02. Introduction
04. Admissions The Admissions Process September 2026 Entry Assessments International Pupils Financial Matters
09. The Bedford Week
10. Life at Bedford Academic Pastoral Single Sex Environment Co-curricular Community Partnership Programme Bedford School Association
12. Results and Destinations
14. Transport
15. The School Estate
16. How to Find Us Key Contacts
The teenage years are exciting and full of boldness, creativity and fun; they are also as fragile as they are pivotal. Whilst constantly aiming to inspire (high quality teaching, strong relationships and a wonderful environment combine to achieve this), Bedford School also provides a safe framework from which such energy can thrive.
We believe that being a boys’ school certainly helps us to provide the security and structure that boys need during the teenage years to pursue their interests and passions for life.
Academic results are very strong and in 2024 boys once again excelled with a superb set of results and top-flight university destinations. However, academic results themselves only matter in so far as choice over the next stage is concerned; far more important is the curiosity, ingenuity and sense of fun which academic, and other, interests inspire – and, therefore, the sort of man each boy becomes. Furthermore, good manners, consideration for others, and an ability to communicate effectively in both formal and informal settings are even more important today than they have ever been. Boys are emerging now from school into a world which is becoming increasingly competitive and technological, but one in which it has never been more important to accentuate the wonders of being human. Through our three areas of strategic focus: digital technology, community partnerships and entrepreneurship, we aim to equip the boys with the skills of empathy, creativity, imagination, and sophisticated communication, amongst others, to prepare them for the world of work and to be good men.
Boys here are busy, enjoy life and build not only happy memories, but also strong foundations for interesting and varied lives. Do, please, come and meet them! And I look forward to meeting you, too.
James Hodgson, Head Master

The Admissions Process
1. Visit Bedford School
We warmly invite families to visit the school to see it in action, to meet the boys and staff and get a flavour of life at Bedford School.
Open Events
We offer open events throughout the year to enable families to see the school in action, meet key staff and our pupils. Our large-scale open mornings are held each spring and autumn, while our regular, more informal 'Bedford in Action' mornings give a feel for life on a typical school day. For the latest open event dates, please visit our website or get in touch with our Admissions Team by emailing or by calling +44 (0)1234 362216.
Personal Visits
We also encourage parents to join us at the school for a personal visit, even if you have previously visited the school at an open event. A personal visit will be tailored to suit your needs. We are always happy for boys to join their parents on these visits. To book your visit, please email
2. Register your son
Parents are welcome to register their son with us at any time. However, registrations should be submitted no later than 1 December in the year prior to intended entry, to allow us to forward all the necessary information to you regarding your son’s assessment day in the following January. Our online registration form can be found on our website
The registration form must be submitted, along with the non-refundable registration fee of £150, a colour copy of your son’s full birth certificate (listing parent names) and a colour copy of your son’s passport photograph page. We recommend early registration, especially for families who also wish to apply for scholarships and/or fee assistance, as additional forms need to be completed and returned by the same 1 December deadline. For further information on scholarships and bursaries, please see page 8.
3. Entrance Assessments
Bedford School is a selective school and all boys are required to sit our entrance assessments. Our aim is to establish each boy’s readiness to cope with the academic and social demands of the school.
Further details on assessments can be found on page 6.
We also request a confidential reference from the Headteacher of your son’s current school, and your son will be interviewed by a senior member of staff.
4. Places Offered
Results of the assessments at the school for entry in September 2026 will be sent out by email on Wednesday 11 February 2026. Families have until Wednesday 4 March 2026 to accept the place. After this date, the offer may be passed to another family.
