Bulletin Dec. 11, 2011

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Pra•x•is:The Experiment This year we are challenged to participate in an experiment called Pra•x•is, a Greek word meaning “practices.” Our hypothesis is simple; if we commit to five spiritual practices over the next year, our relationships with Jesus Christ and with one another will be radically transformed. The five practices are found in the word Pra•x•is: Pray for the entire world, Read through the entire Word, Add to the community, Invest in the Kingdom, and Send yourself to the nations. The X represents Christ (the Greek letter Chi, or X, is the first letter of Christ and an ancient symbol for Jesus) and reminds us that what we do only finds meaning if Jesus is at the center. If you are seeking purpose or meaning, if you want to know and grow closer to God, or if you want a deeper spiritual life, we invite you to join us this year and take the experiment!

Pastors at First Presbyterian Church: Jim Wood, Senior Pastor - jim@fpcnorfolk.org Valena Hoy, Executive Associate Pastor- valena@fpcnorfolk.org Jim Gates, Associate Pastor of Evangelism- jimgates@fpcnorfolk.org



DECEMBER 11, 2011

SEEKING CHRIST: Today we celebrate Music Sunday Traditional Worship: This morning our Chancel Choir along with a wind and string ensemble will lead us through a beautiful collection carols which tell the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth. Contemporary Worship: We will enjoy a Christmas Music Celebration this morning lead by our Contemporary Worship Team and Micah Harris and the Grace in Motion Dance Troupe. Children’s Christmas Pageant and Family Dinner - Sunday December 18, at 5:00pm in First Hall. Nothing will transport you into the true spirit of Christmas like our children's pageant. Add to that a turkey dinner and Happy Birthday Jesus cake to top off the evening. Come young and "young at heart" and worship with your FPC Family. Please make you dinner reservations on Connection Card or at www.fpcnorfolk.org. *Today is the last day that children ages 3yr. - 5th grade may register to participate. There are 2 mandatory rehearsals--Wednesday 12/14 from 4:30 - 7:15 and Saturday, 12/17 from 9:30 - noon. Contact Lucy Gates at Lucy@fpcnorfolk.org

SHARING HIS LOVE: Go 2 Blocks! -1 Block Sunday school + 1 Block Worship; please park 2 blocks away to make room for visitors Finish Strong! - After receiving your 2011 contribution statement, ask yourself if you have fulfilled your pledge. Then consider giving an extra "Finishing Strong Gift." Because all contribution are subject to IRS regulations and deadlines, please remember that all year-end gifts must be received or postmarked by December 31 to be included in the giving statement FPC provides for your tax purposes. Send Yourself to the Nations - Make a 2% Commitment: Commit 2% (7 days or 168 hours) of Your Year to Missions. If you decide to commit to the 2% challenge, please go have your pictures taken in the “Send Yourself” box in the Common, that way we can celebrate with you! Boxes of Love - Each ornament ($60) has a picture of an African child who is part of the Holy Family Center in Kenya. Supported by FPC, the Center serves many precious children who are HIV+. Your gift provides things like: mattresses, blankets, back packs, shoes, socks, jackets and food, enough for a MONTH! Sign up in the Common. Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team (N.E.S.T)- Dec 21- 28 A Christmas Week Service Opportunity. Sign up to assist in providing dinner and shelter in our church building for the homeless of our community. Visit the Welcome Center for more information. Visitor’s Cross - A handmade cross will be added to the new Pra•x•is cross in The Common each time the Lord blesses us with a first-time visitor. We celebrate that 175 first-time visitors have been with us in worship since 9.11.2011. Please remember to invite your friends to church.


DECEMBER 11, 2011 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Third Sunday of Advent

(Please silence your cell phone.)

