Human Resilency F L O R I D A I N T E R N AT I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y Master of Architecture Rebecca Quesnel Claudio Salazar Master Thesis
Sustainability Within The Harshest Climates
Arctic Endeavours In A Rapidly Warming World
2020 / 2021
P R E FAC E Why the Arctic? I feel the assumptions, the intentions and the departure point of this thesis must initially be outlined. The reader must know I am not Inuk, I am in no shape, way or form an indigenous person, and I am not a person of colour. I am however, a Canadian. I am, also, a young person who has been heavily influenced by our drastically heating world and although I am a hopeful optimist in nearly every sense, when we begin to speak of climate change and the history of globalism- I feel it becomes necessary to address these issues as cold hard facts. Our world is changing at an unprecedented pace, melting ice and oil in the arctic will lead people to move. Often when we speak about the changing planet we are quick to speaking about adapting to current circumstances but we often overlook where human beings go next. The arctic is the next horizon and I fear it will continue the same cycle of exploitation and inequity. This is my humble approach at a better future of architecture.
Thesis Jurors Camilo Rosales Cynthia Ottchen Mark Marine Kevin Regalado Margina Demmer
Thesis Instructor Claudio Salazar
1. 0
World in Flux
Our Home & Native Land
A New Typology
Various Copper Inuit qalgiit, as mapped by Diamond Jenness (1922: 71, 74, 75). Written names respresent the individuals sleeping in the residential domes at the time of his stay.
ABSTRACT Vernacular has become a term we use loosely as jargon in architecture without truly recognizing its potential for sustainability and making better buildings. There once was a time when people survived and cultivated the land in response to the climatic and geographic conditions afforded to them. Architecture was site specific and it was in many ways successful. Now however we live in an era of mass production and consumerism that has given way to architecture concerned more with style, form and in many cases eases of production, and although there are good things afforded to us from the consumerist society we occupy today, pre fabrication, global connections and technology- without being used in conjunction with the sites needs, it leads to unfavourable outcomes and often that is inequity. From the initial occupation of the arctic whales were hunted to near extinction, then outposts for fur trading were set up until there was not enough fur left, and it was the Inuit communities who had lived there prior who felt the harshest affects of these boom and bust cycles, it wasn’t just their resources affected it was their traditions, their culture, their way of life as semi nomadic people. They became stagnant and dependent on globalization. in the same ways however, that globalization provides much good to our lives, the Inuit people recognized the same and chose to informally settle near trading posts as it was more beneficial to them, however in the process there was a loss of their traditional architecture and vernacular, informal settlements became government housing and through this they never re-found the very successful elements from their past. This thesis seeks to rejoin the Inuit people with a contemporary architecture that reflects their traditions, culture and vernacular. This thesis also seeks to establish a framework for sustainable architecture that heavily looks to vernacular as a means of developing future architecture.
World in Flux
I n f l e c t i o n Po i n t s
Climate change seems so far away but in reality its affects are already very real and occurring now and will only grow to be more of a problem in years to come. Unfortunately climate changes real life altering abilities will first directly impact those with less money and less privilege, but those who make decisions and those responsible for much of todays co2 emissions are not poor or underprivileged, they’re quiet the opposite.
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Callendar Effect first conceived- linking rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere to global
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When it comes to the topic of climate change it’s incredibly easy to attribute structural barriers such as the climate-averse infrastructure that currently exists in most urban areas, but psychologically many of our own human behavioural choices are responsible for impeding our ability to adapt to more environmentally sustainable patterns “The Dragons of Inaction: Psychological Barriers That Limit Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation” by Robert Gifford outlines a set of 7 psychological barriers that give way to this cycle of societal cognitive dissonance that perpetuates in every day society: limited cognition, ideologies, comparisons with others, sunk costs, discredence, perceived risks, and limited behaviour. The author lists that policy makers, psychologists and scientists must work together to make tackling these behaviours apart of everyday lifebut I feel that statement discredits the people and citizens who could make this action possible. What will be the inflection point for this change however is a better question.
