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World Religions day (15th of January) is an important day where we can express all of our beliefs and religions There are many religions in the world spanning from Christianity to Sikhism to Atheism The whole point of the day is to express the spiritual beliefs of the world's religions. To have the world as the harmonious place where religions play a significant role in unting humanity
The Chinese New Year is a 15 day festival that started on 22nd January. In ancient China it is said that all the animals competed in a race across a river, held by the Emperor Jade and the winners formed the Chinese zodiac Two friends known as the rat and the cat were offered to ride upon the back of the ox across the river, and as they reached the side of the riverbank the rat pushed the cat off, and that is why rats and cats don't have a good relationship today and cats despise water Second was the tiger who got there through her strength through the currents and third was the rabbit, thus creating this year, the year of the rabbit. Find out more here.