Prelude Sleepers Wake! Welcome and Call to Worship: Isaiah 40: 3

Flor Peeters

*Hymn - #9 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Prayer of Confession Gracious God, too often we complain about the talents we don’t have instead of using the talents we do have. Release us from the voices that counsel us that we don’t have enough: not enough time, not enough money, not enough talents, not enough friends, not enough self-confidence. Forgive us when we don’t value every precious gift we have been given. Reclaim us as Your people that we might truly live as children of light and as servants of love. In Christ’s mercy we pray. Silent Confession Confessional Response - Kyrie Kyrie eleison; Christe eleison; Kyrie eleison. Translation: Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy. Assurance of Pardon: Luke 1: 68 *Congregational Response to God’s Grace: Gloria Hymn 579 Gloria in Excelsis Deo: Gloria in Excelsis Deo Greeting and Connecting Children through grade 5 are invited to come forward to receive Worship Packets & a RADICOL Kid’s bulletin, designed especially to involve them in worship. Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 1: 4-10, Page 698, O.T., NRSV New Testament Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 7-10, Page 180, N.T., NRSV Message Send Gift-Wrapped

Jim Wood

Music Sunday The Lamb John Tavener Little Lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee? Gave thee life, and bid thee feed by the streams and o'er the mead; gave thee clothing of delight, softest clothing wooly bright; gave thee such a tender voice, making all the vales rejoice? Little Lamb, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee? LIttle Lamb I'll tell thee, He is called by thy name, for He calls Himself a Lamb. He is meek and He is mild, He became a little child. I, a child, and thou a lamb, we are called by his name. Little Lamb, God bless thee.

A Maiden Most Gentle Andrew Carter 1. A maiden most gentle and tender we sing: Of Mary the mother of Jesus our King. Ave, Maria. 2. How bless'd is the birth of her heavenly child, who came to redeem us in Mary so mild. Ave, Maria. 3. The archangel Gabriel foretold by his call the Lord of creation, and Saviour of all. Ave, Maria. 4. Three kings came to worship with gifts rich and rare, and marvelled in awe at the babe in her care. Ave, Maria. 5. Rejoice and be glad at this Christmas we pray; Sing praise to the Saviour, sing endless 'Ave'. Ave, Maria. Nativity Carol John Rutter 1. Born in a stable so bare, born so long ago; Born 'neath light of star He who loved us so. Far away silent he lay, born today, your homage pay, for Christ is born for aye, born on Christmas Day. 2. Cradled by mother so fair, tender her lullaby; Over her son so dear angel hosts fill the sky. Far away... 3. Wise men from distant far land, shepherds from starry hills worship this babe so rare, hearts with his warmth he fills. Far away...4. Love in that stable was born into our hearts to flow; Innocent dreaming babe make me thy love to know. Far away... Dormi Jesu John Rutter Translation: Sleep Jesus! Your mother, seeing such a sweet sleep, laughs. Sleep, dear Jesus. If you do not sleep, your mother shall cry and pray while singing in the midst of her sowing. Sleep, sweet baby! My cares beguiling: Mother sits beside thee smiling; Sleep, my darling, tenderly. Cradle Hymn Gilbert Martin Hush! My dear, lie still and slumber, holy angels guard they bed, heav'nly blessings without number gently falling on thy head. Soft and easy is thy cradle; coarse and hard thy Saviour lay, when his birthplace was a stable, and his softest bed was hay. See the lovely babe addressing; lovely infant, how he smiled! When he wept, his mother's blessing soothed and hushed the holy child. Mayest thou live to know and fear him, trust and love him all thy days; then go dwell forever near him, see his face and sing his praise. Hush! My dear. The Shepherd's Farewell L'enfance du Christ, Op. 25 by Hector Berlioz 1. Thou must leave thy lowly dwelling, the humble crib, the stable bare, babe, all mortal babes excelling, content our earthly lot to share. Loving father, loving mother shelter thee with tender care! 2. Blessed Jesus, we implore thee, with humble love and holy fear, in the land that lies before thee, forget not us who linger here! May the shepherd's lowly calling ever to thy heart be dear! 3. Blest are ye beyond all measure, thou happy father, mother mild! Guard ye well your heav'nly treasure, the Prince of Peace, the Holy Child! God go with you, God protect you, guide you safely through the wild! "Glory to God" and "In Chorus now" "Christmas Oratorio" by Johann Sebastian Bach Glory to God in the highest and peace be to all men. In Chorus now to Thee we raise with mighty voice our songs of praise that Thou our long awaited guest has come at last, beloved and blest. Instrumentalists: Vahn Armstrong and Amanda Armstrong, Violin; Matt Umlauf, Viola; Carter Melin, Cello; Bonnie Ball, Flute; Jean Thiel, Oragn.

