route. -‐ To employ digital technology/apps/web to connect tourists with points of interest, local organisations, local business and the community. -‐ To promote the project’s digital outcomes in an engaging, accessible, visual format. -‐ To engage young people (aged 14-‐18), introducing understanding of technology through practical application. Scope of the work -‐ Form established links with local businesses, interest groups, schools, industry, the University and Natural England. -‐ Use innovative technology to provide an informative platform for visitors and prospective visitors -‐ linking the fragmented information currently available. -‐ Develop a suite of school workshops/resources around Android-‐based mapping software which allows geo-‐referencing of images, videos and commentary for the travel and tourism industry. Organisations currently involved -‐ Natural England -‐ University of Leeds -‐ Leeds College of Art Anticipated partners/beneficiaries -‐ Friends of Settle-‐Carlisle Railway -‐ Settle-‐Carlisle Railway Development Company Limited -‐ The Settle and Carlisle Railway Trust -‐ School partners -‐ Local businesses -‐ Northern Rail -‐ Local community -‐ Visiting walkers/tourists
Station to Station Brief University of Leeds // Shauni Sanderson // October 2015
Artist brief -‐
-‐ -‐
Illustration will play a key role in the project. A unique theme and branding will be incorporated into all aspects of the project, including digital output, promotional material and commercial goods. As such, the artwork will form the ‘face’ of the project, attracting interest, enhancing accessibility and bridging the gap between digital and traditional/familiar. We intend to deliver an innovative and unique service to walkers and prospective visitors/tourists. Visuals will further reinforce the unique nature of this service (and the project as a whole) and set it apart from anything else on the market.
Requirements -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐
Project logo and branding Illustrations of feature points and areas of interest along the route(for use in digital map and a hard copy map/leaflet) Unique and eye catching illustrations that can be used on merchandise and promotional materials, all linked by theme. Aside from these key requirements, we want your input: with your creativity and expertise we can work together to push boundaries with this project.
Scope for exposure -‐ -‐
-‐ -‐ -‐
Artwork will be visible on a number of different platforms. The Friends of Settle Carlisle Railway is one of the largest interest groups of its kind, with worldwide membership. Through linking with this interest group (and others like it) we have the opportunity to engage people on a much larger scale -‐ visuals will be key to this. Possible sales of artwork/merchandise online and in stations and local shops. Potential to exhibit in station houses to be explored. Potential to be involved in schools outreach activity.
Outline timeframe -‐ -‐
Timeframe is flexible to work with the artist around term dates and College deadlines. There may be potential for the project to be extended if this suited all parties.
Fees and Copyright -‐
To be negotiated.
Contacts Shauni Sanderson (Project Coordinator) 18 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds, LS2 9HD 0113 343 7495 Dr Jon Barber (Project Manager) 18 Blenheim Terrace, Leeds, LS2 9HD 0113 343 7496
Station to Station Brief University of Leeds // Shauni Sanderson // October 2015