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Our Year 7 and 8 Maths curriculum has been designed to build confidence and develop the skills required to achieve every individual’s own mathematical potential. We give our pupils the tools required to become independent and successful learners and to enjoy all aspects of mathematics.
During Years 7 and 8 we continue with the ‘teaching mathematics for mastery’ approach, building on the progress made in earlier years. Children are encouraged to represent mathematical concepts physically. Objects and pictures are used to demonstrate and visualise abstract ideas, alongside numbers and symbols. Mastery concepts are explored in a variety of representations and problem-solving contexts to give pupils a richer and deeper learning experience.
Mathematics is an interconnected subject and the pupils are supported and encouraged to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The scheme of work is organised into distinct domains, but pupils are taught to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.
Higher-attaining students are challenged through depth rather than acceleration onto new content and time is built into the scheme to build reasoning and problem-solving elements to lessons.
Using correct mathematical vocabulary and presenting mathematical justifications, arguments or proofs is developed in Years 7 and 8. The children are assisted in articulating their thinking clearly to themselves and others. The teachers ensure that pupils build secure foundations by using discussion to probe and remedy any misconceptions.
What skills will my child develop?
• Create a positive and safe learning environment where all pupils are challenged and engaged.
• Develop resilience and encourage pupils to seek challenges, reminding students that we learn best from our mistakes.
• Encourage pupils to be reflective about their performance and strive to improve further.
• Provide opportunities for exploration, develop curiosity and find alternative methods to answer a question.
• Help students to become adaptable and apply methods taught to various concepts.
Hints & Tips for Home
• Dr Frost Maths https://www.drfrostmaths.com/
• Corbett Maths https://corbettmaths.com/
Tiffany Henry Head of Maths
Our Year 7 and 8 Maths curriculum has been developed to offer rich access to complex problems. In Year 7, the children are split into two bands - Foundation and Higher. The curriculum is tailored to encompass the aims and objectives of the national curriculum and ISEB, but not be dictated by them.
All children will study similar course content regardless of their banding: the Higher sets consider deeper and more complex examples, while Foundation sets focus on the underlying skills that are essential for transition to a senior school. Children in the Higher band will study extra topics of simultaneous equations and Pythagoras’ Theorem. However, the highest possible level of attainment is aimed for, whatever set the child is in. No child is constrained by the tier of examination they sit.
All pupils start Year 7 by studying the concepts behind factors, multiples, primes, squares and cubes, orders of operation, number operations, negative numbers, fractions, estimation and significant figures. During the year, they are also taught topics linked to algebraic thinking, fractional thinking and lines and angles. These sequential ideas carry through to Year 8, where – much like in Year 7 – an extensive supply of further work is available to extend able pupils and support those that need more help. In Year 8 pupils investigate algebraic techniques, develop their understanding of number and geometry and explore proportional reasoning and representations, and reasoning with data. Children complete Year 8 as confident mathematicians, ready for the challenges ahead.
As students proceed through Years 7 and 8, regular assessments are integral to teaching and learning. Pupils and teachers use the information formatively and can address areas of weakness quickly and effectively. This enables children to make excellent progress and push themselves past their comfort zone.
As a result of this, we have many pupils performing well at scholarship level. Bede’s Prep pupils regularly score well in the UK Maths Challenges and more than 70% of Bede’s Prep pupils sit the highest level of examination available. Throughout Years 7 and 8, the children have the opportunity to take part in many mathematical challenges. Each year, some of our students are entered for both the UKMT team challenge and the UKMT individual challenge. The results are regularly outstanding, with many students achieving a bronze, silver, or gold certificate.
The Mathematics Department welcomes visitors and has good links with the Senior School. During the Spring Term, the Year 7 pupils visit the Senior School for a day of fun mathematical challenges, which often involves solving logic puzzles and constructing bridges out of spaghetti.