1 minute read
Setting the tone for the day ahead
½ an onion 2 tomatoes 1 clove of garlic 1 teaspoon smoked paprika, 10 millilitres olive oil 1 poached egg (poached in the sauce) Salt and chili to taste Coriander
Heat the olive oil in a large pan over high heat until simmering. Add the onion, the garlic and a heaped teaspoon of smoked paprika. Add some chilli to taste and spread into an even layer. Once the spices melt into the oil, add the large deseeded and peeled tomatoes and cover for about six minutes. Remove the lid and stir. The tomatoes will thicken up to a point where you can create a well in the centre of your pan. Place the egg. It is important that this egg is as fresh as possible as it holds better. Once all the egg white has coagulated, sprinkle on some coriander and a dash of paprika. Serve with toast.
Pitaya Bowl - Brazilian breakfast bowl
2 blended pitayas (dragon fruit) ¼ frozen banana 80 millilitres orange juice Banana
Dried coconut Fresh strawberries Blueberries Fresh mint Crushed pistachio Coconut and lime granola
Blend the ripe pitayas (or a frozen alternative) with the frozen banana and the freshly squeezed orange juice; the mixture should be thick enough not fall out of the blender if turned upside down. At the base of the coconut bowl set the granola, place the pitaya mix on top and then decorate with your favourite fruits and nuts. Here we are using blueberries, strawberries, banana, and coconut flakes.