Into The Corners With Scott & Becka - Volume Two

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March 2022

Volume Two | Stewarding Your Heart In Relationships


Powered By: Corners Of The Heart

Written By: Scott & Becka Brady

eBooks: Corners Of The Heart - Into The Corners With Scott And Becka Stewarding Your Heart In Relationships Copyright 2022 By: Scott & Becka Brady Cover Design, Book Layout & Creation By: Becka Brady Images of Scott & Becka Brady - By: Fioria - Me Ra Koh All Rights Reserved Published in the United States of America All and any other material written and produced by Corners Of The Heart, LLC is under protection. No part of this material, booklet and or materials may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For More Information contact: Corners Of The Heart, LLC. Becka Brady Founder & Director McKinney, Texas 214-326-6706 ___________________________________

Brady, Becka Published By: Relate Leverage Connect Media, LLC eBooks: Corners Of The Heart - Into The Corners With Scott And Becka Stewarding Your Heart In Relationships Second Edition | 2022 | eBooks

eBooks: Corners Of The Heart - Into The Corners With Scott And Becka -Stewarding Your Heart In Relationships


We are happy you joined us LIVE, shared your email, and have a desire to connect deeper with those you love. Everything of value has to be stewarded. This month on our LIVE "Into The Corners With Scott & Becka", we are reminding you how valuable your story is and how to "Steward Your Heart In Relationships." When was the last time you thought about who your are (your identity) and what you do (your purpose)? See inside for two informative worksheets to get you started! Into The Corners is a place where we share from the Corners of our life with you. This month, let's talk about stewarding our hearts!

Scott & Becka






STEWARDING YOUR HEART Stewardship seeks to navigate the path between risk and safety.


THE WELLSPRING OF YOUR LIFE God tells us in his word to guard our heart for it is the wellspring of our life.


PLANNING YOUR THOUGHTS Embrace the words that make you...YOU!


CONNECT WITH SCOTT & BECKA Other Ways We Want To Serve You. Into The Corners LIVE on Facebook, Speakers at Your Event, and more.


OUR PARTNERS & SPONSORS We would love to tell you more about our Partnerships and Sponsors. Check out the opportunities!


PARTNER WITH US Would you like to learn how you or your business could sponsor "Into the Corners?" Contact with us here and we'll share our various opportunities in Corners Of The Heart publications, including Digital Ebooks and our Quarterly emagazine. We are excited to bring in Partners and Sponsors to include in each of these beautiful publications. This could be a perfect fit for your business or organization.

Our eBooks & Digital Publications Mentoring Hope - A Complete Guide To Mentoring Hope Programs- eBook Into The Corners with Scott and Becka eBook Hope Embraced - Corners Of The Heart - Quarterly Digital Magazine Mentoring Hope - A Complete Guide To Hope Embraced Women's Retreats eBook

"If you never start, you'll never know where you could have ended up." - BECKA BRADY



What do you see when you look at the picture below? A. A person protecting their heart? B. A person offering their heart? C. Both A and B? When we think of "stewardship" we tend to think of money and possessions. In truth, we steward everything entrusted to us. We steward our opportunities, we steward our relationships, and we steward our hearts. Stewardship always seeks to navigate the path between risk and safety. If we don't risk, we don't gain. But, if we risk too recklessly, we could lose it all.

How does this apply to stewarding our hearts? In each relationship (or potential relationship) we are trying to answer the question, "How much of my heart do I expose to this person?" If I hold back too much our relationship won't progress and could die. But if I'm too reckless with my heart, I could end up entrusting it to someone who won't value and care for it. Stewardship is about entrusting. See how Jesus practiced stewardship with his heart: "But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people...he knew what was in each person." (John 2:24,25)

"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." Jesus, in Matthew 7:6



Assess and Activate Article By: Scott Brady


Jesus loved every person in his life but he didn't necessarily entrust himself to them. Where do you/we tend to fall on the risk vs protect scale in relationships?


