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The Wider Community
The Bedford School Association (BSA)
The aim of the BSA is to promote engagement across the widest possible alumni grouping in order to create a sense of attachment and an active network which positively supports Bedford School. The school takes an inclusive approach to make all elements of the community feel most welcome. With a joined up approach, we feel that more can be achieved. The BSA supports the work of the Bedford Prep Guild, Parents’ Guild in the Upper School, Past Parents’ Association, Old Bedfordians Club and Foundation, and helps all of these organisations to flourish. It also aims to build up strong relationships with friends of the school particularly within our local community. We are thrilled that more and more people want to be associated with Bedford School and join us at a variety of events and gatherings. Throughout its history, the school has meant a lot to many people, and, whatever their particular connection, we hope that they are all proud of their association, and that this will continue.
As well as through the Parents’ Guild, parents can also get involved in specific areas to support the boys and for their own enjoyment. Two examples of this are the Friends of Bedford School Boat Club (FOBSBC) who put on a number of events, and the Eagle Choir, which is a School Community Choir, made up of parents (current and past), Old Bedfordians, staff and friends of the school. We are pleased that most parents find their niche and enjoy the general camaraderie that the school offers.
Eagle Connect
Eagle Connect is the BSA’s online business and social networking platform. Membership is open to all constituents of the BSA who have a shared affection for the school and its community. The online platform provides a highly engaged and supportive community made up of those who are willing to help each other, both socially and professionally. From finding accommodation on a gap year trip to giving advice to someone who wants to change their career, Eagle Connect is a forum for people to support each other. Joining details can be found under the BSA section of the school website.
The Parents’ Guild
The Parents’ Guild is a group of parents and guardians of boys at the school. Founded in 1922, its purpose is to involve parents and guardians in the school community. With that in mind the Parents’ Guild organises social events and it is also responsible for the running of the nearly new shop, where pre-loved uniform pieces are available for purchase. Whilst the social events are great fun and a good opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones, another aim of the Parents’ Guild is to raise funds to be used for projects that benefit the boys, as well as support the school’s chosen charities, arranging events such as balls, dinners, fashion shows, coffee mornings, and cricket teas, to name just a few. The Parents’ Guild is always keen to receive new ideas and welcomes anyone interested in getting involved. The Guild keeps in touch via Classlist and can also be contacted at parentsguild@bedfordschool.org.uk.
The Old Bedfordians Club
Established in 1891, the Old Bedfordians Club was formed in order to help Old Bedfordians stay in touch with one another and the school. Over the years it has gone from strength to strength and is now a vibrant organisation across the globe. Although the phrase ‘networking’ was not used when the Club was formed, this has always been a key element at the heart of the Club.
Today, the OB Club is still an invaluable link between generations of Old Bedfordians worldwide and the school through a shared member database, regular communications and an annual programme of social, sporting and networking events and reunions.
In becoming a member of the OB Club, boys join the ranks of a 9,000 strong network of members who:
y enjoy a shared history of Bedford School, y represent a vast range of professions, businesses, sporting and cultural interests and passions, and who y have extensive knowledge and experience as well as links and connections that span the globe. Importantly, Old Bedfordians have a natural inclination to help fellow OBs, irrespective of age, geography or status, and do so where they reasonably can. We are very pleased that more and more OBs return to the school each year to give lectures, talks or career advice.
The OB Club works closely with the school under the umbrella of the BSA and takes direction from the OB Club Council whose plans are endorsed by Old Bedfordians at the OB Club’s AGM in July each year. It is managed through the OB Club office based at Bedford School.
Boys automatically become members of the Old Bedfordians Club when they leave the school (subject to approval by the Head Master).
Bedford School Foundation
Philanthropy has played a vital part in shaping Bedford School over the years. Generations of boys have benefited from the generosity of others, who have enhanced the school in all areas.
Bedford School Foundation is a separate charitable company which was set up in early 2003 to support the school by developing strong relationships with alumni and friends of the school and to raise funds for various projects including capital development and scholarships. Funds are raised through major gifts, regular giving, legacy bequests and single gifts. Such gifts normally generate certain tax benefits and efficiencies.
The Foundation works closely with the Bedford School Trust in providing scholarships for boys to attend Bedford School. The Foundation enjoys close links with the Old Bedfordians Club and, together with the school, coordinates events and activities for alumni and other supporters of the school under the auspices of the BSA.