First Impact June

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The Jonah Project

by Hunter Johnston Jonah is a 9 year old, paper doll boy who is embarking on an exciting journey for God, as an ambassador for our kids at First Presbyterian Church. He is looking to spread Christ’s love, both near and far! But, he needs our help! Take Jonah with you this summer as you travel and do fun and meaningful things for our Lord. Take pictures of Jonah and his adventures, then e-mail them to me with a description of your experience with Jonah. Let’s see how far Jonah can spread Christ’s love! To find out how you and your family can be part of “The Jonah Project,” and to download a letter-size Jonah to print out, check out www.jonahfpcnorfolk. or contact me at


Please be in prayer for our June Mission Teams!

June 2012

Massanetta Springs Mission Camp – June 17-19 Kenya Mission Pilgrimage – June 23-July 8 Both teams will be commissioned in worship on June 17th.

The number of people we will be sending into the mission field this June!

What a testimony to the commitment to be Sent to the Nations! Check next month’s issue of First Impact for reports from Massanetta, and the following month’s issue for stories from Kenya. Again, we covet your prayers for all our mission pilgrims!



hen we were younger, summer was a time to relax, to unwind, to slow down the frantic pace that we impose upon ourselves. Summer was the season when we had permission to not fill up our schedules, permission to not keep juggling all our responsibilities, permission to stop doing and simply be. It was the time we were given permission to rest. Beginning this month, we will think about getting back to those younger days as we begin a new sermon series called Permission to Rest. Our focus will be on John 15: 1-17, where Jesus states “Abide in me as I abide in you.” Abiding is a great summer word – it’s not about accomplishing a list, but about resting in a relationship. As Jesus says in this same passage,

“Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Too often our busyness masks our inadequacies, brokenness and distance from God. So this summer we will give each other permission to rest in Christ.

Because of this theme of rest and a “younger days” feel, we will have some wonderful, retro experiences each week designed to help us get back to those days when summer was really time off. Look for lemonade stands after worship, and sprinklers in the fields for children (and adults!), old-school, hand-churned ice cream, and more. Look for permission slips each week – just like you got in school – that give you permission to stop doing. Look for stories and movies and music from an earlier era, as together we remember a time when summer was slower. Abide with us this summer. Abide in Christ, and let Him abide in you. Just abide. And let Jesus’ command give you what we all desperately need . . . permission to rest.


Vacation Bible School July 16 - 20 Operation Overboard Registration is now open to everyone at FPCNorfolk More information about VBS can be found on Page 6 !

CPC Baby Shower Successful 5

Pause for Thought Evangelism Micah 6: 8 Beyond the 757 Children & Families Adult Discipleship Where is Jonah?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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From Where I Stand by Jim Wood


n June 3rd, at the 9:30 worship service, 11 exceptional young people from our congregation took a stand for Christ. They are the 2012 Confirmation Class of FPC. At this special service, they were confirmed and welcomed into the membership of our church.

Wrote one of the confirmands, “I try to be guided by my faith and not by all the bad things I see in the world.” This group of teenagers is very much in the world - in their schools, in their neighborhoods, on their athletic fields. Yet they have chosen not to be of the world, but to follow and serve God. That speaks volumes for their parents, for their Sunday school teachers, for the leadership and the members of this church. So congratulations, 2012 confirmands!

Yanni Allen

Grace Lindey

Elizabeth Moore

Kennedy Coffin

Grace Melcher

David Rawls

James Lyle

Amanda Bortell Elizabeth Lilly

We celebrate

to profess

Cal Neikirk

Dan Warman

your accomplishments and your commitment

your faith and live it out here at First. Let’s Go Check Out The Loft Book review by Paul Lankford

ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Disciplines of the Faith

by Kristine Rand


e just finished our series on ordinary radical practices of the faith. It is interesting to note that radical has two primary meanings: fundamental and extreme/drastic. These practices of the faith have long been considered fundamental to the faith, but today our culture considers them extreme. Yet, these practices are indeed fundamental and formational as we work to strip off the old self and “put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4: 24). The disciplines of the faith are helpful in the stripping of our will so that we can be open to His will for our lives. To help you exercise these practices, we have created practice cards that are available in The Loft and through our website. The simple act of confession helps us to notice where our will was not aligned with His will. The Prayer of Examen helps us grow in our awareness of God’s action; notice our responses to His movement; and become aware of our own sin which moves us away from His will. Practicing self denial through fasting helps to peel away the things that control us. As we fast from food, things or activities, we are invited to feast on God and His Presence. Living a life of submission is the practice of claiming the freedom of not having to get our own way so that we become open to his way. Additionally, through this practice, we choose to surrender the burden of letting decisions, circumstances and events dictate our joy, peace and contentment.