Key Dates for 2026 Entry
Registration Deadline Monday 1 December 2025
Scholarship Application Deadline Monday 1 December 2025
Bursary (Fee Assistance) Application Deadline Monday 1 December 2025, 5pm
UK Entrance Assessments
13+ (Year 9) Week commencing Monday 12 January 2026
14+ (Year 10) Monday 12 January 2026
16+ (Year 12) Tuesday 20 January and Tuesday 27 January 2026
Scholarship Assessments
13+ Academic Scholarship Call Back Thursday 22 January 2026
16+ Academic Scholarship Tuesday 20 January 2026
13+ & 16+ Art Scholarships Wednesday 21 January 2026
13+ & 16+ Drama Scholarships Friday 16 January 2026
13+ & 16+ Music Scholarships Tuesday 27 January and Wednesday 28 January 2026
13+ Sport Scholarships Monday 19 January 2026
16+ Sport Scholarships Friday 23 January 2026
13+ & 16+ Golf Scholarships Monday 26 January 2026
“An enviable community where boys look out for each other across the year groups - a truly brotherly atmosphere.”
September 2026 Entry
Once you have registered your son, you can also apply for scholarships and/or a bursary (fee assistance). 1.
Visit Bedford School
Get a taste of everyday life at the school at one of our open events or through a personal visit.
To book a visit for your family please call the Admissions Team on +44 (0)1234 362216 or email
Register your son
Registrations and applications made by 1 December 2025
Entrance and scholarship assessments January 2026
Places offered
Results of assessments are sent out by email on Wednesday 11 February 2026
Places must be accepted by 4 March 2026
Sit the entrance test
Boys applying for Year 9 entry who perform particularly well on the BSAT are invited back for further testing and an interview for an academic scholarship.
Year 9 (13+) Pre-Test (optional)
Candidates who register early for 13+entry are invited to sit the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) Common Pre-Test at their current school. The pre-test can be taken when a candidate is in either Year 6 or 7 (and currently anytime between November and March of those academic years). Conditional and unconditional places can be offered at this stage.
The Common Pre-Test is a computer-based test in English, mathematics, and verbal and non-verbal reasoning and is designed to enable all children to demonstrate their academic potential without excessive preparation. Further details on the Year 9 Pre-Test can be found on the school website.
Year 9 (13+) Entrance Assessments
All boys who are looking for entry into Year 9 are assessed in English and mathematics. In addition, we assess underlying ability using the Bedford School Aptitude Test (BSAT). This is not a test of knowledge but is designed to identify a student’s intelligence, processing capacity and working memory. The test is taken online at Bedford School. Boys who perform particularly well on the BSAT are invited back for further academic scholarship testing and an interview before we select scholarship recipients. Sample familiarisation tests are available on the school website.
Year 10 (14+) Entrance Assessments
All boys who are seeking entry into Year 10 are assessed in English, mathematics and underlying ability.
Sixth Form (16+) Entrance Assessments
Boys are asked to indicate their preferred A-Level pathway subject choices in advance of their assessment day. They sit an underlying ability assessment and have an interview with a senior member of staff. We also request a confidential reference from the Headteacher of their current school and an indication of their predicted GCSE grades.
In addition, boys applying for a 16+ academic scholarship are required to sit two subject papers of their choice.
Offers made after the Sixth Form assessments in January are conditional on performance at GCSE and are confirmed once GCSE results are published in August. Details of grade requirements for the Sixth Form can be found on the school website.
Further details on all our entrance assessments can be found on our website within the Admissions
International Pupils
Bedford School welcomes applications from boys who live overseas. We require boys to have a reasonable level of fluency in English to ensure that they can thrive academically and socially right from the first day.
Registered boys can be tested from the September prior to the year of entry. The assessments may take place at Bedford School, at the British Council or through an approved agent. We will also request a confidential reference from the Headteacher of each applicant's current school, a copy of his last two school reports (in English), and if we have not had the opportunity to meet with the pupil, we will conduct an interview via Microsoft Teams. However, we strongly encourage boys and their families to visit the school, wherever possible.
Year 9 (13+) and Year 10 (14+)
Boys whose first language is not English will be required to sit an EAL assessment (English as an Additional Language) as well as a mathematics paper and an underlying ability assessment.
