FPC Bulletin December 23, 2012

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Sunday Mornings at First December 23, 2012 For help finding a class for yourself or your child, please stop by The Welcome Desk.


2 Thessalonians Philippians Covenant Class

Opening Your Mind to Truth Paul’s Letter of Joy Job

11:00 Fellow Journeyers Faith Lessons (2nd & 4th Sundays) Love and Respect Couples’ Life Class

2nd Floor Conf. Room Northminster House The Center The Center Northminster House

First Presbyterian Church December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve Worship Services First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk


4:00 pm Family and Children’s Service, First Hall 5:30 pm Traditional Service, Sanctuary 7:00 pm Traditional Service, Sanctuary 11:00 pm Meditative Service, Sanctuary

A Special Invitation From The Journeyers Join Us This Morning On A Trip to Israel Journey with us to Herod’s palace full of opulence at the height of his power and then to the dark, sooty cave where our Savior, Jesus, was born. We will travel to Israel with teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan via a video lesson filmed live in the Holy Land weaving archaeological evidence with Biblical teachings and the historical record to contrast two kings: Herod and Jesus. This “trip” will speak truth and touch your heart this Christmas season and beyond. Come to The Center (2nd floor) at 10:50. Mark Hugel, leader.

Welcome Beginning January 13th at FPC


Middle School meets downstairs in the Catacombs High School meets upstairs in the Youth Director’s Office

11:00 No Classes for Youth, for more information contact Nigel Anderson

CHILDREN’S CLASSES Check-in is located in the open area beyond the Coffee and Pastry Station in The Common. 8:30

Nursery is available for infants and small children. Older children are encouraged to worship with their family.


Nursery for Infants and 1-year-olds is available. Preschoolers (2- to 4-year-olds) go directly to their classrooms after check-in.

Children K through 5th grade, December 23 and 30 will go directly to their regular 9:30 classes, which are using the Faithweaver curriculum.

11:00 Nursery for Infants and 1-year-olds is available. Children preschool through 5th grade will go directly to their Sunday School classes at 11:00 after check-in to experience the interactive Buzz curriculum.

We are delighted you chose to worship with us today and our hope is you will experience God’s presence during your time at FPC. Please fill out the Connection Card in the bulletin and let us know if this is your first or second time with us. And, if you have any questions about the church, please visit our Welcome Desk located in The Common area so we can assist you!

Boxes of Love: We still have plenty of boxes available on each of our trees.

Your purchase will provide a mattress, blanket, backpack, shoes, socks, jacket and a month’s supply of food for a child in Kenya and their family. Buy one today at any of our Christmas trees or contact sheryl@fpcnorfolk.org for more information. Christmas Eve Services: Join us tomorrow for one of our Christmas Eve services as we herald in the new born King! 4:00 pm, Children and Family Service in First Hall 5:30 and 7:00 pm, Traditional Services in the Sanctuary 11:00 pm, Meditative Service in the Sanctuary

Christmas Eve Photo Opportunity: You will have the opportunity to

have your picture taken in front of the FPC Christmas tree before and after all services tomorrow, December 24th. If you would like to participate, come early and ready to say, ‘Merry Christmas!’

Newthru30: Coming in January! A reading plan designed to walk you

thru the New Testament in 30 days. Devotionals for both kids and adults available soon. Adult version will be offered for $5, kids will be provided for free.


Go 2 Blocks: Important reminder to (1) Attend Worship, (2) Attend

Hunter Johnston, Director of Children’s Ministries - hunter@fpcnorfolk.org Nigel Anderson, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries - nigel@fpcnorfolk.org Kristine Rand, Director of Prayer & Spiritual Growth - kristine@fpcnorfolk.org

2013 Offering Envelopes: Help us save postage and pick up your giving

Sunday School, (3) Park 2 Blocks Away.

envelopes in the breezeway between services today. Thanks!

Get Connected

Traditional Service and11:00 11:00am Traditional Services 8:308:30 am and Call to Worship

Isaiah 35:1-2

Concerns and Prayers of Our Church Family

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8:30 am Lighting of the Advent Candle: The Blythe Family 11:00 am Lighting of the Advent Candle: The Ohlrogge Family Leader: The desert and the parched land will be glad; All: The wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Leader: Like the crocus it will burst into bloom; All: It will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. (Isaiah 35:1-2a)

FPC Youth Community Will not be meeting Sunday, December 23rd or 30th. Contact Nigel Anderson at nigel@fpcnorfolk.org for more information.