FPC Church Family Ties to Camp Massanetta by Sharon Privett


ne of my earliest memories is sitting cross-legged with my ‘tribe’ in an Indian headband at Pioneer Camp Massanetta [circa1950]! A vision long held by my grandfather, Rev. Dr William E Hudson, to create a sacred place where people of all ages and denominations could come for ‘good preaching’, spiritual renewal and fellowship, became a reality when, under the auspices of the Synod of Virginia, Massanetta Springs was born in 1922. Third and fourth family generations still come year after year, renewing old acquaintances and passing on spiritual legacies to their children. There is so much more to know, so please visit! 2

The Little Star that Shines for Jesus by Cindy Peak with art by Gary Sanchez is available upstairs in The Loft. Mosey on up and see what else is available!


od had promised the little star that a special job was waiting for him someday, but he would have to be patient until God revealed His plan. As the little star waited and wondered what kind of job such a little star could ever do, he continued to shine his small beams of light into the night sky. Have you ever wondered what God’s plan might be for you? Have you ever wondered if there could be a special job waiting for you to do someday? If you have, then you will enjoy reading The Little Star that Shines for Jesus. You will find out, just as the little star does, that nothing we can imagine on our own can be as important and special as the job God has already planned for each one of us to do. First IMPACT

The fruit of spending time with God (through prayer, Bible reading, solitude and community) is discernment. As we focus on Him, we are able to discern his will from our own will. God established the rhythm of work and Sabbath space. God worked and God rested. When our day includes work and Sabbath time, we mirror God’s nature and God’s purpose for humankind. Sabbath space helps us to remember that God is our God and that we are not our own gods. Our hope is that you will begin practicing these disciplines as you work to move closer to Christ and incarnate his love to the world.


Avenues of Spiritual Growth: Fellowship, Bible Study & Spiritual Disciplines

Small Group Connection Opportunity once a month on our

June 10th at 11:00 and 12:00 noon in the Armstrong Chapel We hope that you will join us on the second Sunday of each month to give us the opportunity to connect you with one of our small groups as they are an important avenue of spiritual growth at First Presbyterian Church. This is an ideal time for you to meet some of our small group leaders and other interested members.

New Bible Studies beginning in June We are excited that we have the ability to offer two different Women’s bible studies that will begin meeting the third week of June on either Wednesday mornings or Thursday evenings. Wednesday Mornings: 9:30 – 11:30 am June 20 – August 22 (Childcare provided) Come join us for this intergenerational Bible Study of the book of James which meets in the main church building. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple with Beth Moore’s study James: Mercy Triumphs. Once you get to know both the man and the Book of James, you’ll never be the same again. Thursday Evenings: 7:00 – 9 :00 pm June 21 – August 22 Please consider joining us as we study Beth Moore’s Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent which examines Psalms 120-134 and how these fifteen Psalms serves as a model for us to voice our petitions and praises to God. Your intimacy with God will grow from studying these treasured Psalms while also exploring the major feasts of Israel.


CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Calling All Volunteers!

Vacation Bible School, July 16-20 Volunteers needed with Snacks, Games, Crafts, Drama, Decorations, Class Teachers, and more! Register now to be a VBS volunteer at fpcnorfolk. Help our kids “dive deep” into their faith during Operation Overboard this summer!

Summer Sunday School Teachers Needed June - August Positions available in Little Lambs (3-4 year olds) up through Youth (6-12th grade). Contact Hunter at for more information and for requirements.

Hospitality Ministries by Jim Gates

What’s Happening in Children’s Summer Sunday School

For any visitor to a church, the first seven minutes (from parking lot to pew) are the most critical. In those seven minutes, most of a visitor’s opinions about the warmth and friendliness of a church are formed. No matter how wonderful the music or sermon, it’s hard to overcome a bad first impression.

Children’s Praise and Worship • Children, K-5, will begin 9:30 Sunday school each week all together!

Our Hospitality Ministries exist to share Christ’s love with each person who enters our doors, so that they are prepared to worship. A handshake, a smile, and a simple “Welcome!” goes a long way. Equally important is helping with the basics: finding childcare and restrooms, getting a bulletin, finding a seat. From door to chair, our goal is to create an environment that prepares people to seek Christ.

• They will be lead as a group in worship and song by Joanne Whitaker until 9:55am.

• Following Children’s Praise, kids will transition to Sunday School with their teachers for the remainder of the 9:30 block.

Three critical ministries fall into these categories: Ushers (Traditional and Contemporary), Greeters, and the Welcome Desk. Ushers serve in the service, distributing bulletins, helping people find seats, and collecting the offering. Greeters serve outside the service, as a first point of contact, ready with a simple greeting or to answer a question for a visitor. The Welcome Desk team functions as the information hub, where anyone can go to ask a question or find directions or get connected.

NEW “Buzz” Sunday School Curriculum Buzz will fire up kids’ imaginations and have them discovering God’s love in incredible, tangible ways!

