First Impact April

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First Presbyterian Church



Enter Your Mission Field


Come to our fantastic Easter Egg Hunting Eggtravaganza on Saturday, April 7 at 9:30 to learn all about the lost White Egg, and how it can help you to add to our community here at FPC!

MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE PASSOVER SEDER DINNER APRIL 5 IN FIRST HALL 6:00PM– 7:30PM “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer...” These were the words of Jesus before he shared the Passover with his disciples. You are invited to come and experience a taste of the Jewish meal of Passover like Jesus might have experienced it. We will journey through the major parts of this ancient ritual including dinner and the celebration of the Lord’s Table. Through this evening experience we will walk through the trials of the Exodus – the bitterness of bondage and the triumph of freedom. A special treat will be our


Maundy Thursday Service April 5 at 6pm

Creative Kids for Christ leading us through different parts of this meaningful meal. The traditional Passover Seder can last up to four hours, we have shortened, simplified and adapted the experience so that we can have a sense of the ceremony. This is an experience that you don’t want to miss. Please sign up on our website at Cost for meal will be $10 per adult; $5 per child; $25 cap per family. Menu: Salad De Colores; Sweet Brisket with Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Seasoned Red Cabbage. Dessert: Dried Fruit Compote; Cookies for children. Visit for more information!

Good Friday Service April 6 at 7pm

Easter Egg Hunt April 7 9:30

Easter Services April 8 8:30, 9:30 & 11:00

Ordinary Radical Practices

After Holy Week and our “Add to the Community” theme, we begin the last miniseries in PRA•X•IS: The Experiment. From April 15-May 27, we focus on “Ordinary Radical Practices.” Ordinary radical sounds like an oxymoron, perhaps, but the word radical just means “root.” What ordinary aspects of our lives are rightly understood as spiritual practices that keep us rooted in Christ? These practices are not included in our PRA•X•IS acronym but are no less important. Join us for worship as we explore what it means to be an ordinary radical.

From Where I Stand By Jim Wood

When I think about Easter here at FPC, I can’t help but remember the fantastic response to the flowered cross we erected outside the new bell tower. Families stopping to have a moment and a photo with the cross, then seeing those families post that picture as their Facebook profile picture later in the week, was just wonderful. Friends would see it, tag it or share it and our community grew to this massive viral sharing of peoples’ morning at FPC. I loved it and I can’t wait to see it again this year!

Pause for Thought

Remembering this story gives me pause. Why do you think our flowery cross had such an impact on our congregation? Without any question it is you, the congregation, reaching out to your neighbors, friends and families, that makes our family grow. Consider for a moment: Have you tried, have you really tried, to invite someone to church this year? Have you asked a friend or family member to join you for a Sunday service at FPC? If not, why? Or if so, what prompted you to reach out? If we feel the tug of evangelism, why do we ignore it? These questions seem so much bigger when we think back to those viral pictures of the flowery cross from Easter last year. Why is it so easy to hit “like” or to “tag” a photo and share it with everyone you know in the digital world, when we have so much trouble with a simple invitation in the real world? Consider this our moment to pause and think.

NEW NEO CLASS STARTS APRIL 15 5:30 to 7:30pm

The NEO Course is a class where you have the freedom to ask questions about the Christian faith in a caring environment where no question is too simple and none too challenging to deserve an honest response from a Biblical perspective.

The NEO course combines equal parts of fellowship, Biblical teaching and small group community. Each week participants meet for dinner, followed by a talk on the Christian faith and small group discussion. Who is NEO for? Everyone is welcome! This is an excellent class for folks outside the church, especially those who want to learn what our Christian


by Jim Gates

Jim and Nancy Yuan are two of the unsung heroes of FPC. For thirty years, they have led a Bible study in their homes primarily for young Chinese and Taiwanese ODU students. Although most of those students are from nonChristian countries, cultures and families, they can’t get enough of Jim and Nancy. The Yuans exude kindness, humility, and brilliance in equal measures. Over the last thirty years, it’s almost impossible for me to estimate how many of those students began a relationship with Jesus Christ because of that Bible study – 100? 200? More?

faith is all about. Or maybe you’ve been visiting First Presbyterian for awhile, or maybe this is your first time.! You’re seeking.! You believe in God, but you don’t know how Jesus fits into it all, and you wonder why we keep talking about Jesus dying on the cross.! NEO would be great to help you learn how to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

On March 18th, we baptized two such students – Xiao-Tao and Xin Tian. Xin Tian, a young Chinese student at ODU, was invited by a fellow student to Jim and Nancy’s Bible study the first day she arrived on campus. Although she wasn’t a Christian and had never been to a Bible study before, Xin Tian attended the Yuan’s study the next day. Over time, she invited XiaoTao, who is now her husband, and through that Bible study, both came to profess Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. As an added blessing, their families, while not Christians, were supportive of their new faith (many Chinese parents will disown their children if they covert to Christianity, because a Christian