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Amateur Canadian scientist G. S. Callendar recorded an increase in temperatures in the Arctic and posited the greenhouse effect as the cause.
Launch of the Soviet Union's Sputnik satellite. Cold war concerns dominate the 1957–58 International Geophysical Year
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The study of ancient climates revealed climate sensitivity in the same range as predicted by computer models.
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Launch of the Soviet Union's Sputnik satellite. Cold war concerns dominate the 1957–58 International Geophysical Year
1987 marks the next warmest year since humans began to keep records The Montreal Protocol of the Vienna Convention imposed international restrictions on the emission of ozone-destroying gases.
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Deadly summer heat wave in Europe deepens divergence between European and U.S. public opinion.
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The Copenhagen Summit, produced the Copenhagen Accord, which recognized the danger of climate change but did not include binding commitments to reduce greenhouse emissions.
Concerns that the collapse of ice sheets (west Antarctica, Greenland) might raise sea levels faster than most had believed China becomes world’s 2nd largest CO2 producer
Climate Studies Evolve, U.S. oceanographer Roger Revelle warned that humanity is conducting a “large-scale geophysical experiment” on the planet by releasing greenhouse gases
Fishermen and Explorers note melting arctic ice, this is published in News Papers. United States Coal Commision of 1922 published following 1917 Lever Act. Alters the way in which Coal is consumed in America for following 10 years.
Rachel Carson's epoch-creating Silent Spring marked the beginnings of the environmental movement of the 1960’s.
British scientist Thomas C. Chamberlin establishes link between ice ages and low concentrations of carbon dioxide and between warm climates and high concentrations of carbon dioxide.
Baptiste Joseph Fourier Jean- discovers that a buildup of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere warms the climate
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US President convenes North American Conservation Conference- In attempt to conserve World Resources. Elevated conference to a global level.
September 2019 marks climate strikes, also known as the Global Week for Future, were a series of international strikes and protests demand action be taken to address climate change. Publicity and widespread organizing triggered by Swedish youth, Greta Thurnberg. The 2019 UN Climate Action Summit held at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City, The goal to increase pressure on political and economic actors to achieve the aims of the summit
The parties of the Kyoto Protocol meet in Denmark, Launching the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference which raised climate change policy to the highest political level. Close to 115 world leaders attended the high-level segment.
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UN establishes IPCCIntergovermental panel on Climate Chage was created to provide policymakers with regular scientific assessments on climate change.
Soviet meteorologist Mikhail Budyko warned that the burning of fossil fuels and the attendant accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would warm the planet.
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Development of new technology lead to an increased awareness of global warming and the greenhouse effect. Researchers began to show that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was rising each year and people grew concerned about affects of pollution and industry.
The Paris Agreement is formed outlining an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance, signed in 2016.
Global warming attracted worldwide headlines after scientists at congressional hearings in Washington, D.C.
1934, Hottest year in World History, remains hottest year until 1980’s. Leads to increased melting Arctic and major research concern for heating earth.
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The United States blocked calls for serious action.
Returned to G7 summit in 2014. Annual meeting of the Group of Seven leaders- Concerned with global economic growth and power that intrinisically affect climate change.
Climate Studies Evolve, U.S. oceanographer Roger Revelle warned that humanity is conducting a “large-scale geophysical experiment” on the planet by releasing greenhouse gases
Laureate Svente Arrhenius coined the phrase green house effect and predicted that the Earth's climate is slowly warming first calculation of global warming from co2 emissions
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First G6 summit held in Rambouillet, France. Became G7 in 1976 when GB joined, and G8 upon Russia’s cooperation in 97’.
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Rio Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro produces the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Recognizing Margaret Tatcher’s call to change.
The Toronto conference called for strict, specific limits on greenhouse gas emissions. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the first major leader to call for action.
