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Since the dawn of the human era, a great sense of adventure tempted humankind to go on risky adventures in search of new worlds. Explorers who kept going and survived the dangers along the way found breathtaking new worlds.

Some set out with a purpose. They would seek a golden treasure or the fountain of youth. Their youthful dreams fuelled by a great desire for a life filled with adventure and excitement. They eventually found great treasures for humanity: alluring animals that were never seen before.

When they returned, they told stories about exotic worlds and unique animals. Birds the colours of the rainbow, cute smiling creatures hanging from tree branches, almost magical sea creatures, and much more.

The stories about the animals became an endless source of inspiration for talented artists. Driven to recreate these animals, they put pen to paper and made drawings of these magical creatures.


Moooi sailed away on a bold adventure. What they found was a true treasure trove from the past; the artists’ rare drawings of animals that went extinct. The unique drawings of these Extinct Animals were made available by museums from all over the world. Enchanted by ten brilliant extinct animal drawings, Moooi created designs inspired by the animals’ unique characteristics, including the luxury Extinct Animals bedding and bath collections.

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