Vacation Bible School Needs

by Shannon Benda and Hunter Johnston

FPC’s “Operation Overboard” Vacation Bible School is quickly approaching! As always, our volunteers couldn’t pull off all the prep-work without your help! If you would like to lend and/or donate items for Vacation Bible School, we are looking for both beach and underwater themed items to help decorate for “Operation Overboard.” We will begin taking items now through July. Small items can be left at the Welcome Desk and larger items can be coordinated with Hunter for drop-off. Please be sure to label items with your name, to ensure they are returned properly. Thank you so much for your help! Items we would love to borrow for VBS: beach chairs wet suits goggles and flippers beach balls fishing nets blow-up rafts surfboards misc. beach items patio umbrellas with stands

During the month of June, we will be collecting non-perishable snack donations such as: goldfish crackers graham crackers dried fruit and raisins trail mix vanilla wafers cookies pretzels apple sauce and pudding cups hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes

Please contact Hunter Johnston at for VBS donations. 6


If you are interested in helping with any of these ministries, please contact me ( These are “low-commitment, high-impact” positions and we would love your help!

Evangelism the Easy Way by Jim Gates Last month, I met my parent’s next-door neighbors for the first time. They are a wonderful young couple with a baby who has the same name as my daughter – Zoe. In our brief conversation, they shared that they were also on their way to a post-baptism party for a friend’s baby. I knew they didn’t attend church, so I was surprised to hear they were going to a baptism party, and all the more so when I realized that their friends were Cline and Jennifer Reasor, members of our church! Twice more in the next week, I spoke to people outside the church who had attended (or were invited to) the baptism party that the Reasors held for their daughter. Cline and Jennifer invited their neighbors (including a Jewish Rabbi and his wife), coworkers, and friends from several different contexts, and intentionally mingled them with Christian friends from FPC. In March, I taught a class called “Becoming a Contagious Christian.” That curriculum describes different models of evangelism, one of which is the “Matthew Party.” This name comes from Matthew 9: 9-13, where Matthew, after deciding to follow Jesus, throws a party for all his friends, both his fellow “tax collectors and sinners” and also Jesus and his disciples. No agenda, no big fancy speeches – just two worlds brought together because of Matthew’s party. I’ve seen these simple gestures produce incredible fruit. Another couple in our church, Josh and Tiffany James, have a gift for bringing their different friends together in this way, which has led to unchurched friends coming to worship and even singing in our choir! Inspired by Reasors and the James, Krista and I had our own little Matthew party for Jonathan’s birthday. A few friends from church and unconnected parents from the Preschool celebrating a three-year-old’s birthday seems pretty ordinary – and yet perhaps it might have eternal significance. First IMPACT


It’s a local address. Do. Walk. Love.

Louis: The Dwelling Place


e is 5 years old, his name is Louis. He walked down the hall and asked a staff member to come look at something. His door opened. Five beds were in the 10 x 12 foot space. He pointed. “Look,” he said. The staff member looked but could not tell what he was pointing to. “LOOK!” he exclaimed. “What are you showing me Louis?” she asked. “ See? MY BED!!” It is the first time he has ever slept in a bed...before coming to The Dwelling Place, a floor had been the only resting spot he had ever known.

Louis, and thousands of children like him, are in need of shelter...many of these children are in our community. Children who experience homelessness are prone to long-term emotional and educational setbacks, and they are at risk for abuse and neglect. The Dwelling Place protects the well-being of every child and family in its care. An eligible family includes at least one adult with legal

The Crisis P regn held in First ancy Center Baby Show er H success. Than all May 12th was a huge ks to all who atten supported th is worthy ou ded and treach! by Ilona Webb-Bruner

custody of at least one minor child and families are accepted free-of-charge. The Dwelling Place is shelter from the storm of homelessness. It’s mission is to provide safe and secure emergency shelter for families in crisis and assist them in achieving selfsufficiency. Through case management, advocacy, tutoring and other programs, the organization breaks negative cycles and gives families a chance for a positive future. Two shelter facilities provide comprehensive service for a maximum of 14 families at a time. The organization was founded in 1985 when representatives of the faith community (Protestant, Catholic and Jewish) came together to fill an overwhelming need. Putting faith into action, thousands of families have been served and provided for by the donations, volunteer hours and generosity of ecumenical groups. To learn more and see how you can help, please visit today.

Ghent Churches Blood Drive by Sue Russell


eptember 11, 2001. I was driving in my car, taking my then young children to their swim lessons in an attempt to preserve their routine on that awful day. The radio was turned down low so only I could hear the news. “The Red Cross reports that blood donation centers coast to coast have been jammed since this morning,” the report announced. My heart soared at the news. Americans across the country knew immediately how to impact a terrible situation and they responded in droves. Unfortunately, many of the injuries of that horrible day were too severe to benefit from donated blood. But on that very day my father-in-law, Shep Russell, learned he had cancer and two months later my own father, Dick Griste, received the same diagnosis. They joined the millions of Americans who rely on donated blood to help them fight disease or to recover from serious injuries. From that day forward I became a regular blood donor. Donating blood is not hard. It takes less than an hour. As a regular donor I will admit that I don’t love the process of donating blood, but the small amount of discomfort is but a tiny sacrifice. Each time I finish donating blood I feel so very grateful that my good health enables me to have a great impact on the sick and suffering in our community. The Red Cross says that one pint of donated blood can save the lives of up to three separate people!