Election of President Ronald Reagan causes backlash against the environmental movement. Political conservatism was linked to skepticism about global warming.
1972 Stockholm Conference - The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Event marks first major UN conference on global enviromental issues.
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The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building rating system was introduced by the U.S. Green Building Council. Green building certification program now used worldwide. Follows the The Kyoto Protocol of 1997 which was an international agreement that aimed to manage and reduce carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gases.The United States found itself exempt.
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The agreement seeks to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to limit the global temperature increase in this century to 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, while pursuing means to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees.
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An Inconvenient Truth premieres at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival and opened in New York and Los Angeles on May 24, 2006, earning $49 million. It went on to win Academy Awards for Best Documentary. Raises Worldwide concern for Global Warming.
All nations largely contributing to world wide CO2 emissions sign the Paris Agreement with exception to the United States
World In Flux 1.2
Fossil Fuels
“while the phenomenon of universalization has provided incredible advancement of mankind, at the same time it constitutes a sort of subtle destruction- not only of traditional cultures, but of the creative nucleus of great cultures.”
- Paul Riccours, Towards a Critical Regionalism Colonialism
Food Production
Timber Construction
Site Specificy
Public Space
Urban Farming
Addressing Food Insecurity in the Arctic We see the rich grow richer and the impact of small self serving entities plummets the earth into irreversible consequences. Yet we wake and operate through a set of norms that only continue to fund these self oriented groups, and further the unlikely potential of a prosperous and viable future. Individual efforts on the grounds of climate change seem futile. The spaces we operate do not provide us the means to make progressive change. This thesis This thesis seeks to commentate on the changing climate and rising political tensions that climate change has spurred. The ultimate goal being to give back to the communities who will be most impacted by the turbulent affects that industrialization has created, and to perhaps develop new spaces that the dynamic earth presents.
1.3 Melting Arctic Fig. 6, 7. Melting Ice deposits give way to trapped Oil. Current shipping routes and ports will expand into the arctic.
Map above highlights oil deposits normally covered in Ice, as accessible on August 1st 2020. Major shipping routes & ports highlighted.
Ice Coverage Oil Deposit Port Shipping Route,,desc/facetFilters=%257B%257D/pageNumber=1/itemsPerPage=25 Arctic Sea Ice Extents 2020 - Top Graphic Generated with ARC GIS
An ice free arctic may be closer than we could have ever imagined. Now, no scientists are suggesting that the arctic will be ice free during winters but a 30 year window of melting ice is what is predicted as the potential future for the arctic, and as a result for there to be open passageways for a majority of the year. While the ice melts it opens the potential for more oil and more fresh water to be accessible to human beings. In many ways these events could lead to a future of exploitation in the arctic, and while the future may be doomed, the arctic also operates as a mine of both biological substances and processes that we still do not fully understand. These processes and substances could provide industrial, pharmaceutical and medical usages come the future. While climate change is negatively impacting our oceans, ice and sea level rise, perhaps there are silver linings to new accessible locations.
Melting Arctic 1.4
1.5 Remote Locations Psychologically human beings operate in a manner that is concerned with self interest, with our particular status and with how we fit in with others. From an evolutionary lens we are concerned with survival so when we are presented with options on how to carry out our lives- more often than not we opt for a short term, selfish choice. When we are wired to operate as short term human beings, climate change becomes so difficult to grasp as it is not a short term problem. Climate change is not visible, we can be told it’s happening but when our senses don’t respond to a seeable, smellable type of threat it puts this issue as a low priority. When the discourse of climate change rose to the surface a few decades back it became a topic of scientific facts rather than social discourse, but because of the time when these issues rose to the surface instead of raising concern this problem became one that was over sensationalized, and a source of cultural denial because of misunderstanding and misinformation. Perhaps the problem still lies in social discourse. Of course as global tensions rise and changes in the arctic continue to occur, conflict will arise as a result of resources emerging. The powers that be will give way to these issues, it’s sad, and scary but that may be a catalyst for change.
