DIVERSITY CALENDAR IN MAY 3rd – 9 May Deaf Awareness Week
20 May Global Accessibility Awareness Day
The week promotes the positive aspects of deafness and social inclusion and raises awareness of organisations that support deaf people and their family and friends.
The day’s focus is on digital access and inclusion for more than one billion people with disabilities and impairments worldwide. Someone with a disability must be able to experience web-based services, content and other digital products with the same successful outcome as those without disabilities.
This year’s theme is ‘Coming through it Together’. Local support: Access Bedford, Deafconnect (Northamptonshire)
17 May International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
A worldwide day to celebrate sexual and gender diversity, and to stand up for those who endure verbal and physical attacks because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. It is everyone’s duty to ensure that our College is an inclusive and safe space, free from bullying, harassment and hate incidents.
Religious Festivals in May
1 May- BELTAINE/MAY EVE Wiccan / Pagan 2 May - PASCHA/EASTER Christian (Orthodox)/ Rastafarian 13 – 16 May - EID-UL-FITR/FEAST OF FAST BREAKING Muslim 26 May - VESAKHA PUJA / WESAK / BUDDHA DAY Buddhist 28 May - ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASCENSION OF BAHA’U’LLAH Baha’i The Inter Faith Network has a more detailed list of festivals and short descriptions.