First Impact December

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Mark Your Calendars • NEST at FPC, December 19-26


Sign up for your shift at

Eve Project

• Women’s Ministries

First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk Seeking Christ. Sharing His Love.





Bloom and Grow in Christ’s Love, Retreat, March 15-17

FPC is going viral again! We

• Morning Aside The Birth of Hope, December 8th, 9 am-12 pm

are looking for volunteers to help

• Men’s Ministries

this issue

us take and post pictures to the

our cultural hook P.2

Shoulder2Shoulder Breakfasts, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays

FPC Facebook page. We need

• Seniors First

Worship Services Traditional 8:30 & 11:00 am

photographers, assistants by the

Lunch, 1st Wednesday each month, meet next Dec. 5th

• Kids and Youth

Christmas tree and social media

Christmas Pageant and Dinner, December 16

enthusiasts to push it all viral!

Fun in the Son, HS Camp and Conference, June 30-July 4 Vacation Bible School, July 22-26

Contemporary 9:30 am

The Great Escape, MS Camp and Conference, July 29- August 3

• 2013 Mission Trips

Sign up at fpcnorfolk. org/ministries/volunteer.

Massanetta Springs, Family Trip June 16-18

advent devotional & wreath P.3

Sermon Resources

to miss out on the message. Video webcasts and audio

can be found on our website at

FIRST IMPACT December 2012

live simply, love generously P.7

service doesn’t mean you have

and contemporary services

Nicaragua, July 20-27

children & families P.6

Missing a Sunday worship

versions of our tradiional

Kenya, June 22-July 6; October 26 - November 9

local & global missions P.4


Poinsettias and Christmas Decorations at FPC

Remember: The Christmas Story by jim wood

Christmas is the perfect time to remember the past and anticipate the future. This year we will celebrate the Christmas story through the light-hearted perspective of the popular movie: A Christmas Story. Our Advent sermon series will walk us

on the delight and love that Jesus brings.

through the beautiful narrative of Jesus’

The Christmas Story is a wondrously

birth found in Luke 2:1-20. Our challenge is

magnificent, yet simple story: Jesus came

to come to know these scriptures by heart

to be with us and the world will never be the

as we journey through and experience the


narrative of our Savior’s birth. Plan to join us for the mission market, follow

One of the meaningful

Throughout the season we will sing familiar

along in our advent devotional and share in

traditions in our family of faith

Christmas Carols, engage in fun and

the excitement of worship and mission as

is decorating our sanctuary

meaningful traditions and worship with

we experience THE Christmas Story!

with beautiful poinsettias on

great anticipation as we center ourselves

The X

Christmas. We encourage you to participate by giving a poinsettia in honor, memory or celebration of a loved one. Cost is $25. Purchase deadline is December 9th.

Welcome to the House God Built For many years, we prayed for an opportunity to offer Christ’s love and care to the sick, abandoned and homeless children of Kenya by opening an orphanage. In August 2011, the Joy Children’s Home became a reality.

If you are interested in helping decorate the sanctuary, please

This story began several years ago when a wealthy

contact Lucy Gates at lucy@

Kenyan woman presented us with a grand property, a

house with many rooms. The only condition attached to the gift was that the house, including several adjacent con’t pg 2

820 Colonial Ave Norfolk, VA 23507 (757) 625-1697

First Presbyterian Church of Norfolk

Evangelism New Parking Ministry Parking is a huge challenge for our family of faith, and a barrier for visitors. We are putting together a parking ministry team to help with this issue, and we would love your help! If you are interested, contact Jim Gates.

Welcome to the House That God Built, con’t from pg. 1 guest apartments, be used for motherless

family, institution-style, into their three newly

children. God began gathering the least and

renovated apartments next door. Now they

the lost of those orphans and placed a call on

are truly families, each living in their own

the hearts of three “mothers” to serve them

small, but wonderful, space. As one of the

as His hands and feet. And in August 2011,

children was overheard exclaiming on moving

The Joy Home opened its doors for a new

day, “This place looks like it was meant for a

chapter in God’s story of hope.


On Saturday, November 3, 2012, those three

No, not for a president…for, royalty, the chil-

families moved from the “big house” where

dren of the King. Welcome to His home.