Arctic Endeavours In A Rapidly Warming World
Over the past century the rhetoric within Both an abundance of fresh water and unPlacing site specificity as the pinnacle elCombatting Food Insecurity Through Community Space & Developing a Framework For Sustainable Architecture Even In The Coldest Climates the realm of architecture has developed mined oil lie under the ice. These largely ement of design, and revaluating it’s many along side industry. However this process coveted resources may soon be responsible elements. The most important, however has proved unsustainable and is rapidly for further placing endangered communibeing those who live there, and from what killing the planet. Humanities long history ties in more peril. Although we have acwe can observe, the events unfolding in the of exploitation has only been expedited by knowledged the detrimental capacity of inarctic are following an all too familiar path the discovery and application of fossil fuels dustry, we will only see more development Food and water insecurity plague these and regardless of our rapid technological in years to come. This begs the question populations, and their preserved culture development the world still remains an how can the built environment, or even deand traditions continuously find themselves unequal place benefiting only a small few. sign remedy these ails when it also seems at risk in a globalized world. Industry & oil Those most affected by the repercussions of to be a contributor. This time however we could lead to the same cycle of exploitation climate change are also those who see the have an even larger history of the past, and least benefit from the exploitation. Much can better predict what happens in the fuAt the heart of developing a typology that of the world now faces both drought, and ture. The interdependent relationship of the is site sensitive may also be the need for famine due to the jeopardy that clean wamarkets and oil is indisputable. Yet the deaddressing the self sufficiency of that poputer has been placed in. Whether it’s a lack struction of the eco systems in the global lation as an answer. of, an over abundance of, or melting wasouth can serve as a warning for what may ter poses…. a massive threat. As the arctic be to come for the boreal forest. Ultimately, continues to melt it is not only permanently We must rethink architecture altering the physical landscape, it is giving way to new trading routes and access to resources that will continue to be exploited. 15
100% Indigenous
0% Non-Indigenous 100%
2.0 Our Home and Native Land 17
2.1 Cold Rush Projected permafrost extent in 2100 according to Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) Isolated patches (Between 1% and 10%) scenarios from the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
H u d s o n ’s B a y
THE END OF NOMADISM Ellendion reiunt. Agnimusam hilitio doloris ipsum fugia velluptaqui alicienis nonsed quo estio versped que vererum restrun tureprectur sum experro viduciaspis vellitassi doluptatus simus dolum ipsunt. Di tem. Ebitionetum sa sitem hitiaepel ilita niscia nobit, voluptatem eations equunt autatem fuga. Pitium voluptam facepre nonsed quibus. Cias et quos doles aut eos as ditiaep ellatur maio ipsae ium que expe velesti untissequi alique consed quae dolupta spitate niatur suntisit et uta venis audae nihic tem quiatus dolorerum ilitisinto cumqui blabo. Itae arionse ribusapid quia similiquae dent. Aliquatem venimaio cum nimus. Te reptae ommod qui optae sequam errovid enderemo inctur, Facearum nusciundus arit quia dunt voluptam nia prere veligendae nobit laciet atium denti voluptatquo quam, quo offic tectorum faccus explatia vellabo. Nequis volectur ma sae doluptiatus.
Frobisher Expedition 1576 - Pre 1920’s
1920’s - 1950’s
Early Modern OutPosts
1960’s - 1980’s
Modern Experiments
1990’s - Onwards
Aspirations of Consensous Buildings
Architectural Timeline Frobisher Bay
I N U I T H I STO RY I N T H E A R CT I C A Timeline of Supressive Architecture and Events
Lack of adequate sewage and plumbing facilities is recogonized.
Airstrip in Apex is is built by American Military
Growing Presence of English Merchant Ships Commercial Whaling Begins
Frobisher Bay becomes center for DEW line consturction operations
Wide Spread Problems with adequate housing and design plague the Arctic, and it remains that way today.