Pre-Sixth Form (15+)
The Pre-Sixth Form course is a one-year intensive GCSE programme, primarily aimed at international students. It is intended that boys see this as a foundation year before moving into the Sixth Form at Bedford School.
Boys whose first language is not English will be required to sit an EAL assessment (English as an Additional Language) as well as a mathematics paper and an underlying ability assessment.
Sixth Form (16+)
Boys will be required to indicate their choice of A-Level pathway subjects. All boys will then sit a written examination in EAL assessment (English as an Additional Language) in addition to subject papers for three of their chosen A-Level pathway subjects.
Families living overseas must appoint a guardian in the UK for their son. The guardian will have the authority to act on behalf of the parents, if necessary, and make arrangements for time away from school and travel.
All guardians who are not relatives must be AEGIS or BSA accredited.
Any pupil who wishes to study in the UK and does not hold a British passport must have a visa to allow him to do so.
The school is able to provide a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) once a place has been accepted. Further information may be obtained from the UK Government Visas and Home Office websites.
“Six senior boarding houses - four on-site and two just a short walk away - all adapted Victorian villas, each with its own character and all bright and roomy.”
Financial Matters
Acceptance Deposit
Payable by the parents of each pupil on acceptance of a place
Additional Deposit
Payable in addition to the Acceptance Deposit by parents of pupils whose normal residence is outside the United Kingdom
Fees (per term) - Spring and Summer 2025
Generous scholarships are available to current boys and external candidates as they enter Year 9 (13+), and to external candidates only at Year 12 (16+). Boys may be considered for a scholarship on entry to the school in Years 10 and 11 (Pre-Sixth Form course), subject to the availability of funding. The scholarships are awarded to boys who excel academically or show outstanding talent in art, computer science, drama, music or sport (including golf).
£9,743 Flexi
Detailed information about scholarships available at 13+ and 16+ can be found on our website as well as within our scholarship booklet, which can be requested from our Admissions Team.
*In the Upper School and Sixth Form, boys have the option to board for either two or three nights within a chosen block (Block A: Sun, Mon, Tue. Block: B Wed, Thu, Fri). Nights cannot be selected from more than one block (in order to allow effective management and to provide stability for boys in the House). Flexi boarding in the Fifth Form and above is offered exclusively in Burnaby House.
All fees include VAT at the applicable rate.
Please note: fees for the next academic year are announced in June and displayed at
Please scan the QR code below to go to the school website for the full fees sheet, which includes details of costs for digital devices, music tuition, English as an Additional Language (EAL), speech and drama lessons, Chinese lessons, private sports tuition (golf and tennis), wraparound care and occasional boarding.

The deadline for scholarship applications is 1 December in the year prior to intended entry.
Bursaries (Fee Assistance)
Each year we are able to offer some financial support through bursaries to parents of boys who would otherwise be unable to afford the fees. Bursary awards are academically competitive and all applicants must meet the school's academic requirements as a minimum, with both achievement and potential taken into consideration. We welcome bursary applications from parents who require financial assistance for their son to join us at our key entry points in Year 7 (11 +), Year 9 (13 +) and Year 12 (16 +). All our bursary awards are subject to means-testing of family income and capital. Bursaries of up to 100% of school fees are possible.
The deadline for bursary applications is 5pm on 1 December in the year prior to intended entry. The online bursary application along with school registration must be completed by this date, if you wish to be considered for a bursary. Please note, fee assistance cannot be offered to applicants at any other time.
Detailed information about our bursaries can be found on the website.
“Pupils respond positively to the wide-ranging curriculum, relishing the opportunities available to them.”
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Report
The Bedford Week
Bedford School operates a six-day timetable, with lessons for all boys on Saturday mornings. This longer working week allows for three whole afternoons of sport and helps to ensure that boys enjoy an evenly paced and productive schedule.
Monday to Friday, the day starts with a tutor group period, where boys catch up on all of the latest notices and key information that they will need for the day ahead and beyond. Lessons then begin at 8.55am (8.40am on Saturdays).
