Reprographics Policy Journals: The Globe currently holds a CLA licence which allows us to photocopy one article per issue of magazines. There can be absolutely no digitisation of journal articles, images or adverts at this time. Books: We will photocopy from printed books for research use only. The CLA licence allows us to photocopy one chapter or 5% of a book. Under law, we may photocopy more than the CLA allowance from books over 70 years old. There can be absolutely no digitisation of pages or images from books at this time. Archives: Photocopying of archival materials is generally not allowed. In rare circumstances when the archivist allows photocopying, the visitor must submit a declaration form. Press Cutting: The Newspaper Licensing Agency licence does not extend to allow us to make photocopies of our press cuttings in large numbers. Instead, visitors can make notes of the citations for their further research or we can recommend online databases such as The World Shakespeare Bibliography Online and Proquest. If a visitor would like to copy a single review on occasion, we can do that, but we need to keep track of how many we copy each year to provide that information for the Communications Department. There can be absolutely no digitisation of press cuttings. Digital screen captures of digitally recorded performances: Bona fide researchers may take screen captures of digitally recorded performances, but may not copy entire performances or even excerpts. Screen captures may be taken for use in academic journals and presentations, on two conditions: 1. The Globe must approve of screen captures to be published in order to ensure quality. This approval can be done either by the Theatre Department, or, if they are not available, at the discretion of the librarian or archivist. 2. All actors in the image must be identified. The use of screen captures in books or cases where the author stands to earn money from the public use of the images must be negotiated on a case by case basis, consulting the Theatre and Communications Departments. When researchers are interested in performance images, we should first show them production stills. Communications will arrange usage of these images.