FPC Bulletin January 6, 2012

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Sunday Mornings at First

First Presbyterian Church

January 6, 2013

January 6, 2013

For help finding a class for yourself or your child, please stop by The Welcome Desk.



Hebrews Living By Faith, Basic Bible Class Philippians Paul’s Letter of Joy Book of Revelation Covenant Class

11:00 Faith Lessons Love and Respect

2nd Floor Conf. Room Northminster House The Center

Fellow Journeyers (2nd & 4th Sundays) The Center Couple’s Life Class Northminster House

Beginning January 13th at FPC


Middle School meets downstairs in the Catacombs High School meets upstairs in the Youth Director’s Office

11:00 No Classes for Youth, for more information contact Nigel Anderson

CHILDREN’S CLASSES Check-in is located in the open area beyond the Coffee and Pastry Station in The Common. 8:30

Nursery is available for infants and small children. Older children are encouraged to worship with their family.


Nursery for Infants and 1-year-olds is available. Preschoolers (2- to 4-year-olds) go directly to their classrooms after check-in.

Children K through 5th grade will go directly to the Old Fellowship Hall for “Praise Kids” at 9:30 after check-in. From there, students will proceed to their regular 9:30 classes, which are using the Faithweaver curriculum.

Don’t miss our Wednesday night children’s programming beginning January 30, for kindergarten through fifth grade!

Welcome We are delighted you chose to worship with us today and our hope is you will experience God’s presence during your time at FPC. Please fill out the Connection Card in the bulletin and let us know if this is your first or second time with us. And, if you have any questions about the church, please visit our Welcome Desk located in The Common area so we can assist you!

11:00 Nursery for Infants and 1-year-olds is available. Children preschool through 5th grade will go directly to their Sunday School classes at 11:00 after check-in to experience the interactive Buzz curriculum.

NEWTHRU30 Starts January 13th: It’s a new year and a perfect time

CONTACTS Hunter Johnston, Director of Children’s Ministries - hunter@fpcnorfolk.org Nigel Anderson, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries - nigel@fpcnorfolk.org Kristine Rand, Director of Prayer & Spiritual Growth - kristine@fpcnorfolk.org

Wednesdays, 5:45 - 7:15pm

Kids will take Inside Out Choir and choose between Rock-Out and Dance

Contact Hunter Johnston for more information at hunter@fpcnorfolk.org

join us, TONIGHT in first hall for our 2013 kick-off event!

to read through the New Testament. Take the NEWTHRU30 challenge! Devotionals for both kids and adults are now available and may be picked up at the Welcome Desk. Adult version is $5, and the kids version is offered free of charge.

New! Wednesday Night Live and Inside-Out Begins Jan.30: Make

plans now to join us on Wednesday evenings beginning January 30th for our new winter session of programs for children and adults. Children K-5th Grade: 5:15-5:45 pm | Dinner | 5:45-7:15 pm Class | Inside-Out Adults: 5:15 to 6:00 pm Dinner | 6:00-7:00 pm Class | New Testament 101 Contact hunter@fpcnorfolk.org

Martin Luther King Jr Service: You are invited to join us for a

Presbytery wide worship service commemorating the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Sunday Jan. 20th, 4:00 pm in First Hall.

upcoming events january 6th, TONIGHT @ 5pm special live music event middle and high together in first hall contact nigel anderson director of youth and young adult ministries nigel@fpcnorfolk.org (757) 625-1697 ext. 335

january 11th - 12th high school laser quest january 25th-26th middle and highacquire the fire, richmond va

2013 Offering Envelopes: Help us save postage and pick up your giving envelopes in the breezeway between services today. Thanks!

Go 2 Blocks: Important reminder to (1) Attend Worship, (2) Attend Sunday School, (3) Park 2 Blocks Away.

Get Connected

Traditional Service and11:00 11:00am Traditional Services 8:308:30 am and Call to Worship

242 Youth Community 2013 Kick-off Event Tonight at 5pm in First Hall Contact Nigel Anderson at nigel@fpcnorfolk.org for more information.

