3 minute read
Philanthropy at Bedford
from A Decade of Giving
at Bedford
Philanthropy and making donations to Bedford School is not a new phenomenon. There are many examples of benefactors over the years making important gifts to the school. Indeed, the school would not have come into being without the foresight of Sir William Harpur and his original act of benefaction. Over time there have also been several appeals to support specific areas of school life and to help it move forward with the times. It is therefore important that we remember the contribution of many generations and keep this tradition of giving alive. We may now have a Foundation, actively fundraise and sensitively promote giving through our campaigns, but ultimately the rationale has not changed and that is to provide the best start in life possible for the boys of Bedford School. The Bedford School Foundation and Bedford School Trust were founded with the objective of “advancing the education of pupils and former pupils of Bedford School by providing funds, items, services and facilities in advancement of the school and its charitable activities”. The two charities provide financial support for capital projects, scholarships and small grants for day-to-day activities.

The Ousel 1937
[ Celebrating the generosity of our benefactors ]

The Ousel 1934 Sir William Harpur “As Chair of the Bedford School Foundation, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the whole community for your extraordinary support and generosity during the last decade. Whether you have chosen to support our scholarship programme or exciting capital projects, such as the Quarry Theatre or Fitness Centre to name but two, your gift to the school has helped make Bedford an exciting place for our boys to be educated”

Lance Feaver (69-74), Chairman, Bedford School Foundation

Ian Peck (65-76), Trustee, Bedford School Trust “I am a proud Old Bedfordian who owes a great debt to this wonderful school for giving me an excellent foundation from which to develop a fulfilling life and career. Like many of you, I have also seen my children develop and flourish at Bedford, taking part in the same traditions, walking the same halls and being continually encouraged to challenge the norm. The experiences that I, my children and generations of other pupils have had are ones that have been supported and made possible by generous philanthropists and donors throughout our history. The next generation of pupils will have you to thank for their opportunities and the memories that they make here. They will be your legacy.”
Changing lives at Bedford by legacy giving through exclusive membership of the 1552 Club
Over the centuries, generous individuals have made the decision to include Bedford School in their wills. Legacies contribute to our future and are essential in enabling us to expand the opportunities and excellence we have to offer. In 2003 the 1552 Club was established, named after the year in which Edward VI granted letters patent for the permanent establishment of the school. The Club was set up to thank and recognise those who have pledged a legacy. Since its launch, membership has grown and is open to anyone who has decided to remember Bedford School in their will. Members are invited to events throughout the year with the highlight being the annual Commemoration of Founders and Benefactors service followed by lunch in the Great Hall with the Head Master, staff and governors. During the last decade we have been fortunate enough to have benefited from a significant number of generous legacies left by Old Bedfordians and friends of the school. These legacies have allowed us to develop the wonderful facilities that the boys now enjoy. If you are interested in joining the 1552 Club and leaving a legacy, please contact the Foundation office or find out more on the BSA page on the school website.