Four Ghent Churches (First Presbyterian, First Lutheran, Sacred Heart and St. Andrews) host blood drives every other month allowing participants to maintain an optimal donation schedule as blood may be donated every 56 days. In May, FPC hosted the drive, and we collected only 29 pints – our goal was 60, and of that total only a handful were from our members. FPC will host the next Ghent Churches Blood Drive on July 11th from 1:30 to 7pm in the Great Hall. We need donors! To schedule an appointment for July 11th, please go to and enter the sponsor code GHENT or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767). If you are unsure of your schedule, just walk-in!

If you are unable to donate blood you can still help! We need volunteers to run the sign-in table and the canteen (yes, you get a snack after donating!) on July 11th. Volunteers work two-hour shifts starting at 1:30. If you would like to help, please email Sue Russell at or call her at 623-4718. Let’s pull together to exceed our goal at the next Ghent Churches Blood Drive!



Witnessing ‘Miraculous’ in Nicaragua by Marilyn Greenway


was asked to share a story from Nicaragua that is somewhat miraculous with a personal touch. I was struggling with what to share so I wondered about “miraculous,” even looking up miracle Jeff and Marilyn Greenway and miraculous in the dictionary. I found: “a strange thing”; “to wonder at”; “marvel”; “supernatural”. In my Bible dictionary it said a “divine act”, and one of the many passages referred to was Matthew 12:38 when the religious leaders ask Jesus to perform a miracle. Knowing their hearts, He refused their request and pointed out that they already had all they needed to believe. He reminded them of the story of Jonah, a story that foreshadowed Jesus’ own death and resurrection to come. Predicting their eternal future, He revealed that He knew that even seeing all the events of His life, they would still reject Him, in essence rejecting the whole Gospel message. As I realized it is just this story of redemption and transformation that is the miraculous thing we want to hear about, I thought, “but that is everywhere!” Having said that, I must confess that sometimes I still struggle to see it – sin clouds, the devil deceives, the world distracts us…but the stories are there if we open our eyes to them. So even though only one story was requested, with my eyes wide open now, I am compelled to offer a short list, or various glimpses… 1) You should come to hear the testimonies at the end of our camps! This of course is the main “stage” where these stories are told as we hear one camper after another tell of how their heart was pierced with the love of Jesus. It is amazing to see the walls come tumbling down often with sobs and tears even from the toughest guys. This is the miracle of surrender and immediate change. 2) Visiting with Karla not long ago, I enjoyed hearing more of her First IMPACT

story. Karla suffered a childhood that would make you cry. She met Christ through VJ; she is tiny and yet she’s the coordinator of VJ club that meets in her home in a dangerous barrio in Estelí. She remembers when they had to have a table handy to collect weapons at the door as many youth entering were gang members (even from opposing gangs). She passionately remembered how they would go through the streets searching out kids who needed to know about Jesus, expressing through tears her desire that the leaders she is discipling now will have the same zeal. In the next moment she was telling me about sad news of a neighbor boy who died. It seemed he had committed suicide. She knew him well, and she knew his struggles. She had reached out to him often, and shaking her head in regret, she could barely speak her worst fear that she was not sure of his salvation. Karla is such a miracle of transformation and a life motivated by the love of Christ.

3) Alec is a farmer from Montana who, hoping to go to Costa Rica to volunteer to help build an orphanage, “happened” to come to Nicaragua instead. He came alone and spent a week up at camp digging a ditch most of the week. He came back again this year in February. When Hollman asked him why he comes, as he tried to answer his eyes filled and his throat closed up as he struggled to describe how he encountered God here last year. Although he speaks no Spanish, Alec fell in love with the people and place, and he tells of the miracle of God’s presence that he experiences at La Finca. 4) Finally the miracle of God’s provision never ceases to amaze us. Over six years ago, when FPC Norfolk invited Jeff to come, we were overwhelmed that there would be people we did not even know praying for us and ready to support us financially to join the work of VJ – and we continue to give thanks for you! But recently we witnessed God orchestrate another miracle of provision prompting friends of VJ all over and in TN to respond to the urgent need for care for Hollman’s wife Karelia who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Not only did God provide a surgeon and hospital, but He also enfolded Hollman and Karelia in a caring church family. Even pharmaceutical companies donated expensive treatment! It is faith building and such a joy to recognize God at work! What are some of the “strange things”, stories that “marvel” or supernatural/divine acts that you see in your life?


It’s a local address. Do. Walk. Love.