Adult Discipleship New Thru 30 2013 Read through the New Testament In 30 days you will have the opportunity to read the entire New Testament. This will not be an easy thing to accomplish but the benefits will far outweigh the

they had lived for the past year as one large


FPC 101

our cultural hook

Are you interested in becoming a member of First Presbyterian

The Christmas Story

by valena hoy This reading plan has been

Advent Devotional and Wreath

by jim gates

designed to walk through the

Church? Or are you wising to

Advent simply means “coming” or

Sunday, November 25 and there will be

New Testament as we begin a

become more informed? Either

“arrival.” The weeks before Christmas

Advent Wreaths available at the Mission

new year together in God’s Word.

have traditionally been a time Christians


We have also built in two grace

We still have one amazing “in” - one great cultural hook that affects even non-Christians and the un-churched.

way, FPC 101 is the place to start. Held once a month, the

days a week so that you will have

have celebrated the arrival of Jesus, the

time to rest, reflect or catch up.

Messiah. For many years, Christians have

Join the practice of this meaningful

and others seeking membership

lit candles around an Advent Wreath, had

Christmas tradition. We don’t want to miss

to better understand our church’s

family devotions and read the stories and

the sense of excitement and longing at

This is going to be a life changing

prophecies about the Messiah.

Christmastime. There will be opportunities

experience for all those who

not only for a daily devotion, but suggestions

commit to the process and keep up with the plan.

class is designed to help visitors

history and what we believe. It is

This year, we especially want to capitalize

also a greet opportunity to get to

on this opportunity to share the good

know our pastors and staff.

news of Jesus Christ. I invite you to

This year, our Advent Devotional will take

on how to make this season meaningful and

December’s FPC 101 will

commit to inviting a friend (or two) to

us from November 25 all the way to the day

memorable. Advent is a time we can be

join you for one of our Christmas Eve

of Epiphany, January 6, when the church

freshly amazed that the Messiah has come,

Devotional Calendars will be

services. Each service is an awesome

traditionally celebrates the arrival of the

that we can grow closer to him, and that we

available in mid December.

proclamation of the story of Jesus and a

Magi. You can pick up your devotional on

look forward to His coming again.

Reading schedule begins on

be held on Sunday, the 2nd. Childcare and dinner are provided. You can register your attendance on the Connection Card or online at calendar.

Contact Jim Gates Associate Pastor of Evangelism

We live in a post-Christian culture. So many of the societal connections to Christ have disappeared over the last number of decades. However, we still have one amazing “in”, one great cultural hook that affects even non-Christians and the un-churched. Christmas.

perfect opportunity for a guest to visit for the first time. Invite a friend, neighbor or co-worker and give the only gift that matters – the Christmas Story.

Blue Christmas Healing and Wholeness Service Tuesday, December 18th, 7:00 pm Christmas can be difficult for those who are experiencing great loss, grief or difficult changes in their lives. This service is created for those who desire a night of reflection and prayer focused on the hope and promise of Emmanuel, God with us. The promises that we have in Jesus Christ carry us through even the darkest and loneliest of times. Please join us or

Christmas remains an institution for

(757) 625-1697

Christians and non-Christians alike.

Christmas Eve Services at First

For this reason, it is also a fantastic

4:00 pm Family & Children’s Service, First Hall

evangelism opportunity. People who

5:30 pm Traditional Service, Sanctuary

might never set foot in a church are often

7:30 pm Traditional Service, Sanctuary

interested in attending a Christmas Eve

11:00 pm Meditative Service, Sanctuary

bring a friend to experience the healing power of His love and mercy.

January 13, 2013

Contact Valena Hoy Executive Associate Pastor (757) 625-1697

“The last two years I attended the service for healing and loss. Each service was meaningful and I was comforted by the prayers that were offered on my behalf. I also appreciated the tokens we received to take home with us as a remembrance. Thank you for offering me an opportunity to worship each year with other members of our church family who have lost a loved one.”

service because it just seems like “the p.2

thing you do.”