1860’s - 1920’s Trading Posts Replace Whaling Stations as Primary Points of Contact Hudson’s Bay Company begins to establish trading posts
Burried Pipes are utilized wherever possible - interfering with Inuit land
1950’s Natural Resources exploitation affects the development of northern commuities
1950’s - 1960’s
Residential School System is established the federal goverment takes over schooling
Goverment housing types that became typical to Iqaluit, and methods of further oppressing the Inuit communities.
Drawings by Lateral Office 20
2.4 Cold Rush Site History Apex Nunavut was the first informal settlement, near the first Hudson’s bay (fur) trading post Even today it still lacks necessary infrastructure, even lacking potable water- The original government housing that was placed there still remains, it did not fit their needs then and it still does not suit these communities needs.
The trading post will be replaced by a building that is self sufficient, considers vernacular and that also reinterprets the trading post as a means of reclaiming the site for this community - Looking at their migrational patterns and settlements was the first operation in deriving a form. Can the building facilitate both?
Retrofitting the Western Model Foundations For Perma Frost
Active Layer Permafrost Permafrost Line
Screw Jacks
Allows for easily raising and lowering the strucutre and foundation. Works best with smaller buildings. Can be raised by an individual or mechanically.
Piles are the most common form of foundation in the north. Piles are embedded deep within the permafrost, even down to bedrock and raise the structure nearly a meter off the ground.
Utilizing Wasted Space As Program
Space Frame
Space frame’s are pre fabricated and made custom sized for a building footprint. Also works better with smaller and lighter structures.
Radiant Heat
When first building in and occupying the arctic, when the western model was retrofitted for the cold climates of Iqaluit they found often that the imported materials would create enough heat when resting on the ice to melt the permafrost beneath. This would often cause structural failure or for the buildings to collapse, and rather that developing an architecture that would work in the Arctic, they raised the buildings a few feet off the ground. Iqaluit became covered in slightly raised buildings, holding unusable crawlspace sized areas, with not even enough room for storage. What if a project was to challenge this, allowing the underbelly of a building to become useful… to become public space?
Ground Anatomy Site Challenges Melting permafrost, glaciers and melting ice pose challenges of uncertainty. Will buildings collapse? Will sea levels rise? Is the future of the arctic high stilted buildings or structures that precariously sit on the melting ground?
METHANE RELEASE North Atlantic Ocean
Pattern Ground, Freezing & Thawing
Active Layer, Expanding w Climate Change Permafrost, Perennially Frozen Ground Talik, Unfrozen Ground Below Permafrost
2.6 Site Respondent Site Reactions
What can we do passively in the Arctic? What strategies may we implement to develop a passive building in the arctic? Is a passive building even possible?
Sustainability in the Harshest of Climates
Site Challenges Mitigating Wind & Snow Drift
Maxamizing Solar Exposure for Heat Gain
Placing Building with long axis with the prevailing wind will reduce snow drifting, diagonal square plans may act similarly as well
Positioning building with the longer axis parallel to the equator will allow for maxamize heat gain and sun exposure
Square plans maximize surface area and access to sun allowing for a building foot print that fairs well in regards to climatic concerns. Placing squares on a diagonal helps mitigate snow drift.
Placing all entries on longer facades of the building if oriented correctly will aid in removing snow drift, and allow for exits to remain unblocked. Similarly, raising the building allows for snow drift to pass underneath the volume.
Building Orientation - Passive Strategies
Snow Drift Considerations When building in the arctic, although the cold and the transition between mechanically heated spaces, from the cold is of the utmost importance when considering elements crucial to design, it is the snow drifts and wind currents that play the largest role. If positioned incorrectly, snow drifts may block entrances or make opening doors impossible come winter. Often entrances positioned on the longer facade and orienting the building towards the snow drifts will play the largest role in creating accessible spaces, however entrances from underneath are just as ideal.
