August 2012 First Impact

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August 2012

Where has Jonah been?

Follow Jonah at www.thejonahproject.blogspot. com and keep sending YOUR photos to hunter@!

First Presbyterian’s l Vacation Bible Schoo Pune, India Ocean View, VA Johnstown, PA Ocean City, MD

go, CA e i D n a S Kenya

Grand Teton National Park, WY Saharah Dessert Yellowstone

IN THIS ISSUE From Where I Stand


Evangelism 3

Massanetta Springs Kenya stories on pages 2 and 7 First Impact

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Local Missions


Global Missions


Children & Families


Adult Discipleship

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from where i stand Permission to Rest: How is That Working for You? by Jim Wood

This summer, our sermon series continues to focus on giving you permission to rest and abide in Christ. Have you had any successes jumping off the fast track and carving out time to grow your relationship with God? Or making time for friends and family you treasure but don’t often see? Or have you struggled, finding it difficult to change old, “busy” habits? I would love to hear your stories. Shoot me an email and tell me how it’s going –

The Joy Children’s Home: One Year Later In August 2011, The Joy Children’s Home opened in Kenya. Later this month, the three “ families” will move into their own quarters on the compound, following months of renovation. It is a time of celebration and also discernment for our next steps.

Our Joy Home is making a huge difference in the 20 young lives Christ has brought into our midst. Each life is being shaped eternally. What a privilege it is to be a part of this ministry! Our first renovation of the property, so generously donated by a Christ-centered African couple, is about to be completed. We will end up with three apartments in the smaller structure on the grounds, where each Mom will raise her eight to ten children as a true African Christian family. The costs for this initial renovation are fully paid for, mostly with funds from donors outside FPC. We now have the opportunity to renovate the main residence… that’s another 40 children coming into God’s Kingdom. The urgent challenge is to raise $102,000 so we can take advantage of the existing work-crews, equipment and materials that are on-site, in order to complete the renovations by year-end. (Our initial estimate was $75,000, but my onsite inspection in July revealed several important oversights.) To date, through the generous support of many of you, we have raised $57,000. To re-engage the work-crews at a later date will significantly increase the cost and, more importantly, delay our outreach to 40 abandoned and at-risk children. Given the short timeframe we have to work with, there is no way to raise these funds unless the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts and souls of our people. If the Lord is speaking to you about financially supporting the renovations to the Joy Home, please return your gift to: Tree of Lives, P.O. Box 11390, Norfolk, VA 23517. 2

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First Impact

evangelism — go tell it Atheist’s Bible Study by Jim Gates

In college I was blessed with a close group of friends who self-defined themselves as atheists. Naturally, I invited them to church and to appropriate Christian events on campus; they came occasionally but never with much interest or openness to the message. My junior year, however, I heard about a concept called GIGs, or “Groups Investigating God”. The concept was to offer a Bible study . . . the of that time for nonChristians not as a way to teach doctrine, but as an opportunity in the Word might have eternal to learn about the most influential piece of literature in Western culture. I loved the idea and hated the name, so after a quick significance . . . rebranding, my Atheist’s Bible Study was born.


We met weekly for a couple months, exploring whatever Scripture stories they thought would be most interesting. My friends brought their friends, and it grew to 7 or so regular attenders, plus myself. It was an amazing experience - exactly like any other Bible study I’d ever attended, except that I was the only Christian in the room. None of my friends became Christians that semester, but I’ve always treasured that time, and believed that the impact of that time in the Word might have eternal significance in their lives. Last week I had the privilege of doing a funeral for a life-long Presbyterian who didn’t have a church he had attended regularly in recent years. By a strange twist of the Spirit, his daughter happened to be one of those friends of my friends who attended that special Bible study in college. It was one of her first comments to me...“I remember you from Atheist’s Bible Study.” Over a decade later, God brought us back together and I got to share the gospel with her again. She is still seeking spiritual truth, but more significantly, it seems like God is still seeking her. It’s an amazing gift to see Christ pursue the people He loves!

GIGs and nonChristian Bible Studies at FPCNorfolk by Jim Gates In history, politics, literature, art, architecture, and world religions, the Christian Bible is far and away the most significant text ever written in Western civilization. Yet so many nonChristians are never exposed to Scripture. This presents an amazing opportunity for Christians who want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with their nonChristian friends in a gracious, nonthreatening way. If we can help those far from God have an encounter with His Word, we can put the heavy lifting on Christ. His Word is living and active, and does not return without accomplishing His purpose. First Impact

This is an amazing crossroads: the transforming power of God’s Word intersecting with a cultural need felt even by nonChristians. Are you interested in being trained to put together a nonChristian Bible study like the one I described above? This doesn’t require a wealth of Biblical expertise, simply a love of your nonChristian friends and a willingness to commit 4-8 weeks with them. If you would like to participate in a training event here at FPC, or would like more information about GIGs, please contact me at or 625-1697.