African Boxes of Love

FPC & Missions Local and Global We know that we are called to be the church wherever God has placed us. We also know that Jesus did not call the world to go to church, he said for the church to go to the world. Therefore, we

by sheryl wood

at FPC are commited to go

“Did you know that you are rich? You

little they have and how much they need.

have a home to live in. You have a bed to

By donating Boxes of Love in the name of

sleep in. You have a car to ride in. You have

her grandchildren, she allowed them the

food to eat everyday. You have things to

privilege of giving to those less fortunate.

play with, television to watch, parents and

She taught them how to give like Jesus

grandparents who love you.”

gives, how to care for others as Jesus cares The Boxes of Love have evolved

money in your name to a group of children who don’t have many of those things. Some of them don’t have parents or grandparents. Some of them

There is a Box of Love waiting for you on a Christmas Tree in The Common, the Narthex or First Hall.

gift for a certain someone? Give

first time, they really are boxes!

the gift of a Mission trip here or

Inside the box is a precious gift that


is not to be seen until Christmas day.

remembering that God does

disease called AIDS. Most of

How wonderful it is to know that

not use us to get missions

them don’t ever have enough to eat. None of

when you purchase a Box of Love for

done - he uses missions to get

them have a home like your home. Most live

$60, every cent of that goes to provide a

us done.

in either tents or shacks made of cardboard.

mattress, a blanket, a backpack, shoes,

Few, if any, have ever been inside of a car

socks, a jacket and a month’s supply of food

or slept on a real bed.”

for a family.

Above is a beautiful excerpt penned

items with you that we, as a church family, need donated in

There is a Box of Love waiting for you on

call and responded - thank you. For those of you still wondering what you could give, here is a

NEST Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team

reminder. • Coats and Rain Gear Now through March 16

One of the most meaningful

• Socks and Shoes Now through Dec. 25

to serve as a host and simply

• Hygiene Supplies Now through Dec. 25

man, a guest of NEST, who left

things you can do at Nest is listen. There was once a young a lasting impression on me. He had a delightful manner. As we enjoyed sitting around the dinner table chatting and getting to know each other, another guest began to play the piano. The music was glorious and everyone stopped


talking to listen.

As “Silent Night” began to fill

This Christmas, when you hear

the hall, the young man at my

Silent Night, think of that young

table softly said, “Please don’t

man and so many like him.

play that.” The pianist, not

Pray please for their loneliness

hearing him, continued to play

and pray for a safe haven for

while the young man looked

them. Please share some of

down, tears in his eyes. When

your time at NEST this year

the music concluded, the young

and listen to a soul that needs

man spoke. “When I hear that

your ears.

song,” he said, “it reminds


me of my time on the streets

calendar/nest to sign up for

where it is silent and calm and

a shift.

so very lonely. Being lonely is one of the worse parts.” Those of us around the table, from 10

NEST Needs

to 50 years old, listened as he

coats, shoes, white socks, duct tape, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, chapstick, travel size shaving cream, and travel packs of tissues

continued to share a bit more about that life. A life so very different from my own.

• Massanetta Springs Family Trip June 16-18 • Kenya June 22-July 6, and October 26 - November 9 • Nicaragua July 20-27

Local Resources

a Christmas Tree in The Common, the

grandchildren last year. Grace understands

Narthex or First Hall beginning November

the lives of the people who live near

25th. Purchase many to bless many,

To help those in need in our community.

Nazareth Hospital in Kenya. She knows how

including yourself.

Ghent Area Ministires (GAM)

for the homeless and working

those of you who have heard the

2013 Opportunities

by Grace Weedman in a card to her

order for us to serve and care

poor in our community. For

Looking for just the right Christmas

over the years. This year, for the

are sick with a very horrible

A few weeks ago we shared

A gift of service and blessing.

for us.

This year we have given

to the world, near and far,

Gather and Give this Advent

Mission Trips


Mission Market

Services Include: • Medical/Prescriptions • Rental Assistance • Utilities • Bus Tickets • Food/Clothing For More Information, contact: Martha Gorman, Director

Young and old alike will have a grand time at our

(757) 622-0438

annual Mission Market, on Sunday, November 25. Activities include a lasagna dinner, carols in the sanctuary, a reading of the Christmas Story from Luke, tree decorating and shopping at the


marketplace. Join in the fun and warm up your singing voice,

Sheryl Wood

as we have our first “Karaoke Christmas Caroling”

Missions Outreach Coordinator

while the market is open! The evening will come

to a close as everyone joins together around

(757) 625-1697

the Christmas tree in the Common for the grand illumination, carols and hot cocoa. Dinner begins at 5:00 pm and the Marketplace opens at 6:30 pm. You may register your attendance on Sunday’s Connection Card or at


Children & Families

Join us December 16 beginning at 5:00 for dinner and an evening of entertainment as we celebrate the real reason for the season!

