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Regular Gifts
You can support a boy for a year, through Sixth Form or throughout his full five years in the Upper School with a regular gift given on a monthly, termly or annual basis.
For example, if 30 donors gave £61 per month...
...they would generate £43,920 in two years enabling a boy to complete his Sixth Form.
In five years, the gift would total £109,800 which would support a boy throughout the Upper School. *based on current day fees.
£ £ £
Start of giving
After two years
One-off Donations
You can make a one-off gift of any value by either sending a cheque made payable to the Bedford School Foundation Trust, or by scanning the QR code opposite. If you would like any guidance when considering what to donate towards, or how to make your gift, the BSA team is always happy to help. Please contact Vincent Gaten, Development Director, at vgaten@bedfordschool.org.uk.
After five years