Louis: The Dwelling Place


e is 5 years old, his name is Louis. He walked down the hall and asked a staff member to come look at something. His door opened. Five beds were in the 10 x 12 foot space. He pointed. “Look,” he said. The staff member looked but could not tell what he was pointing to. “LOOK!” he exclaimed. “What are you showing me Louis?” she asked. “ See? MY BED!!” It is the first time he has ever slept in a bed...before coming to The Dwelling Place, a floor had been the only resting spot he had ever known.

Louis, and thousands of children like him, are in need of shelter...many of these children are in our community. Children who experience homelessness are prone to long-term emotional and educational setbacks, and they are at risk for abuse and neglect. The Dwelling Place protects the well-being of every child and family in its care. An eligible family includes at least one adult with legal

The Crisis P regn held in First ancy Center Baby Show er H success. Than all May 12th was a huge ks to all who atten supported th is worthy ou ded and treach! by Ilona Webb-Bruner

custody of at least one minor child and families are accepted free-of-charge. The Dwelling Place is shelter from the storm of homelessness. It’s mission is to provide safe and secure emergency shelter for families in crisis and assist them in achieving selfsufficiency. Through case management, advocacy, tutoring and other programs, the organization breaks negative cycles and gives families a chance for a positive future. Two shelter facilities provide comprehensive service for a maximum of 14 families at a time. The organization was founded in 1985 when representatives of the faith community (Protestant, Catholic and Jewish) came together to fill an overwhelming need. Putting faith into action, thousands of families have been served and provided for by the donations, volunteer hours and generosity of ecumenical groups. To learn more and see how you can help, please visit today.

Ghent Churches Blood Drive by Sue Russell


eptember 11, 2001. I was driving in my car, taking my then young children to their swim lessons in an attempt to preserve their routine on that awful day. The radio was turned down low so only I could hear the news. “The Red Cross reports that blood donation centers coast to coast have been jammed since this morning,” the report announced. My heart soared at the news. Americans across the country knew immediately how to impact a terrible situation and they responded in droves. Unfortunately, many of the injuries of that horrible day were too severe to benefit from donated blood. But on that very day my father-in-law, Shep Russell, learned he had cancer and two months later my own father, Dick Griste, received the same diagnosis. They joined the millions of Americans who rely on donated blood to help them fight disease or to recover from serious injuries. From that day forward I became a regular blood donor. Donating blood is not hard. It takes less than an hour. As a regular donor I will admit that I don’t love the process of donating blood, but the small amount of discomfort is but a tiny sacrifice. Each time I finish donating blood I feel so very grateful that my good health enables me to have a great impact on the sick and suffering in our community. The Red Cross says that one pint of donated blood can save the lives of up to three separate people!

Four Ghent Churches (First Presbyterian, First Lutheran, Sacred Heart and St. Andrews) host blood drives every other month allowing participants to maintain an optimal donation schedule as blood may be donated every 56 days. In May, FPC hosted the drive, and we collected only 29 pints – our goal was 60, and of that total only a handful were from our members. FPC will host the next Ghent Churches Blood Drive on July 11th from 1:30 to 7pm in the Great Hall. We need donors! To schedule an appointment for July 11th, please go to and enter the sponsor code GHENT or call 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767). If you are unsure of your schedule, just walk-in!

If you are unable to donate blood you can still help! We need volunteers to run the sign-in table and the canteen (yes, you get a snack after donating!) on July 11th. Volunteers work two-hour shifts starting at 1:30. If you would like to help, please email Sue Russell at or call her at 623-4718. Let’s pull together to exceed our goal at the next Ghent Churches Blood Drive!



Witnessing ‘Miraculous’ in Nicaragua by Marilyn Greenway


was asked to share a story from Nicaragua that is somewhat miraculous with a personal touch. I was struggling with what to share so I wondered about “miraculous,” even looking up miracle Jeff and Marilyn Greenway and miraculous in the dictionary. I found: “a strange thing”; “to wonder at”; “marvel”; “supernatural”. In my Bible dictionary it said a “divine act”, and one of the many passages referred to was Matthew 12:38 when the religious leaders ask Jesus to perform a miracle. Knowing their hearts, He refused their request and pointed out that they already had all they needed to believe. He reminded them of the story of Jonah, a story that foreshadowed Jesus’ own death and resurrection to come. Predicting their eternal future, He revealed that He knew that even seeing all the events of His life, they would still reject Him, in essence rejecting the whole Gospel message. As I realized it is just this story of redemption and transformation that is the miraculous thing we want to hear about, I thought, “but that is everywhere!” Having said that, I must confess that sometimes I still struggle to see it – sin clouds, the devil deceives, the world distracts us…but the stories are there if we open our eyes to them. So even though only one story was requested, with my eyes wide open now, I am compelled to offer a short list, or various glimpses… 1) You should come to hear the testimonies at the end of our camps! This of course is the main “stage” where these stories are told as we hear one camper after another tell of how their heart was pierced with the love of Jesus. It is amazing to see the walls come tumbling down often with sobs and tears even from the toughest guys. This is the miracle of surrender and immediate change. 2) Visiting with Karla not long ago, I enjoyed hearing more of her First IMPACT