Advent Fun for the Whole Family Are you looking for a fun,

Emergency Chiller and Boiler Alert! This year both our chiller and boiler, Sunday, November 11, 2012 we observed

which have provided air conditioning and

Commitment Sunday when members turned

heating to the sanctuary, kindergarten, and

imaginative and step-by-step

Our “Inside-Out” Kids, joined by our

in their commitment cards at the end of all

old Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian

way to countdown to Christmas

9:30 am Sunday School classes,

three worship services. We received 209

Church for the past 40 years, fell into

with your family? Look no

will “Remember” the true story of

commitment cards which totaled $1,161M.

disrepair. An emergency line of credit

further than “The Family

Christmas through a pageant written

equal to $320,000 was secured to If you haven’t yet turned in your commitment

purchase replacements and the $1,100 per

of the birth of Christ, based on the book of Luke, through pageantry, singing, dancing, and

card we still need to hear from you. To

month interest expense is currently being

drumming. A real treat you don’t want to miss!

respond, please bring it to FPC and place

paid out of FPC’s Operating Fund. Since

of stories and activities to

in the offering plate during any of the three

this expense was not budgeted for in 2012,

help celebrate the meaning of

services, mail it to the church, or fill one out

we covet your prayers as we look for ways

Christmas. Let the countdown

online at

to pay for these major capital expenses.

Book of Advent.” Available

and produced by Joanne Whitaker.

for purchase in the FPC Loft, this little book is packed full


“Inside-Out” Our next Wednesday Night LIVE Inside-Out classes for kids will begin on January

Our FPC angels will deliver the wonderful message

“Inside-Out” Cookie Exchange

12, our “Inside-Out” kids will enjoy

With less than six weeks left in First Presbyterian Church’s 2012 fiscal year, we need about $360K by December 31 to meet anticipated FPC ministry expenses of $2.1 M. As a church, we can consistently impact lives for the sake of Jesus Christ because of your consistent giving.

For more information: • See html for ways to make a contribution.

Wednesday, December 12 On Wednesday evening, December

2012 Year-End Giving

and share Christ’s love.

If you

would like to donate Christmas

I Can’t Put My Arms Down! by andrew callan

• Refer to each

In ‘A Christmas Story’

we can or can’t put our arms

update on progress toward meeting

little Randy Parker’s


2012 expenses.

remaining week in 2012 for an

a very special cookie exchange

cookies for our “Inside-Out

mother helps him prepare

As we give gifts to each other

and we need your help!

Cookie Exchange”, you can

to go to school. Being a

this Christmas, let’s remember

The children have decided to

leave them at the Welcome

well intentioned mother,

what the Greatest Gift ever given

donate handmade Christmas

Desk the week leading up to

she bundles him up

said, that “It is more blessed to

securely in multiple winter

give than to receive.” Each of

2013 offering envelopes will

layers. Unfortunately,

us must not hold too tightly to

be available for pick-up in

Our children’s programs are

after getting all suited

the gifts He’s given, but should

the breezeway of the church

always in need of willing hands

up and preparing to go

instead increase our joy by

beginning in mid-December.

and hearts. Would you like to

outside, he discovers that

giving back to God a generous

When you pick them up,

help us out at the Mission Market,

he is too bundled up and

portion of what he’s given us to

you help save us the cost of

Christmas Pageant or Sunday

cries out “I can’t put my

steward for His glory and our joy.

postage. Thanks for your

School? Contact Hunter.

arms down!”

30th. Be on the lookout for opportunities to register in the coming weeks.

Volunteers Needed

cookies to local missions to help spread the Christmas spirit

December 12.

Email hunter@ for more information.

Like Randy Parker’s mother, we have a


Remember, God works best through people who remember not to hold

Offering Envelopes



generous heavenly Father who loves to give

too tightly to the blessings that He has

Hunter Johnston

good gifts to us out of the overflow of His

given. Don’t forget to enjoy the gifts you

Andrew Callan

Director of Children’s Ministry

abundance. What we choose to do with the

have been given, but make sure you can

Minister of Administraton

gifts we’ve received will determine whether

still move your arms!

(757) 625-1697

(757) 625-1697

I encourage you to ask God for grace and a spirit of cheerful generosity to see beyond your own needs. Here are two ways you can do that:

Invite a friend or neighbor and give the only gift that matters - The Christmas Story. p.6

If you’ve made a pledge to FPC in 2012, ensure that you fulfill your pledge.

If you fulfilled your pledge, consider making an additional year end gift.


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