Weekly news bulletin
29TH APRIL 2024
Tues 30th April - 4 days of Voc mocks Fri 10th May - Leavers Celebration Mon 13th May- Summer Exam Series Begins Mon 13th May - YR2 Summer Exam Timetable Begins Fri 17th May - Data Capture 5
Thurs 23rd May - UCAS information evening - 6pm
All students must attend morning tutor every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9:009:15am.
All students will attend Academic mentoring every Wednesday 9:15-10:10am, where 1 to 1’s will take place and independent study/academic mentoring booklets will be completed
There will be PSHE this week for year 1 students only. There was a letter sent out to students last week with further information on this
Always wear your lanyard visibly around your neck when on site, in the buildings and in lessons. Do not allow guests on site. No mobile phones, food or drinks (other than water) allowed in lessons.
The last day to get tickets to the Year 2 Prom is on Thursday, so if you want tickets make sure you get them soon! Use the QR code around TBSF to grab yours!
Please keep our social spaces tidy We have had incidences of poor use of the social areas recently and as a result we had to close the student common room and the Nave for cleaning and repairs, this is not acceptable, other areas will be closed if they are misused
Weekly drop in’s are continuing in G18 every Wednesday lunchtime, this is for students who need support and guidance on careers and apprenticeships. We can help you search for careers and apprenticeships, help you apply and provide general guidance to support you through your next steps after The Bedford Sixth Form
Applications are now open for 70 Year 12 students to take part in our 2024 programme which consists of an on-campus visit to Edge Hill University where students will learn about student finance, life as a doctor and take part in clinical skills sessions There will also be an online day where students will take part in workshops with staff from each of our partnering universities: University of Liverpool, University of Manchester and Lancaster University. The programme will culminate in a 4 day, 3 night residential where students will stay at Edge Hill University and spend their days at each of our partner universities, experiencing life as a medical student
This programme is aimed at young people from under-represented backgrounds and is free to students who take part. This is an initiative run by the Medical Schools Council and is funded by Health Education England.
To apply, use this link:: https://outlookofficecom/mail/safelinkhtml?url=https://edgehillonlinesurveysacuk/mscpathway-programme-application-form-2024&corid=726c93d0-e7c5-ca1f-9ecaf6de6ca4e56a
More details can be found on their website - Widening participation - Edge Hill University
What is YINI?
EDT’s, The Year in Industry (YINI) Placement scheme, helps place school-leaving students into paid 12-month long placements into all areas of engineering, science (particularly physics), technology/electronics, maths, business, marketing and finance across the UK
How does the application process work?
Students register their interest via the website and receive a weekly update of the latest placement opportunities.
There is no charge for students to register
Students will apply for the specific roles that they’re interested in.
Students will receive CV/Interview advice and an interview with the team to help them prepare
Benefits for placed YINI students:
Industry led training which will include webinars on project management, presentations skills, leadership, and management to name a few.
A mentor service throughout the placement Competitions and awards to help promote and enhance the student’s CV Their work can also be accredited by the Industrial Cadets Platinum Award, of which His Majesty King Charles III is patron.
To Register for YINI:
Interested students can register via our website: https://wwwetrustorguk/yini-register
The Oxford Brookes Summer School will give you the opportunity to discover what being a university student is all about, and delve into a subject area of your choice Don’t worry if you’re not sure whether university is for you - Summer Schools provide the perfect opportunity to help you decide. The cost of the Summer School is absolutely free with all travel, meals and accommodation provided, free of charge. Why take part?
Experience student life and live in a student flat at the university.
Engage in lots of subject content designed by university academics. Explore Oxford and take part in lots of social activities every day
Get plenty of information, advice, and guidance about applying for university and your future career
Hear all about university from current Brookes students. If you have any questions about the Summer School, please get in touch with us at brookessummerschools@brookesacuk
We have been invited to attend the University of Bedfordshire's festival of football On 21st May at Kenilworth road Luton town football club we are going to play 7 aside and enter a male and female team. Its open to Yr 12 students and we can take spectatorson a coach.
If interested please email: share@bedfordsixthform.ac.uk Stating whether you wish to play or watch