Vernacularology ?
120 ° W 26
96 ° W
72 ° W
48 ° W
24 ° W
60 ° N 48 ° N
36 ° N 24 ° N
12 ° N 0° 12 ° S
24° S
36° S 48° S
60° S
24° E
48 ° E
72 ° E
96 ° E
120 ° E 27
3 . 1 Why Vernacular? Vernacular has become a term we use loosely as jargon in architecture without truly recognizing its potential for sustainability and making better buildings. There once was a time when people survived and cultivated the land in response to the climatic and geographic conditions afforded to them. Architecture was site specific and it was in many ways successful. Now, however; we live in an era of mass production and consumerism that has given way to architecture concerned more with style, form and in many cases eases of production. Although there are good things afforded to us from the consumerist society we occupy today, such as, pre fabrication, global connections and technologywhen these tools are not implemented in conjunction with the sites needs, it leads to unfavourable outcomes and often that is inequity.
We must conceive of the design of a building through the analysis of vernacular, by breaking down the underlying principles and mechanisms they entail. Vernacular must be understood as the “product of building cultures - a complex system of people, relationships, beliefs, aesthetic styles, construction techniques, and habits in which design and buildings are combined.” (Nguyen et al. 2019). If the goal of this thesis is. To define a new contemporary regional architecture, or typology, then the processes of traditional vernacular architecture must first be declared.
Spaces devoid of vernacular considerations are giving way to a climate crisis as well as we focus the building’s processes on mechanical systems, rather than passive. There is no need to consider the site. This is a notion we must seek to challenge within Architecture. We must consider Traditional/Pre-Contact forms of indigenous architecture in the Americas, and how they once operated as we conceive of new designs.
Concepts, Models, Theories, etc. from Ver nacul ar
EnviromentBehaviour Studies (socio-cultural)
Generalizations Pr i n c i p l e s Mechanisms Etc.
Process for learning from the vernacular through analysis, Amos Rappoport. (2006) 28
R e c o n c i l e Tr a d i t i o n a l W i t h T h e M o d e r n 3 . 2 Inuit identity in current day Nunavut is a Hybrid. Citizens of Iqaluit joke on internet boards and forums that they’re “still living traditionally but mixing it with modern”- and if this is the case, then spaces that celebrate their identity should reflect this merging of tradition with modernity, and highlight urbanity resolving in the natural landscape. We can imagine this as the influence of Inuit printmaking that although introduced in the 1950’s and 60’s became a constructed tradition for sharing Inuit identity. Contemporary architecture in Nunavut can become a similar vessel for their identity. While traditional buildings reveal their methods and principles for responding to a site, and it’s social, cultural and climatic characteristics- it may also reveal the vernacular of a time. Architecture needs to be viewed as a constantly evolving entity. Architecture must be adaptive and so the design process through vernacular is not a linear process. The design process through analyzing vernacular must be validated against changing principles.
Ve r n a c u l a r
Concepts, Models, Theories, etc. from EnviromentBehaviour Studies
Climate. Physiographic Studies
Generalizations Pr i n c i p l e s Mechanisms Etc.
Natural Ecologies
Process for learning from the vernacular through analysis, Amos Rappoport. (2006) 29
Vernacular Strategies
Tu p i k & I g l u
“ I f y o u l o o k f o r t h e I n u i t i d e n t i t y, y o u ’ l l f i n d i t i n t h e l a n d . I t ’s t h e c o r n e r s t o n e o f e v e r y t h i n g , o f m y t h o l o g y, o f h i s t o r y. Yo u c a n even say that there is no such thing as an Inuk without his or her l a n d .” B e a t r i c e C o l l i g n o n
In defining Inuit Vernacular it’s important to note that much of the culture revolves around social relationships among the Inuit: the first and most important being the relationship of an Inuk to their land. When we look at the appearance of the tupiq it’s important to note how they would often blend with the mountains. The dwellings were always integrated with the landscape, so much so they may become the landscape. When we look to the Iglu, the connection between the structure and the land becomes an extension as the materials are drawn directly from the site.