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, boys have eight lesson periods. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, lessons finish after period 5 (lunchtime) to enable the boys to enjoy a wide range of sports and activities during the afternoon.
Twice per week, all boys in the Upper School come together for a whole school assembly in the Great Hall. There is also one Chapel assembly each week.
Beyond the timetabled school day, there is a wide range of co-curricular activities on offer for boys, as well as academic clinics for additional support and guidance. Boys who need to stay later, or who wish to study or complete their prep (homework), can join boarders for dinner (for a small charge) and stay for supervised prep in the library until 7.00pm.
Life at Bedford
The Bedford Curriculum, extending well beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum, is structured to provide a balanced and varied choice of subjects, which will cater towards each individual boy’s strengths.
Our broad and traditional curriculum prepares boys for GCSE and IGCSE exams, and A-Level pathway* exams in the Sixth Form. Boys typically take ten GCSE/IGCSEs. Boys begin Lower Sixth studying four subjects. Some pursue all four until the end of the two years; most take the option to drop to three A-level or BTEC subjects by the time they start Upper Sixth, which brings with it an increased commitment to the school's Community Partnerships Programme.
All boys in the Lower Sixth undertake an extended project, designed to develop essential research, time management and project management skills. Upfront teaching covering the specific skills required ensures they are ready to take on the task, before they choose to either complete a Bedford School Independent Project (BSIP) or pursue an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) on a topic they are passionate about, even if it lies outside their subject choices.
* The A-Level Pathway includes two BTEC Level 3 options, Sports & Exercise Science and Enterprise & Entrepreneurship. Read more about the A-Level Pathway at academic-excellence/a-level
Regular lectures and talks from both staff and visiting speakers, as well as workshops, take place alongside lunchtime and after school academic clinics.
Pastoral care lies at the heart of everything that we do as a school. We believe that every boy needs to be happy in order to succeed, and that selfesteem is key for boys as they move through the school and beyond.
Bedford School is alive and active seven days per week, ensuring that not only the boarders but also day boys benefit from our strong boarding ethos. There are very few schools that a boy can attend as a day boy, still be in the majority, and yet share classes, teams and friendships with others from around the world.
“The house system and the diversity within the school community are real strengths of the school and underpin the consideration which pupils show for each other.”
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Report
On the playing field, sport is greatly enhanced by classroom teachers who work alongside the school's professional sports staff to deliver outstanding sport for all. Through shared experiences and common goals, staff and boys develop a great camaraderie, a deep understanding of each other as individuals and a mutual respect.
Boys at Bedford benefit from individual advice and support to guide them expertly towards the choices that are right for them beyond school. Our award-winning Careers and Higher Education team work with every single boy throughout his time at school to help maximise his potential.
Boys are organised into houses, with each boarding house twinned with a day house. These houses form the heart of our pastoral care system, providing a sense of belonging to every boy, whether a day boy or a boarder.
• Pemberley twinned with Crescent
• Burnaby twinned with Bromham
• Sanderson’s twinned with Ashburnham
• Redburn twinned with Paulo Pontine
• Phillpotts twinned with St Cuthbert's
• Talbot's twinned with St Peter's
Boys may board on a termly, weekly or flexi (two or three nights per week) basis. Those who choose to weekly board go home after lessons on Saturdays, subject to school commitments, and return either on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning.
Our boarding houses are small in size and run as an extended family by each Housemaster and his or her spouse, supported by an Assistant Housemaster and a team of Tutors, matrons and domestic staff.
Vertical Tutor Groups
We operate a vertical tutor group system, which allows new and younger boys to grow and develop alongside older boys; this encourages both learning and responsibility, removes peer group pressure and helps to guide and inspire our younger boys, while developing leadership skills in the older ones.
For continuity, throughout his time at the school, each boy’s Tutor remains the same. Each Tutor follows his or her tutees' academic progress closely and, in partnership with parents, provides direct and individual support and guidance. Together with Housemasters, Tutors work to ensure that boys settle in quickly and successfully.