Or, maybe you’ve been a Christian for a long time.! NEO is not just a “beginner’s” course.! We want everyone at First Presbyterian to go through NEO at some point.! This theological refresher is useful where ever you are in your faith. Contact Jim Gates [phone 625-1697] for more information. Register Online at

will not participate in ancestor worship). Before their baptisms, the couple wrote these words to describe their new faith: “Jesus Christ is the clearest, most specific picture of God revealing himself to me. Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins. You know my life and that I need to be forgiven. I ask you to forgive me right now and come into my life. I want to know you in a real way. Come into my life now. Thank you that you wanted a relationship with me. Amen.” Amen indeed.



by Sheryl Wood

I was at the soup kitchen one day and I took my camera to capture some shots. While shooting, a man by the name of Isaiah came beside me and said, “I love to take pictures.” I stopped and looked at Isaiah, his deep brown eyes reflected my gaze, and asked if he would please remain after the soup kitchen just for a moment. I went to Walgreens and bought two disposable cameras. I handed them to Isaiah and asked him to return them to me when they were full. Five days later when I came into work I had a bag waiting for me from Isaiah. I processed the camera and took them into the class that Chris Tyre, a professional

in the world of film was teaching. Chris was so impressed with Isaiah’s pictures he decided to featured them in the photography display at the church the following week. One picture in particular was of a beautiful young woman, with piercing eyes, standing by a dusty road. Isaiah said, “he loved to see things a little differently when he looked into a camera.” He was thrilled to be a part of the display. I haven’t seen Isaiah for quite sometime now. My prayer for him is that he has found a perfect lens though which to view the world and that he is still freezing frames in royal style. I hope that one day I will see him again. I know that we could develop a great friendship. Contact Sheryl Wood for more information about local ministry:, 757-625-1697


appropriate biblical response to each negative circumstance that was presented. The visuals of their everyday lives related to biblical practices was a message that really hit home in the lives of our students.

by Annie Blakey

It sounds like such a filmnoire start to a Saturday but, it was a chilly and wet day, the kind of day you want hot soup and a comfy couch. Your basic grey dreary day outside. Inside, however, was a different story! The dreariness of the day was lost in splashes of color and laughter. An image to warm and motivate, even the laziest of hearts, to serving their community. Our day was an artistic adventure, our students in the

advanced painting class continued working on their masterpieces, while the other students made necklaces using sand art as pendants. It was a beautiful piece of handmade jewelry to bring home! With artistic grace the teen girls completed a special devotional that paired real life issues to scriptures that illuminated the

Spend one Saturday at the Park Place Child Life Center, spend the day making arts and crafts or just talking and listening to the young people. You can touch the lives around you. Please make plans to come and visit the Child Life Center and be blessed with a wonderful day of children growing in Christ. Contact Annie at for more information.

Beyond the 757 FPC Global Pilgrimages

Where are you called?


If you have been considering a pilgrimage to Kenya, if there is a tug at your heart as you listen to the stories of so many who have made this pilgrimage before you, perhaps 2012 is the year to just do it! !There will be a team leaving in late June. !Will you be on the plane with them? ! As you consider and pray about whether this is the place for you to be the hands and feet of Christ this year, think about some of the things the team will do while on the ground in Kenya: Provide hands on assistance and experience the happiness, struggles, aspirations and dreams of nearly 200 teens living with HIV/AIDS.! Join our program to increase patient treatment retention through relationship building. Through the creative process of Art Therapy, provide encouragement to children at Holy Family Center HIV/AIDS clinic, Korogocho area and Allamano School.



Work and minister at the Joy Children’s Home in Ngarariga, Kenya, and be blessed by the lost who have been found. If you would like more information, please contact Rudy Miller at

Updates from the Field

On December 19, 2011, on the lawn of Nazareth Hospital in Kenya, the annual distribution of Boxes of Love took place. !It was a gloriously beautiful day, filled with great anticipation and prayers of thanksgiving by the 450 HIV/Aids children and teens receiving their Box of Love. !Sixty-two children from the Allamano School also received Boxes of Love, including food and school shoes. ! On hand to oversee the festivities were the staff of Holy Family Center and the Administrator of Nazareth Hospital, Sister Clara. In addition to the distribution of 450 Boxes of Love, this year 150 teenagers were blessed with a special gift of their own – a wrist watch meant to help them adhere to their medication schedules. !With 11 of the 189 teens in the program on the second line regimen, the treatment of last resort, the wrist watches are a symbol of Christ’s desire for healing and wholeness in this place of overwhelming suffering and poverty. Thank you to the many, many churches and individuals who supported Boxes of Love this year. !May you be blessed abundantly by the love and grace of Christ in 2012

