2 minute read

Prize Crossword


Bumper Prize Crossword


Complete the crossword, fill in your details below, cut out this section and send to the address below before Friday 15th October Prize Crossword, BedsLife, 17 Foxbrook, Stevington, Bedfordshire MK43 7QY

Last Months Crossword Winner – David Abrahams, Elstow

For last months answers please turn to P30


1 Cure, restore (4) 3 Despite, notwithstanding (8) 9 Theft, burglary (7) 10 Lizard with sticky feet! (5) 11 Fall heavily (coll.) (4,1,7) 13 Bulging belly (6) 15 Crackpot, oddball (6) 17 Fungal disease of the toes (8,4) 20Hard outer layer (5) 21 Unblemished (7) 22 Discuss yet again (8) 23 Cut (4)


1 Printout (4,4) 2 Scrapbook particularly for photos (5) 4 Tiers (6) 5 Intense strain or tension (4-8) 6 Hazy (7) 7 An owl’s cry (4) 8 Does the sums again (12) 12 Pace, stride (8) 14 Lie (7) 16 Necessary, basic (6) 18 Large body of water (5) 19 Defect, disfigurement (4)

Name: Tel:

The Elisabeth Curtis Centre Riding for the Disabled AUTUMN FAIR

Sunday 3rd October 11am - 3pm

The Elisabeth Curtis Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Bromham MK43 8HP

Come and Meet The Ponies

Refreshments, Tombola, Hand-Made Jewellery, Books and more

Charity Number : 1137217

Welcome to ProFlite UK, the home of professional fl ight simulation, where you can enjoy a truly unique and exciting experience

Located in the Bedford area, we are unique, being the only such facility operating an Airbus simulator in the region. Launching in early August, we are open to professional pilots as well as enthusiasts, so realism is guaranteed. Each booking of 60 minutes or more includes a 30-minute pre-fl ight briefi ng followed by a full session at the controls of your choice (min 30 mins/max 4 hours). A short de-brief will conclude this very special experience. You can even share the time at the controls with a friend or family member.

For information on price and availability, please visit www.pro-fl ite.com. Alternatively, you can email us at contact@pro-fl ite.com or call on 01234 218320. Birthday and special occasion bookings are welcome (max 3 people).

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