isn’t cancelled
It’s been a tough year, friends and family usually at the centre of our lives have had to stay at a distance. Many of us have missed sharing important mile stones with our loved ones. Grandparents especially can feel isolated and lonely and as though they are missing out on their grandchildren growing up. But it’s all to keep each other safe, and one day soon we can make new memories together. So until then here’s five ways you can spread the love on Valentine’s Day (and any other day) with Grandparents and loved ones.
It’s been a tough year, friends and family usually at the centre of our lives have had to stay at a distance. Many of us have missed sharing important mile stones with our loved ones. Grandparents especially can feel isolated and lonely and as though they are missing out on their grandchildren growing up. But it’s all to keep each other safe, and one day soon we can make new memories together.
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1. Go old school and call. Phoning regularly can be a great way of feeling more connected to grandparents. It’s lovely to catch up and fill each other in, or just to check everyone is ok. 2. Make a card and post it. The post service is still going (thank you posties) and everyone loves receiving something in the post. Even better it doubles up as some craft time with the kids. So get the craft box out and make something full of love. 3. Let grandparents join in on bedtime. Children don’t always want to sit still for a chat. So having a purpose for a virtual call might help. It also allows grandparents to continue to feel as involved as before lockdown. Letting them read the bedtime stories is a great way to help them feel more involved. 4. Drop off some homemade treats at the doorstep. Why not make some marshmallow crispy hearts (recipe on my Instagram) for your grandparents and loved ones and leave them on the doorstep. 5. Promise a future visit. Keeping each other safe is the priority at the moment, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. So sow some hope to the future with a promise to an in person visit.