MASSANETTA June 17 - 19

KENYA June 23- July 8 & Oct 21 - Nov 11

NICARAGUA August 4 - 11

Children and Families FAMILY EASTER EVENTS By Hunter Johnston

I am really excited about this year’s events for Holy Week. The staff has worked really hard to put together great family friendly events and wonderful events for parents as well! I’d first like to invite you to enjoy the plagues, as our children portray them, at our Maundy Thursday service at 6:00pm on Thursday April 5. Then come out on Friday at 7pm to our Good Friday Service. Then get excited about Saturday’s Easter Egg Eggtravaganza Egg Hunt!! We are hiding more than 2,000 eggs and we need you and your family to come find them for us. Each egg holds a special prize for its finder! We will also be serving breakfast and coffee and enjoying the

morning in each others company. Sunday Easter Service will be a wonderful experience for our congregation and their families as well! We invite you to take Easter family photos with our beautiful flower covered cross. Please visit for more information on any of the many Holy Week activities that we have for you and your family.


The Lost White Easter Egg will be hidden among all the other beautiful eggs, hidden just for you to find. When you find a white egg make sure to keep it and bring it to church with you on Sunday morning, to redeem it for a wonderful prize! If you bring a friend to the Easter Egg Hunt, as we

hope you will, and they find a white egg make sure to bring them with you on Sunday to get their prize as well. It is my hope that you take this chance to reach out to your neighbors, families and friends and invite them to this wonderful event with our church family. This is the perfect event for Adding to our Community.


I am excited about the Preschool’s summer programming this year. We plan to offer five different thematically based camps as well as our Summer Stay and Play Program. Children do not have to be registered as a student at First Presbyterian

Preschool in order to attend either one of these programs. For more information about the camps you can email me at or pick up a brochure at the welcome desk. Sign ups will be available on the church website beginning May 1st. Our Summer Stay and Play program is a flexible child care option available from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm for $6 per hour. Please call 625-1602 the day before to make a reservation.

Adult Discipleship

belonging and a revived spiritual passion.


It combines commitment with sacrifice. It is oneway love. Love without an by Janell Rardon exit strategy.” It was that As I crossed the threshold last little sentence that of the Hilton Garden Inn really struck a chord. As (Nags Head), I closed my we broke into small eyes and took a very deep groups and examined the breath. Here we go, Lord. areas in our lives where I trust You. Knowing only we were called to this 4 or 5 women, casually, I hesed love, it only took a entered the FPC Women’s few seconds to realize we Retreat with a bit of all had a lot of growing to trepidation. Being new to do. Our table top the church, I wasn’t quite conversations turned into sure what to expect. an altar of renewed Within minutes, though, commitments to love my anxiety was washed others well. Love them away by the waves of without an exit strategy. many caring women who As the retreat closed, I welcomed me with open lingered on the beach. arms. The overarching With a heart full of theme of the retreat was gratitude for this God’s hesed love, a incredible fresh start, I left Hebrew word “which the Women’s Retreat with combines two words in a renewed sense of English: love and loyalty. !

For more information on Women’s Ministry visit

April Events

SENIORS FIRST BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON Wednesday, April 4 at noon in First Hall.

The speaker is Dianna Starkey, Director of Group Sales/Tourism with Virginia Arts Festival. She is presenting an overview of 2012 Virginia Arts Festival which will feature great stars of stage, screen, and concert hall. RSVP to FPC reception at 625-1697 or on web site by 10:00 am.

Jim Wood and guest speakers will guide us through discussions on critical issues that every man faces in his life. Regardless of your age or marital status, these discussions will provide valuable insights into the challenges of being a Christian man in the 21st century. Come and enjoy a full breakfast, great fellowship and a challenging message about being the "point man" in your home. Visit for more information








Who we are Our Missionaries: Dana & Brandi Bates-Romania; Jeff & Marilyn Greenway-Nicaragua; Brandi Hammock-Uganda; Chuck & Antoinette Smiley-Cambodia; Tim & Gloria Wheeler-Honduras


We want to Pray for YOU Prayer Requests can be made through our parish visitor, Grace Weedman, 757-625-1697

Pastors on Call: Mon-Wed-Fri Jim Gates-625-1697(O); 615-1799(C) Tues-Th-Weekend Valena Hoy 625-1697(O); 627-0810(H); 287-0812(C) Parish Visitation: Contact the church office (625-1697) if you desire a visit or pastoral care or are homebound and would like to receive communion.










Maundy Good Easter Easter Thursday Friday Services Egg Hunt Service Service April 8 April 7 April 5 at April 6 at 8:30, 9:30 9:30 6pm 7pm & 11:00

Good Friday April 6 at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary Join us for a powerful evening of worship as we remember Christ’s Passion. Our Chancel Choir, together with members of the Virginia Symphony, will lead our worship with the dynamic mastery of John Rutter’s Requiem. This will be a night you will not want to miss.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 820 Colonial Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23507


Visit for more information.


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