Hopwood Hall PTLLS: Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Assignment 2: Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning (Learning outcomes and assessment criteria: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) In this assignment you will explain what you understand by inclusive learning and how adopting inclusive learning approaches supports learners to achieve their learning goals. Introduction Briefly outline the purpose of the assignment. Part 1 Current teaching and learning strategies (1.1, 1.2) Summarise (level 3)/ analyse (level 4) the teaching and learning methods and activities currently used in your teaching / training context. How successful do you think these approaches are at meeting the needs of your learners? Part 2 Inclusive learning (1.3, 2.1) What is meant by the term ‘inclusive learning’? Describe (level 3)/ analyse (level 4) aspects of inclusive learning e.g. active learning, differentiation, co-operative learning, the use of e-learning and technology etc. that are relevant to your specific teaching / training context. Learning styles and additional learning needs (2.2) Discuss some of the ‘barriers to learning’ that learners may face. Discuss how an understanding of different learning styles and an awareness of additional learning needs can help to promote inclusive learning. Explain (level 3)/ analyse (level 4) how you would select teaching and learning techniques and resources to meet the needs of your learners. Functional skills (2.4) Explain (level 3)/ review (level 4) ways in which you could provide opportunities for learners to practise functional skills (literacy, language, numeracy and ICT). Part 3 Motivation (3.1) Motivation is a crucial aspect of the learning experience. Describe ways in which a teacher can engage and motivate learners. Feedback (3.3) Finally explain (level 3)/ review (level 4) different ways of giving constructive feedback that motivates learners. Conclusion Briefly sum up the main point of this assignment.
Revised February 2012
Assignment guidelines: Please include practical examples from your own experience as a trainer or learner, as well as references to relevant learning theory. Refer to your reading using direct quotes to support your points. Reference your work using the Harvard referencing system (Level 4) and include a bibliography. Use subheadings as in the assignment brief and indicate where you are covering the learning outcomes i.e. 1.3 Suggested word count 1500-2000 (level 3) or 2000-2500 words (level 4). Assignment assessment cover sheet: Name: Assignment 2: Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning Assessment Criteria
1.1 Summarise / analyse learning and teaching strategies used in own to teach own specialism. 1.2 Explain / evaluate how approaches to learning and teaching in own specialism meets the needs of learners. 1.3 Describe / analyse aspects of inclusive learning. 2.1 Explain / analyse how to select inclusive learning and teaching techniques. 2.2 Explain /analyse how to select resources that meet the needs of learners. 2.4 Explain / review ways to provide opportunities for learners to practice their functional skills. 3.1 Explain ways to engage and motivate learners in an inclusive learning environment. 3.3 Explain / review ways to give constructive feedback that motivates learners Generic Criteria Accurate use of grammar, spelling and punctuation Clear expression of ideas and arguments
Revised February 2012
Achieved? Comments
Use of reading and research through inclusion of appropriate referencing Accurate use of numerical calculations and interpretation of data Use of ICT Commitment to working within a professional values base
This assignment meets the criteria for Level 3 / Level 4 (please delete as appropriate).
Revised February 2012