story. Karla suffered a childhood that would make you cry. She met Christ through VJ; she is tiny and yet she’s the coordinator of VJ club that meets in her home in a dangerous barrio in Estelí. She remembers when they had to have a table handy to collect weapons at the door as many youth entering were gang members (even from opposing gangs). She passionately remembered how they would go through the streets searching out kids who needed to know about Jesus, expressing through tears her desire that the leaders she is discipling now will have the same zeal. In the next moment she was telling me about sad news of a neighbor boy who died. It seemed he had committed suicide. She knew him well, and she knew his struggles. She had reached out to him often, and shaking her head in regret, she could barely speak her worst fear that she was not sure of his salvation. Karla is such a miracle of transformation and a life motivated by the love of Christ.

3) Alec is a farmer from Montana who, hoping to go to Costa Rica to volunteer to help build an orphanage, “happened” to come to Nicaragua instead. He came alone and spent a week up at camp digging a ditch most of the week. He came back again this year in February. When Hollman asked him why he comes, as he tried to answer his eyes filled and his throat closed up as he struggled to describe how he encountered God here last year. Although he speaks no Spanish, Alec fell in love with the people and place, and he tells of the miracle of God’s presence that he experiences at La Finca. 4) Finally the miracle of God’s provision never ceases to amaze us. Over six years ago, when FPC Norfolk invited Jeff to come, we were overwhelmed that there would be people we did not even know praying for us and ready to support us financially to join the work of VJ – and we continue to give thanks for you! But recently we witnessed God orchestrate another miracle of provision prompting friends of VJ all over and in TN to respond to the urgent need for care for Hollman’s wife Karelia who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Not only did God provide a surgeon and hospital, but He also enfolded Hollman and Karelia in a caring church family. Even pharmaceutical companies donated expensive treatment! It is faith building and such a joy to recognize God at work! What are some of the “strange things”, stories that “marvel” or supernatural/divine acts that you see in your life?


CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Calling All Volunteers!

Vacation Bible School, July 16-20 Volunteers needed with Snacks, Games, Crafts, Drama, Decorations, Class Teachers, and more! Register now to be a VBS volunteer at fpcnorfolk. Help our kids “dive deep” into their faith during Operation Overboard this summer!

Summer Sunday School Teachers Needed June - August Positions available in Little Lambs (3-4 year olds) up through Youth (6-12th grade). Contact Hunter at for more information and for requirements.

Hospitality Ministries by Jim Gates

What’s Happening in Children’s Summer Sunday School

For any visitor to a church, the first seven minutes (from parking lot to pew) are the most critical. In those seven minutes, most of a visitor’s opinions about the warmth and friendliness of a church are formed. No matter how wonderful the music or sermon, it’s hard to overcome a bad first impression.

Children’s Praise and Worship • Children, K-5, will begin 9:30 Sunday school each week all together!

Our Hospitality Ministries exist to share Christ’s love with each person who enters our doors, so that they are prepared to worship. A handshake, a smile, and a simple “Welcome!” goes a long way. Equally important is helping with the basics: finding childcare and restrooms, getting a bulletin, finding a seat. From door to chair, our goal is to create an environment that prepares people to seek Christ.

• They will be lead as a group in worship and song by Joanne Whitaker until 9:55am.

• Following Children’s Praise, kids will transition to Sunday School with their teachers for the remainder of the 9:30 block.

Three critical ministries fall into these categories: Ushers (Traditional and Contemporary), Greeters, and the Welcome Desk. Ushers serve in the service, distributing bulletins, helping people find seats, and collecting the offering. Greeters serve outside the service, as a first point of contact, ready with a simple greeting or to answer a question for a visitor. The Welcome Desk team functions as the information hub, where anyone can go to ask a question or find directions or get connected.

NEW “Buzz” Sunday School Curriculum Buzz will fire up kids’ imaginations and have them discovering God’s love in incredible, tangible ways!

Vacation Bible School Needs

by Shannon Benda and Hunter Johnston

FPC’s “Operation Overboard” Vacation Bible School is quickly approaching! As always, our volunteers couldn’t pull off all the prep-work without your help! If you would like to lend and/or donate items for Vacation Bible School, we are looking for both beach and underwater themed items to help decorate for “Operation Overboard.” We will begin taking items now through July. Small items can be left at the Welcome Desk and larger items can be coordinated with Hunter for drop-off. Please be sure to label items with your name, to ensure they are returned properly. Thank you so much for your help! Items we would love to borrow for VBS: beach chairs wet suits goggles and flippers beach balls fishing nets blow-up rafts surfboards misc. beach items patio umbrellas with stands

During the month of June, we will be collecting non-perishable snack donations such as: goldfish crackers graham crackers dried fruit and raisins trail mix vanilla wafers cookies pretzels apple sauce and pudding cups hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes

Please contact Hunter Johnston at for VBS donations. 6


If you are interested in helping with any of these ministries, please contact me ( These are “low-commitment, high-impact” positions and we would love your help!

