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Beyond the Classroom
Clubs and Activities
The school offers an extensive and diverse range of clubs and activities.
We actively encourage boys (though most need little encouragement!) to participate in a new activity each term when they join, as well as trying out things that they would not normally consider. It is an ideal way to discover new interests or hidden talents.
Clubs and societies typically run at lunchtimes, after school and occasionally before school. And, with the odd exception, no charge is made. A selection of the clubs and societies typically available for boys in Year 5 and Year 6 are shown below.
Academic and General Interest 3D Printing Club Gardening Club Academic Skills General Knowledge Club Animal Care Club Historical Novels Club Beginners Chinese History Club Board Games Club Hungry Boys' Club Calm Kids Club (Intro to Mindfulness) Intermediate Chinese Card Games Knitting Club Chess Club Italian Club Climbing Club Lego Club (Y5) Coding Club Maths Clinic Doodle Maths Club Maths Club Enrichment Design Technology Catch Up VR Headset Club Design Technology Enrichment Wordshark Club F1 Schools
Musical Assembly Band Rock Group (Y6) Chapel Choir Samba Band Choir Concert Band (Y5) Ensembles
Steel Band Orchestra Prep Orchestra Prep Concert Band The Jam Factory Prep Rock Group Theory Class Recorder Karate /Ninjas Wind and Brass All Stars String Quartet Windpower!
Sporting In addition to the main sports on offer.
Rugby 7s (Y6) Basketball (Y6) Running Cricket Skiing Fencing Squad Swimming Fives (Y6) Squash Golf Squad Swimming Ice breakers (swimming) Table Tennis Indoor Football League Tennis Non swimmers Water Polo
Homework is an important part of your son’s education, and plays a significant role in developing independent working skills and time management. Your son will be expected to check his homework on a daily basis on Firefly along with the date it is due on. In Years 5 and 6, boys are likely to receive three hours of homework each week.
Year 5 Your son will be given a homework timetable which outlines what homework should be done each night. Boys are expected to complete the homework on the day assigned to it and not the day before it is due in! If for any reason no homework has been set, then the time allocated should be used for revision or general reading.
Year 6 Homework will be set on a weekly basis. In general, boys should be given at least two working days to complete homework, although there will be some occasions where work has to be completed in less time because of the demands of the curriculum.
When work is set which is extended over a number of weeks, pupils will be given interim deadlines to assist them in completing the task and these should be entered in the planner. The amount of work will vary from week to week and boys will have the opportunity to plan their workload through the week, which should help them develop the important skill of time management. Where boys are finding this difficult, Tutors and subject teachers will be able to assist them.
Time management is an important skill to develop as demands and expectations increase. It is expected that most homework will be completed at home. However, rooms are available for study or homework during the lunch break.