The igloo uses strategies of sorting spaces based off thermal needs, placing the bed above the entrance and often above some sort of heat source. Spaces would range in sequences of spaces spent closer together to spaces spent more privately. The use of ice blocks and materials from the site, although made of snow, provided adequate heating and would disperse light through the dense stacked blocks.
Aspirations of Consensous Buildings 3.4
Winter House
Late 1950’s Matchbox House
Transitional Dwelling
Late 1950’s Rigid Frame House
Summer Tent
Mid 1970’s Weber, Three Bedroom
Early Goverment Housing
Diagrams by Lateral Office - Many Norths, Spatial Practice In A Polar Territory
The Shift to Goverment Housing The encroachment of architecture on the arctic has been employed as a tool of economic, cultural and military suppression, in the process halting many of their traditional practices. Today the federal and municipal governments continue to further acts of neglect and resistance. Through architecture we see the changes to the Inuit’s traditional practice, they used to erect structures that aligned with animal migration practices but as Iqaluit densified around Hudson’s bay fur trading posts, The Inuit people grew more stationary- the cities infrastructure however never developed to its fullest extent, & a myriad of problems are still present from this system. Simultaneously the housing provided to the Inuit did not facilitate their lifestyles or their food practices. When the Inuit people originally began to inhabit government housing they found themselves confused by the partitioning of spaces, and the specific bedrooms did not suit their needs.
They often all slept together in the living room and would use spaces such as the bathtub for gutting animals. In no shape way or form did the western housing model facilitate their lives and today those scars remain. the Arctic has become the fastest growing region per capita- yet the 3rd largest city Iqaluit faces endless infrastructure dilemmas leading to societal ills, but decreased access to health care in general. Beyond meek attempts to improve housing, Future zoning and development don’t seem to consider the other challenges present to this city.
A N e w Ty p o l o g y
4 .1 P r o g r a m m i n g The form looked heavily to the layout of the igloo and its spaces. We see community spaces surrounded by dwellings- more public center and less public outer ring. Dance and performance were often carried out in the more public areas, these elements played an active role in their lives as not only a celebratory practice, but as a means of survival in cold winters. Thus the building most hold a cultural center, with a theatre and performing arts space will be included in the program. Along with greenhouses to address the ongoing dilemma of food insecurity that plagues this remote location. The Inuit community has expressed the desire for a theatre to host the rebirth and renewal of their culture and living in the arctic- People who live in Iqaluit are not foreign to the concept of strange mixed program. - their city hall is also a hockey arena And so we have greenhouses, that meet markets, that meet retail and research spacesThe arctic needs a new typology and if mixed program will be well received here, where better to experiment.
& Greenhouse
The Docks
Building Strategies
Thermal Hierachies
The building was arranged in terms of thermal hierarchies, so more dynamic program such as exercise wrap the outer ring to provide heat, clustered units, then public space- the new market or trading post.
Snow Catcher
The roof is designed to catch snow in winter from the snow drifts and higher northern topography to use as insulation and then the roof direct melting snow in summer as potable water.
R a i s e d 1 2 ’ Fr o m t h e G r o u n d
The building raised off the ground as to not melt the perma frost but to also welcome the arrival and departure of snowmobiles and small boats.
Structural Framing 4.3
1 2 x 1 2 M o d u l a r Fr a m i n g S y s t e m
The structure will be composed of pre fabricated timber framing system laid out on a 12 by 12 grid through out the entire building Doing this allows for standardized partitions that fit in-between the columns So we may challenge this topic of how we conceptualize the social complexity of partitioning and segmenting space- We may evoke the Inuit cultural acts of dispersing activities not among rooms but dispersed across the landscape, or in this case under the buildings roof. A non spanning architecture.