Presentation of our Gifts Offertory Anthem O God the King of Glory Henry Purcell *Doxology and Prayer of Dedication Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Concerns and Prayers of Our Church Family The Lord’s Prayer [in unison] *Hymn - #22 Angels, from the Realms of Glory *An Invitation to Christian Discipleship *Benediction and Congregational Response Celtic Alleluia: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia


DECEMBER 11, 2011 9:30 a.m. in First Hall

Third Sunday of Advent

(Please silence your cell phone.)


Dance of Hope Song of Hope: Greeting & Prayers

Song of Christmas

Children in grades K-2 are dismissed for Worship First. Children through grade 5 are invited to come forward to receive Worship Packets & a RADICOL Kid’s bulletin, designed to involve them in worship.

Songs of Love:

Gift of Love Away in A Manger

Dance of Love

You are Worthy

Song of Praise:


Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 1: 4-10, Page 698, O.T., NRSV

New Testament Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 7-10, Page 180, N.T., NRSV V

Jim Wood

Message Send Gift-Wrapped

ENGAGING THE WORD AND THE WORLD Offering and Song of Reflection: Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer

Cry Holy

Dance of Praise Benediction and Song of Response: A Song of Christmas


DECEMBER 11, 2011

For help finding a class for yourself or your child, please stop by the Welcome Center.

Children and Youth Sunday School Bethlehem Babies Nursery Birth -23 months ~ 8:20 - 12:10 p.m. Check your child in at the Nursery Area. Little Lambs Sunday School 2-4 years old ~ 9:30 & 11 a.m. Check your child in at computers outside the children’s wing. R.A.D.I.C.O.L Sunday School (Raising Awesome Disciples in Christ Our Lord) K-5th grade 9:30 & 11 a.m. Check in at computers outside the children’s wing Jr. High Sunday School Grades 6-8 ~ 9:30 & 11 a.m. in the Catacombs Sr. High Sunday School Grades 9-12 ~ 9:30 in Youth Director’s Office on Staff Square; 11 a.m. in the Catacombs

Adult Sunday School 9:30 Basic Bible Class - II Corinthians (Rabbi Room) Seekers Class - The Book of Acts (Part 2) (2nd Floor Conference Room) Covenant Class - Early Church History (The Center for Prayer & Spiritual Growth 2nd floor) Marriage by the Book-God’s perspective on marriage. (The Center for Prayer & Spiritual Growth 2nd floor) 11:05 Alpha Express - Introduction to Christian Theology (Northminster House Parlor) Young Couples Small Group (The Center for Prayer & Spiritual Growth 2nd Floor) Holy Land Group - 2nd & 4th Sundays (The Center for Prayer & Spiritual Growth 2nd Floor) The Four Loves - Study of C.S. Lewis’ book (The Center for Prayer & Spiritual Growth 1st Floor) 20-Something Couples Bible Study -1st & 3rd Sun. (The Center for Prayer & Spiritual Growth 2nd Floor) Young Adults - The Life You’ve Always Wanted (The Center for Prayer & Spiritual Growth 1st Floor)

In The Common: Free Bibles in The Loft & Sermon DVDs, free for visitors. A Special Gift for Visitors: First-time visitors receive a copy of Donald Miller’s book, Searching for God Knows What, found on the table in The Common. Program Staff: Andrew Callan, Minister of Administration - andrew@fpcnorfolk.org Lucy Gates, Director of Family & Children’s Ministries - lucy@fpcnorfolk.org Hunter Mackey Johnston, Children’s Ministry Coordinator - hunter@fpcnorfolk.org Kristine Rand, Director of Prayer & Spiritual Growth - kristine@fpcnorfolk.org Josh Whitaker, Director of Youth & Young Adults - josh@fpcnorfolk.org Sheryl Wood, Mission Outreach Coordinator - sheryl@fpcnorfolk.org

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