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From Year 1, Bede’s Prep pupils receive weekly discrete Computing lessons with a subject specialist, in our dedicated IT suite.
They learn fundamental e-safety techniques and consider the importance of safeguarding our personal information when online. This helps Bede’s Prep pupils develop into well-rounded digital citizens.
Our young pupils also get their first taste of key programming concepts, which will continue to be developed as they move through the school. Our experience over many years of teaching programming concepts to small groups means all Bede’s Prep pupils benefit as we educate our learners in this sometimes demanding, but important modernday skill. For them, this is the start of a journey that makes Bede’s Prep pupils amongst the most technically able in our digital world.
What skills will my child develop?
• Fluency with using the mouse and keyboard.
• A knowledge of the types of personal information that should not be shared online, and an understanding of who to talk to should something worry or upset us.
• Knowledge of how an ‘algorithm’ formed, and how this relates to instructions for machines.
• An appreciation of how to control electronic devices, leading to a basic understanding of how to construct computer code.
• An ability to use word processing, graphic design and multimedia presentation tools to produce digital content.
Hints & Tips for Home
• Supervise your child in practising how to: send and receive emails, with and without attachments, applying all the appropriate e-safety skills, use efficient search techniques when using the web and practice word processing to gain fluency in basic formatting tools and become more familiar with keyboard layout
The following websites may also be helpful:
• Develop coding techniques to create videogames at http://www.purplemash.com/bedesprep
• Support with staying safe online is available at www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Peter Barclay Head of Computing

In Year 1 and above, Bede’s Prep pupils receive weekly discrete Computing lessons with a subject specialist, in our dedicated IT suite.
The pupils continue to develop their confidence in controlling technological devices, and accurate use of the mouse to select appropriate icons and drag objects on the screen is practised. Pupils gain familiarity with the keyboard, and typing challenges see the pupils improving their keyboard familiarity in preparation for the application of this skill to all other areas.
Bede’s Prep pupils of this age also gain solid grounding in core applications, which they then apply to their work in all curriculum areas; amongst this, they start to learn how to master word processing and multimedia presentation techniques as well as learn about and practice sending and receiving emails using our safe, private online environment
The pupils explore digital household devices through interactive simulations and learn safely about some applications of technology all around us. Simulations include devices such as the digital music player, the digital camera, movie player, music keyboard, digital radio and television. They learn about the device and its functions, and in doing so help develop their logic and sequencing skills.
Pupils in Year 2 discover computer algorithms and start to consider how a set of instructions can become a computer program. They see how instructions need to be precise and unambiguous as they complete a variety of challenges. They experiment with robots and create increasingly efficient algorithms for machines to follow in order to draw images and follow routes on a map. The pupils then develop this further by coding simple apps for PC and tablet devices. They create simple games and construct programs that control how a character moves on the screen. They also explore ‘events’ in code and try to make the computer do something when images are clicked, keys are pressed or objects collide. They look at different forms of input and explore the key principle of selection using conditional events.
Pupils also learn about computer animation. They use software to create short cartoons and develop their drawing skills on the computer whilst exploring techniques that professional animators use.
Adam Brewer Head of Geography