Evangelism the Easy Way by Jim Gates Last month, I met my parent’s next-door neighbors for the first time. They are a wonderful young couple with a baby who has the same name as my daughter – Zoe. In our brief conversation, they shared that they were also on their way to a post-baptism party for a friend’s baby. I knew they didn’t attend church, so I was surprised to hear they were going to a baptism party, and all the more so when I realized that their friends were Cline and Jennifer Reasor, members of our church! Twice more in the next week, I spoke to people outside the church who had attended (or were invited to) the baptism party that the Reasors held for their daughter. Cline and Jennifer invited their neighbors (including a Jewish Rabbi and his wife), coworkers, and friends from several different contexts, and intentionally mingled them with Christian friends from FPC. In March, I taught a class called “Becoming a Contagious Christian.” That curriculum describes different models of evangelism, one of which is the “Matthew Party.” This name comes from Matthew 9: 9-13, where Matthew, after deciding to follow Jesus, throws a party for all his friends, both his fellow “tax collectors and sinners” and also Jesus and his disciples. No agenda, no big fancy speeches – just two worlds brought together because of Matthew’s party. I’ve seen these simple gestures produce incredible fruit. Another couple in our church, Josh and Tiffany James, have a gift for bringing their different friends together in this way, which has led to unchurched friends coming to worship and even singing in our choir! Inspired by Reasors and the James, Krista and I had our own little Matthew party for Jonathan’s birthday. A few friends from church and unconnected parents from the Preschool celebrating a three-year-old’s birthday seems pretty ordinary – and yet perhaps it might have eternal significance. First IMPACT


From Where I Stand by Jim Wood


n June 3rd, at the 9:30 worship service, 11 exceptional young people from our congregation took a stand for Christ. They are the 2012 Confirmation Class of FPC. At this special service, they were confirmed and welcomed into the membership of our church.

Wrote one of the confirmands, “I try to be guided by my faith and not by all the bad things I see in the world.” This group of teenagers is very much in the world - in their schools, in their neighborhoods, on their athletic fields. Yet they have chosen not to be of the world, but to follow and serve God. That speaks volumes for their parents, for their Sunday school teachers, for the leadership and the members of this church. So congratulations, 2012 confirmands!

Yanni Allen

Grace Lindey

Elizabeth Moore

Kennedy Coffin

Grace Melcher

David Rawls

James Lyle

Amanda Bortell Elizabeth Lilly

We celebrate

to profess

Cal Neikirk

Dan Warman

your accomplishments and your commitment

your faith and live it out here at First. Let’s Go Check Out The Loft Book review by Paul Lankford

ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Disciplines of the Faith

by Kristine Rand


e just finished our series on ordinary radical practices of the faith. It is interesting to note that radical has two primary meanings: fundamental and extreme/drastic. These practices of the faith have long been considered fundamental to the faith, but today our culture considers them extreme. Yet, these practices are indeed fundamental and formational as we work to strip off the old self and “put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4: 24). The disciplines of the faith are helpful in the stripping of our will so that we can be open to His will for our lives. To help you exercise these practices, we have created practice cards that are available in The Loft and through our website. The simple act of confession helps us to notice where our will was not aligned with His will. The Prayer of Examen helps us grow in our awareness of God’s action; notice our responses to His movement; and become aware of our own sin which moves us away from His will. Practicing self denial through fasting helps to peel away the things that control us. As we fast from food, things or activities, we are invited to feast on God and His Presence. Living a life of submission is the practice of claiming the freedom of not having to get our own way so that we become open to his way. Additionally, through this practice, we choose to surrender the burden of letting decisions, circumstances and events dictate our joy, peace and contentment.

FPC Church Family Ties to Camp Massanetta by Sharon Privett


ne of my earliest memories is sitting cross-legged with my ‘tribe’ in an Indian headband at Pioneer Camp Massanetta [circa1950]! A vision long held by my grandfather, Rev. Dr William E Hudson, to create a sacred place where people of all ages and denominations could come for ‘good preaching’, spiritual renewal and fellowship, became a reality when, under the auspices of the Synod of Virginia, Massanetta Springs was born in 1922. Third and fourth family generations still come year after year, renewing old acquaintances and passing on spiritual legacies to their children. There is so much more to know, so please visit! 2

The Little Star that Shines for Jesus by Cindy Peak with art by Gary Sanchez is available upstairs in The Loft. Mosey on up and see what else is available!