4.4 Critical Regionalism The traditional vernacular depended upon using the materials of the site, which in the arctic are limited. Igloos made of snow, tents in the summer of whale bones and seal skin, in the modern day these are impractical especially if we are to imagine this as an up and coming site of development. Operating under a critical regionalist model however, perhaps there are new ways to reimagine materials, or construction. The same way the traditional vernacular emerged from the site, and the tents sat recessed in the landscape emerging like mountains with similar tones and colours of the tundra, the building seeks to do the same. Recessing itself into the nearby topography and incorporating a tundra green roof that collects snow as an insulator come winter as a means of both providing heat but also as a means of respecting preexisting traditional vernacular.
Trading Posts as a Settlement Location Reduced climate & ecological pressures allow for camp clustering, more social interaction, closer to trading posts
Hudson’s Bay Trading Post
Shelter for Boats In Bay
Ice Floe Edge as a Settlement Location Settlement in the early winter where seal is most plentiful, as sea ice expands Inuit people move further onto ice
Temporary Settlement Early Winter Floe Edges
Late Winter Sea Ice Growth
Early Winter Floe Edges
4.7 Mixed Spaces
Market & Retail
4.8 Mixed Spaces
4 . 9 Family Unit Section The units as well are pre fabricated timber and polycarbonate units. The ground floor will follow a regular plan for the entire building but the partitions higher floors may be moved and reconfigured to suit all different needs. While the arctic as a remote location lacks skilled construction labour, this does give the power back to the community of altering and changing their spaces. Paying homage to the dynamism and transformative elements of their traditional vernacular that were once erected by the community.
4 . 1 0 Plan Details
Ground Floor Detail
mixed program continues through the building. The arctic has been devoid of a public realm since globalization, but what if it was possible to create streets and areas of commerce or socialization in-front of the houses that also provide daylight and heating through a series of spaces. So not only do these spaces facilitate their traditional food practices, but they create a localized economy at their doorsteps- and through that community which was at the core of Inuit beliefs.
Plan Details 4 . 1 1
Second Floor Detail
Within the in-between spaces provided by a circular form with a regular plan we can begin to insert greenhouses not for food production but as public space, and a myriad of other essential programs such as daycares, schools, coffee shops.
4 . 1 2 Conceptual Unit The building inevitably must be raised from the perma frost so the building’s material heat does not melt the ice- we challenge the crawl space typology that’s developed in northern Canada and raise the building high enough to create a new useable level. A ground floor for food production- The units If recessed in the mountain will hold an underground cold storage, and on water, ice fishing huts attached to the regular plan.
And as our location is above the tree-line, landscaping must find its way in doors, this is done through not only greenhouses for food production, but greenhouses as a new means of interpreting public space, and yes, food production does occur through out the building, giving power back to this population means allowing for a space for them to be self sufficient and to tackle food insecurity in the arctic. This building is not just for the Inuit people, it hopes to invite the community of Iqaluit in, as a space to be explored54
.... as a space of surprises and as a way of recreating the public realm even in the harshest of climates. One that changes with the seasons, and celebrates this dynamic landscape, while paying homage to the traditional vernacular as the arctic continues to develop. This is not just a space of reclamation this is a space of celebration. 56
Works Cited
Sheppard, L., White, M., & Lateral Office (Firm),. (2017). Many norths: Spatial practice in a polar territory. Brendan Griebel, 2013, “Building from the Ground Up: Reconstructing Visions of Community in Cambridge Bay,” Nunavut. Etudes/Inuit/ Studies 37(1): 9-33. National snow and Ice data center. (2012, September 19). Retrieved April 27, 2021, from arcticseaicenews/2012/09/arctic-sea-ice-extent-settles-at-record-seasonal-minimum/ Process for learning from the vernacular through analysis, Amos Rappoport. (2006) Frampton, K. (1983). Towards a Critical Regionalism. Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance. Critical Regionalism.