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PA to the Headmaster of the Prep School

Mrs Diane Beveridge was appointed as PA to the Headmaster of the Prep School in November 2021. Mrs Beveridge joined us from a role with Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust supporting Orthotic Clinicians. She has previously worked for Police Scotland, BUPA and IKEA as Occupational Health Advisor, and was Deputy Head of Health and Safety Services at the University of West Scotland. She has been a wonderful addition to the support staff team and has already made a significant impact on office procedures. She is a current Bedford School parent.


Teaching Assistant

Mrs Blythman started in September 2022 as our Teaching Assistant. She joined us from Pilgrims School, where she worked as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant; previously she has worked at St Andrews School and also has a background in HR. She has an Upper Second Class BA from University of Portsmouth, and a Masters in HR Management from University of Middlesex, as well as HLTA status from University of Northampton. She is also a current Bedford School parent, and parent of two OBs, both of whom came all the way through the Prep School.


Art Technician

Miss Martin-Merchant joined us in the Summer Term 2022 as our Art Technician and has already made a terrific start with the tremendous House Art display. She was the standout candidate in a very good field. We already knew Miss Martin-Merchant from her brief spell as a member of the admissions team in 2014-15. She has a degree (Distinction) in Art Museum and Gallery Studies from the University of Leicester and a First Class degree in History of Art from Reading University. She joins us from the business world, where she was New Business and Marketing Coordinator at Gustafson Porter and Bowman. She is also keen to train to be a teacher, and has already enjoyed some experience of teaching as a Teaching Assistant at John Donne Lower School.


Science Teacher

Mr David Glasspool joined us in September 2022 following a career as a Scientist at Unilever, where he has worked since 6th form (at Bedford Modern School). He joined Unilever as part of the acclaimed Unilever apprenticeship scheme, involving working on a part-time basis whilst also attending university. He graduated from Anglia Ruskin University with a BSc in Biomedical Science. Whilst at Unilever he took a leading role in their contribution to British Science Week, inspiring local primary and secondary school pupils to enjoy the scientific method. Whilst undertaking the role, he has enjoyed a number of responsibilities; predominantly he has been involved with providing novel non-animal experimentation to support risk assessment decision making, including routine and advanced novel in vitro and in chemico assay development, troubleshooting and data analysis to support Unilever risk assessment. David is also a keen rower, and achieved regional, international and national success, most recently racing at Henley Regatta. He coaches the “learn to row” courses at Bedford Rowing Club and is also an amateur astronomer.

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