Single Sex Environment
Life at Bedford is designed specifically around boys. The timetable is planned with lesson lengths to suit them and ample time to move around during the school day. There is plenty of sport, plenty of food and plenty of well-managed healthy competition.
Our staff body includes a good balance of male and female teachers to provide role models of both sexes. And we have the luxury of being able to focus and specialise in just boys. As a boarding school, we live with boys 24/7 which means we really get to know and understand them.
Boys also benefit from our partnership with Bedford Girls' School, situated just a 10-minute walk away, with pupils coming together for co-curricular activities, including joint theatre productions, music ensembles, debates and combined societies. In addition, through the Combined Cadet Force, 280 pupils from the two schools work together to develop leadership skills, self-reliance and resilience.
The two schools also collaborate in certain areas of the PHSE curriculum to enable pupils to share thoughts, attitudes and experiences, learning from each other as they develop as young adults.
An extensive and diverse range of sports, activities, clubs and societies are available to boys.
Sport is fundamental to life at Bedford. The six-day week affords two full afternoons of sport on Tuesdays and Thursdays, plus further training and competitive matches after lunch on Saturdays. Importantly it is ‘sport for all’ with every boy able to participate, compete and develop and therefore able to benefit from all that sport has to offer.
At elite level, partnerships with Northampton Saints, Northamptonshire County Cricket Club and Woburn Golf Club inspire and develop sportsmen of the future.
The clubs and societies, which range from general interest to academic, from the arts to sport, typically run at lunchtimes and between 4.30pm and 6.00pm during the week. From Astronomy to the Climate Action Group to the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, there is something for every boy.
A wealth of academic extension opportunities are available to all year groups each week in the form of academic societies, as well as academic clinics that provide additional support and guidance. Most clubs are open to all boys and free of charge. Please refer to the website for the full list of clubs and societies this year.
Community Partnership Programme
Now in its sixth year, our Community Partnership Programme for the Lower Sixth (Year 12) ensures that all of our boys, wherever in the world they are from, play a meaningful part in our local community while they are at the school. Our programme has been developed to ensure that it creates true partnerships that are equally valued and respected by the boys, the school and those that we support.
Boys have worked in partnership with local state primary schools giving language lessons, playing the piano for choir groups, leading extra sport practices, giving guitar recitals and tuition, and supporting individual reading programmes, as well as regularly visiting and entertaining residents in a number of local care homes and helping various charitable organisations.
By the time they leave the Upper Sixth (Year 13), each boy will have contributed to our local community through a long term (minimum of one term) and meaningful partnership. We see this sort of engagement as hugely beneficial to the boys in ensuring that they grow into responsible citizens and, hopefully, connected to and helpful to the community in which they live.
The Bedford School Association
The Bedford School Association (BSA) represents the Bedford Prep Parents' Guild, Parents' Guild (Upper School), Past Parents Association, Old Bedfordians Club (alumni) and Bedford School Foundation Trust (development).
The BSA works with all these groups to create a sense of attachment and an active network which positively supports the school. Through numerous events, reunions, sports fixtures and Eagle Connect (our online networking platform) they work to bring the school community closer together.
The Parents’ Guild
The Parents’ Guild is a group of parents and guardians of boys at the school who organise social events and are also responsible for the running of the nearly new shop, where pre-loved uniform is available for purchase. The Parents’ Guild also raises funds to be used for projects that benefit the boys, as well as support the school’s chosen charities. The Parents’ Guild is always keen to receive new ideas and welcomes anyone interested in getting involved.