Hand in Hand Women’s Bible Study and Lunch

January 8th, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm kristine@fpcnorfolk.org

Shoulder2 Shoulder Men’s Breakfast

Join us for fellowship and study with Jim Wood. Breakfast is $5.00. January 8th, 7:00-8:00 am, First Hall

Seniors First Birthday Luncheon

“Health Issues that Impact the Community,” presented by Dr. Chinnery. Wednesday, January 9th 12:00 noon, First Hall

Meet Him At the Well

Monthly gatherings for women in a relaxed, cafe style setting. Thursday, January 10th 7:00-8:30 pm, Northmister House

Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study

Resumes Wednesday, January 16th Childcare provided 9:30 to 11:30 am, Rooms 205-206

Thursday Evening Women’s Bible Study

Resumes Thursday, January 17th Childcare provided 7:00-9:00 pm, Rooms 205-206

Go 2 Blocks!

1 Block Sunday School 1 Block Worship Park 2 blocks away to make room for guests.

Congregational Meeting

Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: All: Leader: All:

Isaiah 60:1-3


We Three Kings


*Benediction and Congregational Response The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. William D. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Trout by Betty Marshall and family. #56

*Stand If Able

Contemporary Service 9:30 am Songs of Praise and Prayer

Hungry Create In Me You Are Holy O God

Kyrie Hymnal #565 Translation: Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Assurance of Pardon

Romans 12:1-2

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*Congregational Response to God’s Grace Greetings

Prayer of Thanksgiving

*An Invitation to Christian Discipleship

often return too quickly to our ordinary lives forgetting the ongoing importance of the birth of our Lord. We confess that we ignore the Christ you sent to be among us and in us. Forgive us, we pray, and lead us to a clearer vision of your abiding presence with us.

Confessional Response

Sharing the Elements (Partake of the elements when you are served.) *Hymn

Prayer of Confession Lord God, Giver of the Christmas Gift, we confess that we

Save The Date

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17) Pray that the children of the Joy Home will realize this promise as a their own personal truth. Let them live, breathe and know that they are beautiful and precious new creations.

The First Nowell

Silent Confession

Joy Home Prayers

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Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, But the LORD rises upon you, and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your dawn. (Isaiah 60:1-3)

Pastor’s Terms of Call for 2013 Sunday, January 20th at 10:45 am, First Hall Contact becky@fpcnorfolk.org with questions. FPC’s 2nd Annual Couples’ Valentine’s Dinner Dance, February 15th. Afraid you have two left feet? No worries! We will be offering dancing lessons in January. Contact Jane Smack at jsmack@ norfolkacademy.org, or 374-8592 for more information or to offer your assistance.

debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and power, and glory, forever. Amen.

Gloria Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Gloria in Excelsis Deo

Old Testament Reading

Isaiah 60:1-9

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New Testament Reading

Matthew 2:1-12

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The Christmas Story - Follow the Star

Isaiah 60:1-9

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New Testament Reading

Matthew 2:1-12

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The Preached Word

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion today. All who are baptized and profess Jesus as Savior are invited to share this meal, regardless of denomination or social status. The choice to commune at this particular table is yours; however, please do not feel obligated.


Jim Wood

Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light arr. J.S. Bach

The Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ The table of our Lord is at the center of life as a Christian community and stands as an invitation to the fullness of life that God intends for each of us. At the table we celebrate the promises of our baptism, that Christ can be alive in us and we in Him. Our Lord invites all of God’s baptized to His table regardless of age, denominational connection or social status. The choice to commune at this particular table is yours; however, please do not feel obligated.

Invitation to The Lord’s Table Words of Institution Prayer of Consecration The Lord’s Prayer (sung in unison)

Jim Wood

Benediction and Song of Response I Let Go

Presentation of Our Gifts Offertory Anthem

The Christmas Story - Follow the Star

Offering Our Gifts & Prayers

Children through grade 5 are invited to come forward to receive a Children’s Worship Packet specially designed to involve them in worship.

The Preached Word

Old Testament Reading

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our

Free Bibles are available in The Loft for anyone who would like one.

First Time Guests

Stop by The Common for a free copy of Donald Miller’s Searching for God Knows What.

Cross in The Common

A handmade cross will be added to the cross in The Common each time the Lord blesses us with a first-time guest. We celebrate that 165 first-time guests have been with us in worship since 9.09.2012. Who can you invite to FPC?

“...and day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47

Pastors at First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk Jim Wood, Senior Pastor - jim@fpcnorfolk.org Valena Hoy, Executive Associate Pastor - valena@fpcnorfolk.org Jim Gates, Associate Pastor of Evangelism - jimgates@fpcnorfolk.org

Contact Us

820 Colonial Avenue Norfolk, VA 23507 (757) 625.1697 www.fpcnorfolk.org

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