Prize Crossword Complete the crossword, fill in your details below, cut out this section and send to the address below before Friday 11th March Prize Crossword, BedsLife, 17 Foxbrook, Stevington, Bedfordshire MK43 7QY Last Months Crossword Winner – Claire Fryer, Wilstead
For last months answers please turn to P30
1 Disaster (11) 9 Assistance, cheer (13) 10 Hastening, hurrying (8) 12 Tresses (4) 14 Bridle, harness (5) 15 Extravagant, ornamental (5) 19 Boundary, margin (4) 20 1024000 bytes (8) 22 Speculatively (13) 24 Clever, brainy (11)
Down 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11
Bow, crescent (3) Plentiful (8) Locomotive (6) Stove, kiln (4) Pecking order (9) Impression (5) Tale (5) Plant that retains leaves in winter (9) 13 Harmful (8)
16 Lure, entice (5) 17 Friend with whom you exchange letters (6) 18 East African country (5) 21 3D geometric shape with six faces (4) 23 Very long period of time (3)