2024 Results and Destinations
17% of qualifications were graded A*
46% of qualifications were graded A* to A
79% of qualifications were graded A* to B
International Baccalaureate
12% of qualifications were graded 7, the equivalent to A* at A-Level
50% of qualifications were graded 7/6, the equivalent to A*/A at A-Level
74% of qualifications were graded 7/6/5, the equivalent of A*, A or B at A-Level
45% of qualifications were graded 9 to 8
65% of qualifications were graded 9 to 7
84% of qualifications were graded 9 to 6
For our Sixth Form leavers, 79% of all A-Level grades were at A* to B. Their results represent the highest grades secured since A-Levels were reformed in 2017 (outside the changed arrangements during the pandemic) and saw the boys go on to study a remarkable range of courses at league-topping universities.
Boys took up places in fields such as Architecture, Business Management, Computer Science, International Relations, Biochemistry, Product Design, Russian, Sport Management, Sustainability and Environment Management, Urban Studies, and Zoology. As well as the more traditional subjects such as Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Modern Languages, all types of Engineering, Law, Economics, Finance and Politics.
The most popular university destinations included Durham, Imperial College London, King’s College London, Lancaster, Leeds, Loughborough, Newcastle, Queen Mary University of London, Edinburgh, Bath, Birmingham, Cardiff and Exeter.
Boys are also took up degree apprenticeships in accountancy and engineering, as well as Art Foundations and courses at music conservatoires.
75% of boys went on to Russell Group and/or Times Top 30 universities in autumn 2024.
“By the time they leave the school, pupils have developed a mature outlook and they have the necessary skills in place to enjoy successful lives in higher education and in their future careers.”
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) Report
University Destinations
Modern History with Economics
Modern Language and Business and Management
Accounting and Finance
Business Management
Communication, Media and Politics
International Relations x2
International Relations
SWANSEA Economics and Finance
CARDIFF Business Management (Marketing)
HERIOT-WATT Engineering
Agri-Business Management
Biomedical Sciences
International Business Management
Politics and International Relations
Business and Management
English Literature
General Engineering
International Relations
Philosophy and Theology
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Politics and International Relations
Accounting, Business Finance and Management
Business Management
Business Management x2
Marketing Natural Sciences
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
ASTON Medicine
Software Engineering
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Sustainability and Environmental Management
Business Management with Finance
Music Technology
Sport Business Management
Biological Sciences
Computer Science (Software Engineering)
Computer Science
Modern Languages with Business
Business x2
Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Product Design
Sound Engineering and Audio Production
Business Economics and Finance
Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Management x2
Marketing and Management x2
Material Science and Engineering
CAMBRIDGE Computer Science
Business and Finance
International Business Management
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
Computer Science
Economics with Accounting Finance
Materials Science and Engineering x2
Physics with Theoretical Physics
Business and Management x2
PLYMOUTH Architecture
FALMOUTH Architecture
Accounting and Finance
Aerospace Engineering
Business x2
Computer Science and
International development with Economics x2
Agricultural Business Management
History and Politics
Philosophy, Business and Ethics
Real Estate
SOUTHAMPTON Economics Geography
Politics and International Relations
Sport (Sports Performance)
Creative Music Technology
(Games and Interactive Media)
Computer Science x2
Electronic Engineering
Management and Modern Languages
Mathematics and Economics
SUSSEX Psychology
Accounting and Finance
Biomedical Sciences x2
Financial Mathematics
Computer Science
Arts and Sciences
Earth Sciences
Fine Art
Information Management for Business
Accounting and Finance
English and Classical Civilisation
Global Sustainable Development
Modern Languages
Politics, Philosophy and Law
School Buses
There is an extensive network of school buses operating across Bedfordshire, from Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, including late buses for boys involved in activities after school, available for travel to and from school each day. Full details of routes and operators can be viewed at
Bedford Railway Station offers excellent links into London. London St Pancras International is just 43 minutes away and with trains every 10 minutes at rush hour and two fast trains every hour it is an ideal option for weekly boarders.
London’s international airports are also easily accessed by both road and rail from Bedford.
Heathrow, 70 minutes by road Gatwick, 2 hours by road and direct rail Luton, 15 minutes by direct rail
The School Estate

Richard Midgley, Director of Admissions +44 (0)1234 362216