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MICAH 6:8 — LOCAL MISSIONS House of Freedom by Sheryl Wood

Every Wednesday I have the honor of visiting people who have made bad decisions. They are no different than you and me except their decisions have caused them to be behind bars with little squares just large enough to get about three fingers through to hold during prayer. They have bunks nearly side-by-side and restrooms open in the room with no privacy. Their bad decision has made quite an impact on each of their lives. During one particular visit, I had a great talk and wonderful prayer time with a strong woman nicknamed “Strictly Straight Street Sharon” (see Acts 9:11-18). She knows her Bible very well and even pulled out a concordance when I was trying to remember a verse. She see’s herself totally submitting to the Lord...she is on a sub-mission in the jail to bring freedom to all who are housed with her. As I began to walk a way from her after our visit, I said, “Sharon, I have a newsletter to get out today. Do you have a word of wisdom for my readers?” Sharon immediately closed her eyes and asked God to please bring her the right words. She opened her eyes and said, “I am in the House of Freedom. No matter where anyone is, they are in the House of Freedom as long as they believe. She then went on to quote 2 Corinthians 3:17 — “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.” At that moment I saw Sharon free and many in the world imprisoned.

Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.

2 Corinthians 3:17

So I hope that today you receive your blessing from Strictly Straight Street Sharon and live in the spirit of the Lord with unending freedom. The gift is there waiting for you if you haven’t already received it. Each year First Presbyterian Church donates $1,000 to Norfolk City Jail for Bibles which are treasured and used daily. As one woman put it, “I want to devour The Bible like a big juicy steak, baked potato and pecan pie with strawberry and vanilla ice cream!” May we all have that hunger for the Word.

International Student Ministry: Host a Table, Make Gift Bags by Sheryl Wood

Each year, hundreds of international students arrive at Old Dominion University as undergraduates, graduate students, and visiting scholars. Displaced from their home culture, most of them lack a sense of connection to their new community. A purely academic experience is not sufficient for them to get to know a new country and its people. They need a link to American families, enriching everyone in the resulting cultural exchange. We are interested in building friendships and welcoming people to learn more about the message of Christianity through meaningful conversations over cups of tea, a meal or even a trip to the beach. For many students, this is their first opportunity to read the Bible and dialogue about their Christian faith. There will be a Welcome Event for all new 4

international students that are coming to ODU on August 25th. They go on a tour of Norfolk, the Naval Base and a carrier and then have lunch. Each table has an American host to answer questions and give a personal welcome along with a gift bag to each of the new students. If you would like to be a host for a table and/or put together gift bags, please e-mail me at Sheryl@fpcnorfolk. org by August 15th.

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Visit for more information. First Impact

evangelism — go MISSIONS tell it BEYOND 757 — GLOBAL THE

Nicaragua Mission Trip: August 4-11, 2012

Other events that will be taking place on our pilgrimage is of course morning meditation, lunch testimonies, and evening meditations.

It’s time for our 2012 Nicaragua Mission Trip to work with Vida Joven in Jinotega. There will be many wonderful things happening as we continue to develop our deep friendship with the people of Vida Joven. One of the main things we will be doing this year is finishing up the house for Geraldine Altamiro, the city leader and her family. The house will also be used for Club La Curva, where many youth gather to worship and fellowship.

Our overall passage of scripture for the week is John 17:17-21, “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.

During our trip we will be painting the interior, making curtains for the windows, and helping to install plumbing and electrical fixtures. These tasks will complete the house. Thursday, August 9th while we are there we will have a service to dedicate the house to the Lord. What a joyous celebration it’ll be!

Please read these verses daily and be in prayer for us as we will be in prayer for you. We will return to you with many stories and pictures.

To read all of the wonderful stories about the Kenya Mission Trip, visit and click on the orange Kenya Blog button on our home page - your heart will be touched deeply!

VBS Kids Raise Money for a Good Cause

During our Vacation Bible School, children brought in daily offerings to purchase LifeStraw®s for families who live in Limuru, Africa near Nazareth Hospital in Kenya. They raised close to $500 to provide drinkable water for 50 people! Way to go! Contact Sheryl Wood at for more information. What is a LifeStraw ®? LifeStraw® is a portable water filter that effectively removes all bacteria and parasites responsible for causing common diarrhoeal diseases. LifeStraw® requires no electrical power or spare parts and can be carried around for easy access to safe and clean water. Go to to learn more. First Impact

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children and families Operation Overboard: Go Deep With God by Hunter Johnston

