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The Bedford Week
Year 9 (13+) Pre-Test (optional) Candidates who register early for 13+entry are invited to sit the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) Common Pre-Test at their current school. The pre-test can be taken when a candidate is in either Year 6 or 7 (and currently anytime between November and March of those academic years). Conditional and unconditional places can be offered at this stage.
The Common Pre-Test is a computer-based test in English, mathematics, and verbal and non-verbal reasoning and is designed to enable all children to demonstrate their academic potential without excessive preparation. Further details on the Year 9 Pre-Test can be found on the school website.
Year 9 (13+) Entrance Assessments All boys who are looking for entry into Year 9 are assessed in English and mathematics. In addition, we assess underlying ability using the Bedford School Aptitude Test (BSAT). This is not a test of knowledge but is designed to identify a student’s intelligence, processing capacity and working memory. The test is taken online at Bedford School. Boys who perform particularly well on the BSAT are invited back for further academic scholarship testing and an interview before we select scholarship recipients. Sample familiarisation tests are available on the school website.
Year 10 (14+) Entrance Assessments All boys who are seeking entry into Year 10 are assessed in English, mathematics and underlying ability.
Sixth Form Entrance Assessments Boys are asked to indicate their preferred A-Level or IB subject choices in advance of their assessment day. They sit an underlying ability assessment and have an interview with a senior member of staff. We also request a confidential reference from the Headteacher of their current school and an indication of their predicted GCSE grades.
In addition, boys applying for a 16+ academic scholarship are required to sit two subject papers of their choice.
Offers made after the Sixth Form assessments in January are conditional on performance at GCSE and are confirmed once GCSE results are published in August. Details of grade requirements for the Sixth Form can be found on the school website.
Further details on all our entrance assessments can be found on our website within the Admissions section - www.bedfordschool.org.uk/admissions.
International Pupils
Bedford School welcomes applications from boys who live overseas. We require boys to have a reasonable level of fluency in English to ensure that they can thrive academically and socially right from the first day.
Registered boys can be tested from the September prior to the year of entry. The assessments may take place at Bedford School, at the British Council or through an approved agent. We will also request a confidential reference from the Headteacher of each applicant's current school, a copy of his last two school reports (in English), and if we have not had the opportunity to meet with the pupil, we will conduct an interview via Microsoft Teams. However, we strongly encourage boys and their families to visit the school, wherever possible.
Year 9 (13+) and Year 10 (14+) Boys whose first language is not English will be required to sit an EAL assessment (English as an Additional Language) as well as a mathematics paper and an underlying ability assessment.
Pre-Sixth Form (15+) The Pre-Sixth Form course is a one-year intensive GCSE programme, primarily aimed at international students. It is intended that boys see this as a foundation year before moving into the Sixth Form at Bedford School.
Boys whose first language is not English will be required to sit an EAL assessment (English as an Additional Language) as well as a mathematics paper and an underlying ability assessment.
Sixth Form (16+) Boys will be required to indicate their choice of A-Level or IB subjects. All boys will then sit a written examination in EAL assessment (English as an Additional Language) in addition to subject papers for either three of their chosen A-Levels, or for their three higher level subjects for the International Baccalaureate (IB). Guardianship
Families living overseas must appoint a guardian in the UK for their son. The guardian will have the authority to act on behalf of the parents, if necessary, and make arrangements for time away from school and travel.
All guardians who are not relatives must be AEGIS or BSA accredited.
Any pupil who wishes to study in the UK and does not hold a British passport must have a visa to allow him to do so.
The school is able to provide a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) once a place has been accepted. Further information may be obtained from the UK Government Visas and Home Office websites.