Who in my/our life could I/we take a step towards exposing deeper parts of my/our heart to? My/our plan for doing this:


Is there someone in my/our life that I/we need to take steps to protect my/our hearts from? My/our plan for doing this:



Article By: Becka Brady Wellspring is described as being a place of continual and abundant supply. God tells us in his word to guard our hearts for it is the wellspring of our life. As stewards of our hearts, we carry a responsibility to care for them. Years ago I learned a valuable lesson from a mentor. While visiting together he suddenly tossed a throw pillow at me. I was taken off guard and asked him why he did that. He told me that was how I was handling my heart. I needed to learn to guard it for it was the wellspring of my life. From that day forward I had a new appreciation for what went into my heart and who would be entrusted with the outpouring of it. It took time, but I came to see that my heart was the home where my story lived and it was like a precious pearl worthy of guarding. When I began to respect my heart for being the wellspring of my life, the way I shared and allowed others into these places changed. I began to steward my heart inside relationships and in doing so I learned the value of my story my wellspring. The outpouring of my life turned from ashes to beauty because I learned to steward the wellspring responsibly.


"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Prov 4:23

"Inside each of us lies a story that speaks loudly the beauty and essence of our lives journey. It is up to us to speak it out loud and proclaim the message it holds. Your story will effect lives in a powerful way. In sharing...your ashes are turned to beauty and your adversities become like pearls."

Becka Brady

Connect With Scott & Becka Other Ways We Want To Serve You: Into The Corners LIVE on Facebook On the SECOND and FOURTH Wednesday each month at 7pm, Scott and Becka will be going Live on Facebook to bring you a fun, informative, connecting and inspirational series titled, Into The Corners With Scott and Becka. We hope you will join in!

Scott & Becka - Featured Speakers at Your Event Scott and Becka would love to speak for your next Event, Marriage Retreat, Small Group, Conference, Networking Event, Banquet, and more. Scott and Becka have a passion to see lives changed, freedom found, and grace extended.

Check Out Our Page On "Corners Of The Heart" Stay Connected by checking out our Into The Corners page on Here you will find additional information, helpful articles, and ways Scott and Becka can serve you.

Our "Into The Corners" eBook is available on ISSUU!

Scott & Becka Brady



Mentoring Hope

Mentoring Hope Programs Becka Brady - 214-326-6706 -

OUR PARTNERS & SPONSORS Breastfeeding Support 4 You

Breastfeeding truly is a journey. YOUR journey. With time and patience, breastfeeding can and will become a beautiful dance between you and your baby! I would truly count it a privilege to help you discover that beautiful dance together! Marianne Graham, RN, IBCLC 661-644-5965

Cindy Coggins Realty Group

We specialize in finding the perfect luxury residential homes for our clients in Allen Texas. Trust our team of realtors and agents to find the very best home for you and your family, one that meets all of your needs and dreams. Our Allen real estate agency job is to make your dream come true. Cindy Coggins, Realtor (469) 499-7452

International Literacy & Development

ILAD exists to provide the skills, training, concepts, and access to materials needed to effect ongoing change with and within vulnerable communities. (682) 712-0128



Many people grew up in homes not feeling valued or cherished. Even inside of marriage a person can go years living with a lack of respect, honor, love and being cherished. You may see yourself looking for places where you can escape the constant feeling of not being good enough but still coming up with a sense of unworthiness. We can go a lifetime feeling like we are unworthy because of negative messages sent our way from a parent, teacher, spouse or friends. We may not realize that we are of great value to God. He truly is the only source that matters when it comes to our value. And in His eyes...YOU are highly valued.

There are two powerful, loving messages God has for you, “You are my child,” and “You are chosen.” This message becomes personal when you remember that God was thinking about YOU before He even created the world. I encourage you to FULLY ACCEPT this truth. In your moments of solitude allow this truth to be planted deep into your heart and mind. It may be a journey that takes time and determination, but as you sit in acceptance of this truth and see your value through God’s eyes, the messages of unworthiness and lack will be broken off and you will find yourself accepting and loving YOU. In the same way God does!


Thank You! Scott & Becka Brady have a passion for sharing with others the path they've journeyed, the many lessons they've learned along the way, and the healing they have found through the trenches of adversity and hurt. Scott was a pastor for over 30 years in Iowa and Becka served in ministry in Amarillo for 20+ years. In June 2021 they eloped and began their life together. All together, Scott and Becka have 9 grown children (plus their spouses) and eleven grandchildren. They live in McKinney, Texas where Scott serves as the Director of Development for International Literacy and Development (ILAD) and Becka is the Founder & Director of Corners Of The Heart, LLC.



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