od had promised the little star that a special job was waiting for him someday, but he would have to be patient until God revealed His plan. As the little star waited and wondered what kind of job such a little star could ever do, he continued to shine his small beams of light into the night sky. Have you ever wondered what God’s plan might be for you? Have you ever wondered if there could be a special job waiting for you to do someday? If you have, then you will enjoy reading The Little Star that Shines for Jesus. You will find out, just as the little star does, that nothing we can imagine on our own can be as important and special as the job God has already planned for each one of us to do. First IMPACT

The fruit of spending time with God (through prayer, Bible reading, solitude and community) is discernment. As we focus on Him, we are able to discern his will from our own will. God established the rhythm of work and Sabbath space. God worked and God rested. When our day includes work and Sabbath time, we mirror God’s nature and God’s purpose for humankind. Sabbath space helps us to remember that God is our God and that we are not our own gods. Our hope is that you will begin practicing these disciplines as you work to move closer to Christ and incarnate his love to the world.


Avenues of Spiritual Growth: Fellowship, Bible Study & Spiritual Disciplines

Small Group Connection Opportunity once a month on our

June 10th at 11:00 and 12:00 noon in the Armstrong Chapel We hope that you will join us on the second Sunday of each month to give us the opportunity to connect you with one of our small groups as they are an important avenue of spiritual growth at First Presbyterian Church. This is an ideal time for you to meet some of our small group leaders and other interested members.

New Bible Studies beginning in June We are excited that we have the ability to offer two different Women’s bible studies that will begin meeting the third week of June on either Wednesday mornings or Thursday evenings. Wednesday Mornings: 9:30 – 11:30 am June 20 – August 22 (Childcare provided) Come join us for this intergenerational Bible Study of the book of James which meets in the main church building. See how one glimpse of the resurrected Savior turned an unbeliever into a disciple with Beth Moore’s study James: Mercy Triumphs. Once you get to know both the man and the Book of James, you’ll never be the same again. Thursday Evenings: 7:00 – 9 :00 pm June 21 – August 22 Please consider joining us as we study Beth Moore’s Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent which examines Psalms 120-134 and how these fifteen Psalms serves as a model for us to voice our petitions and praises to God. Your intimacy with God will grow from studying these treasured Psalms while also exploring the major feasts of Israel.


The Jonah Project

by Hunter Johnston Jonah is a 9 year old, paper doll boy who is embarking on an exciting journey for God, as an ambassador for our kids at First Presbyterian Church. He is looking to spread Christ’s love, both near and far! But, he needs our help! Take Jonah with you this summer as you travel and do fun and meaningful things for our Lord. Take pictures of Jonah and his adventures, then e-mail them to me with a description of your experience with Jonah. Let’s see how far Jonah can spread Christ’s love! To find out how you and your family can be part of “The Jonah Project,” and to download a letter-size Jonah to print out, check out www.jonahfpcnorfolk. or contact me at


Please be in prayer for our June Mission Teams!

June 2012

Massanetta Springs Mission Camp – June 17-19 Kenya Mission Pilgrimage – June 23-July 8 Both teams will be commissioned in worship on June 17th.

The number of people we will be sending into the mission field this June!

What a testimony to the commitment to be Sent to the Nations! Check next month’s issue of First Impact for reports from Massanetta, and the following month’s issue for stories from Kenya. Again, we covet your prayers for all our mission pilgrims!



hen we were younger, summer was a time to relax, to unwind, to slow down the frantic pace that we impose upon ourselves. Summer was the season when we had permission to not fill up our schedules, permission to not keep juggling all our responsibilities, permission to stop doing and simply be. It was the time we were given permission to rest. Beginning this month, we will think about getting back to those younger days as we begin a new sermon series called Permission to Rest. Our focus will be on John 15: 1-17, where Jesus states “Abide in me as I abide in you.” Abiding is a great summer word – it’s not about accomplishing a list, but about resting in a relationship. As Jesus says in this same passage,

“Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Too often our busyness masks our inadequacies, brokenness and distance from God. So this summer we will give each other permission to rest in Christ.

Because of this theme of rest and a “younger days” feel, we will have some wonderful, retro experiences each week designed to help us get back to those days when summer was really time off. Look for lemonade stands after worship, and sprinklers in the fields for children (and adults!), old-school, hand-churned ice cream, and more. Look for permission slips each week – just like you got in school – that give you permission to stop doing. Look for stories and movies and music from an earlier era, as together we remember a time when summer was slower. Abide with us this summer. Abide in Christ, and let Him abide in you. Just abide. And let Jesus’ command give you what we all desperately need . . . permission to rest.


Vacation Bible School July 16 - 20 Operation Overboard Registration is now open to everyone at FPCNorfolk More information about VBS can be found on Page 6 !

CPC Baby Shower Successful 5

Pause for Thought Evangelism Micah 6: 8 Beyond the 757 Children & Families Adult Discipleship Where is Jonah?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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