Vacation Bible School was a smashing hit this year as 150 children dove deep into God’s Word, through exciting games, crafts, Bible stories, and activities. Over sixty church members volunteered to help make this event such a success. The week started on Sunday, as adults and children came together to transform our church building into an underwater adventure! Excitement filled our church as everything came into place for the Monday morning kick-off. On the first day our children learned about having a faith in God, just as Noah obeyed, no matter how difficult the task. Each day, the children bustled through the building, going from station to station with activities that reinforced the daily theme. Our “Overboard” divers learned about how a girl showed deep faith by helping Naaman find God’s healing on the second day. Dive Chief Claudia Nachtigal and Ocho the Octopus, played by Nate Wootton, greeted the children every morning in the First Hall to introduce the daily theme, with a fun and interactive drama piece. On Wednesday the daily Bible story was how John had a deep faith when he proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah. Fishermen joined in on the fun on Thursday to tell how the disciples showed deep faith by leaving their nets and following Jesus. Vicki Dray planned awesome games and relays for each day, which integrated all the Bible stories. On our final day, the children experienced how 6

Paul showed deep faith by trusting God’s promise in a dangerous situation. Parents were invited to a closing celebration, to experience the Bible lessons, learn about the VBS LifeStraw mission project, and to hear the children’s musical selections, lead by Joanne Whitaker. Children left FPC filled with joy, the Word of the Lord, and “fishy” crafts, planned by Mary Beth Dixon. Many thanks to ALL who brought in decorations and donated delicious snacks for each day. Our children enjoyed nutritious food, and all items were donated by church members. The great photographs are courtesy of Rachel Foster and Tim Griffith. Make sure to leave room in your calendar next summer to be part of the Vacation Bible School fun!

9:30 or 11:00 weekly or just twice a month


• be a FPC church member for a minimum of 6 months • be willing to f ill out our FPC “Child Background • • Check Form” • be willing to have fun and have a heart for children • • and for the Lord!

For inquiries and for more information contact Hunter Johnston at or 625-1697.

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First Impact

evangelism — go tell it adult discipleship Abiding In Him – Morning Aside by Kristine Rand

On the second Saturday of July, fifteen of us met for a Saturday Morning Aside to “Abide in Christ”. It was wonderful to experience Christ’s presence through discussion, reflection and prayer. As we reflected on our John 15 passage, we noticed that the word abide occurs twelve times and is correlated with the command to love…receiving his love, resting in his love and loving one another. It is interesting that the call to rest in his love is a call to action: Letting his love pour into our hearts and letting his love spill out from our hearts into one another. This is indeed a spiritual practice with a promise – bearing fruit. I hope you will spend time in this passage and meditate on what God is saying to you. How is he calling you to rest in his presence and in his promises? When were you cleansed or pruned by his words? Where is he inviting you to practice love?

Want to move fast, go alone... Want to move far, go together.

James Bible Study: Blessing and Pruning by Kristine Rand

It is not too late to join us for this summer’s Wednesday morning study of James. We will be studying this short book of wisdom through August 22nd. The study of this book has already brought healing and insight to my own life. As I traveled in Kenya, the Lord allowed me to live out passages of the book of James as I journeyed nearer to my Lord and Savior. Yet, upon returning home from Kenya, the Lord did some needed pruning of my behaviors as he reminded me, “If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless” (James 1:26). Join me this summer as we journey together toward Christ. Let us together experience his presence, his blessing and his pruning so that day by day we can continue to reflect more of him. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans…in their distress… (James 1:27)

A Small Group is the place where you can go far with God. Through the support and friendship of others, we learn together how to live life focused on Christ and His Word. The Lord did not create us to be alone or in isolation, but to be in community...healthy that we can live out our life’s mission for Him. Want to get connected? Contact Valena Hoy at or 625-1697 ext. 306. Our next Small Group Meet Up is Sunday, August 12 in the Armstrong Chapel following each service. First Impact

God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom. (James 2:5)

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Let’s Go Check Out The Loft Prayer by Richard J. Foster A book review by Paul Lankford

When my wife and I faced an all-but-fatal tragedy in March, we were too paralyzed to pray for our dying son. But with one email to Grace Weedman, who forwarded my plea for help to our pastor Jim Wood, the FPC Prayer Ministry Team went into action. Our son is alive today because of the specifically focused prayers offered in his behalf. When the initial moments of the March crisis had passed, Deborah and I knew we too wanted to learn to pray for others in a more dynamic way. I looked for a guide on how to pray more actively, more meaningfully, and more powerfully in all kinds of situations. In Richard J. Foster’s Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home, I found the clear advice we needed. If you also want to pray with greater conviction for our world...for those in need of the Holy Spirit’s direct intervention, I invite you to read this book.

Child Care Available • Breakfast and Lunch will be Served Please RSVP to Laura Baragona at by Aug. 29.

Vacation Bible School stories on page 6! w w

F irst P resbyterian C hurch 820 Colonial Avenue • Norfolk, VA 23507 • 757.625.1697

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First Impact

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