Join the Journeyers

Travel to Israel with teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan via a video lesson contrasting two kings: Herod and Jesus. This morning, 10:50am 2nd Floor of the Center

Circle of Grace Fellowship

Urban Encounter Worship Service 1st and 3rd Saturdays Next Service, January 5th, 6:00 pm, FPC, First Hall



Folks interested in participating in this new, exciting ministry by purchasing meal cards to hand out to those living on the street or the hungry should contact Sheryl at sheryl@fpcnorfolk.org


(Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team) Pray that our guests will feel the love of Christ while in our midst. And, pray for the volunteers serving and extending His compassion.

Joy Home Orphanage Prayers Pray that God’s spirit will come upon these precious children to quiet their minds and block their bad memories so that they can receive instruction at school and complete their assignments at home.

Reading plan devotionals designed to walk both young and old through the New Testament in 30-days available soon. Contact Valena at valena@fpcnorfolk.org



Prayer of Confession God of all mercy and grace, we confess that fear often

chokes off confidence in your love and provisions and prevents us from receiving your Spirit. We multiply our sorrows by worshipping what we see and hear more than you, our delight and salvation. O God, in your great mercy, grant us the peace that passes understanding. Forgive us, and draw us close to you, that we may breathe deeply of your presence and find in you the fullness of joy.

The Rose in the Sanctuary is given in celebration of the gift of Sarah Kathryne Ripley to parents Matthew and Kathryne. *Stand If Able

Contemporary Service 9:30 am Joy To The World What Joy Is Found

Confessional Response

Kyrie Hymnal #565 Translation: Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Assurance of Pardon

Isaiah 35:3-4


*Benediction and Congregational Response

Songs of Praise and Prayer

Silent Confession

Page 713

*Congregational Response to God’s Grace

Gloria Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Gloria in Excelsis Deo


All the Poor and Powerless

Old Testament Reading

Isaiah 35:1-10

Page 718

New Testament Reading

Luke 2:17-20

Page 1027

The Preached Word

The Christmas Story - Spread the Word

Jim Wood

Offering Our Gifts & Prayers

Children through grade 5 are invited to come forward to receive a Children’s Worship Packet specially designed to involve them in worship.

Benediction and Song of Response Song of Christmas

John Rutter

Lighting of the Advent Candle: The Dixon Family

Isaiah 35:1-10

Page 718

The Rose is given in celebration of the gift of Sarah Kathryne Ripley to parents Matthew and Kathryne Ripley.

New Testament Reading

Luke 2:17-20

Page 1027

The Preached Word

The Christmas Story - Spread the Word

Jim Wood

What Is This Lovely Fragrance

T. Willian


Candlelight Carol

Old Testament Reading

*Doxology and Prayer of Dedication

Pick up your box today.

Angels We Have Heard on High

*An Invitation to Christian Discipleship

Silent Night


What a wonderful way to start the New Year by meeting the needs of one or two of our Joy Home kids. Your gift provides a child with a mattress, blanket, jacket, socks, shoes, backpack and a month’s supply of food. Basic necessities that mean so much, at such a small cost.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and power, and glory, forever. Amen.


Presentation of Our Gifts

Boxes of Love

The Lord’s Prayer (in unison)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Affirmation of Faith

The Apostles‘ Creed Hymnal, Page 14 I believe in God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our L ord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day H e rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.

Information Free Bibles are available in The Loft for anyone who would like one.

First Time Guests

Stop by The Common for a free copy of Donald Miller’s Searching for God Knows What.

Cross in The Common

A handmade cross will be added to the cross in The Common each time the Lord blesses us with a first-time guest. We celebrate that 149 first-time guests have been with us in worship since 9.09.2012. Who can you invite to FPC?

“...and day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47

Pastors at First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk Jim Wood, Senior Pastor - jim@fpcnorfolk.org Valena Hoy, Executive Associate Pastor - valena@fpcnorfolk.org Jim Gates, Associate Pastor of Evangelism - jimgates@fpcnorfolk.org

Contact Us

820 Colonial Avenue Norfolk, VA 23507 (757) 625.1697 www.fpcnorfolk.org

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