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I Rever 路ferget a race, :'but in your

ease I'll be glad to make an



How Memory Works Think of your memory as a giant database, in which information has to be received, organized, and stored before it can be retrieved. When a problem happens during one of these stages, memories can become hard to dredge up (see WhyYou Forget, right). Here are some of the most common memory problems, with soiutions from the experts on how to remember better.

WhyYou Forget Some information isn't meant to be remembered.


a phone number, for instance-is held in short-term memory for just a minute or so. But when you reinforce information (say, by dialing that phone number every day),

a long-term forms .


When you have trouble remembering something, it's often for one of these reasons.

• Insufficient attention: The information never made it into your memory bank. This typically

PROBLEM: You tend to forget appointments, addresses, PINs, and passwords. Take heart-the brain wasn't designed to store such data, called declarative memories, for a long time

unless you make a concerted effort to do so. This type of information, which by nature isn't special or exciting, has a short shelf life. Other declarative memories include historical dates, and birthdays. The only way to make essentially boring data part of your long-term memory is to store it properly so you can retrieve it later on. "If you don't make a conscious effort to learn your PIN, your short-term memory will flush it out immediately," says Zaldy S. Tan, M.D., director of the Memory Clinic at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston. Attach some sort of meaning to it. For an important date, like your niece's birthday, SOLUTION:

give it an emotional connection (eight days after the Fourth of July). For less important information, like a dentist's appointment, don't even try to remember. "This is exactly why God invented the PDAand the date book," Nelson says. "The onus isn't on your brain to do the heavy lifting."


PROBLEM: You forgot why you walked into another room. You were probably distracted en route, or the

item you wanted to remember wasn't noteworthy enough to be registered completely in your brain, says Tan, who is the author of Age-Proof Your Mind (Warner, $25). Visualize what you want or need before you start walking into a room, says Tan. He also recommends linking items you want to remember with something familiar. If you want to get your summer clothes out of the basement, before you set out, think of yourself on the beach or beside a pool in your swimsuit. This system makes the items more vivid and therefore more memorable. When you forget to visualize what you want and find yourselfthinking, Why am I in this room? SOLUTION:

retrace your steps mentally and, if that doesn't work, physically. "Ask yourself what you wanted before you left, whom you were with, or how you were feeling," says Elizabeth Edgerly, Ph.D., chief program officer for the Alzheimer's Association in Northern California and Northern Nevada.

happens if you're distracted at the time an event takes place (you're thinking about what to make for dinner when you put your gloves on the counter). "You can't recall something that never actually made it into your memory system in the first place," says neuropsychologist Aaron P. Nelson.

• Interference: Th is occurs when old and new memories For example,

overlap. you're

trying to remember Meryl Streep's last movie, but all that comes to mind is

Sophie's Choice. • Fading: If you don't revisit certain information, such as dates, . names, and appointments, it tends to vanish.



A word, a movie or book title, or

your keys, wallet, or train pass.

a long-lost


This is typically an attention

tongue, but you can't come up with it.


You can't remember where you put issue. You toss your

keys down when you walk through the door while

This is a universal problem, and it happens more

preoccupied with something

as we age, Edgerly says. It also becomes harder to

else. A few hours

later, you can't remember where you put them. The

recall basic information

act of putting them down also goes unnoticed

are holding too many thoughts in your head at once.

because keys are mundane items-you




forget where you put a $100 bill. "If you

don't perceive an event as important,"


says, "your memory will cast it off quickly." SOLUTION:

Pay attention when you're putting

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when you feel stressed or

First, cut yourself some slack-it

happens to everyone. Then take a deep breath to clear your head. "An enemy of memory is multitasking,"

says Gary Small, M.D., director of the

UCLA Center on Aging. Then say aloud what you

things down, and tell yourself, silently or out loud,

think the name of the book or movie might be: "It's

what you're doing: "I am putting my keys in my coat


like water"

or "It begins with an S."




When there's something important to remember-a date, the.

name of someone you've just met-make a quick written note.

pocket," for instance. Consistency is an even better

Naming the actors in the movie or the characters in

strategy. "If you put your keys in the same dish

the book may also help jog your memory. If you're

The note serves as a reminder, and the very

still stuck, then "substitute

act of writing down the

every day, you'll always, without


name is on the tip of your

fail, know where

a word that will fit

they are," says Edgerly. "Having a good memory

for the time being," Edgerly says, "and chances

often has to do with developing

are the actual word will surface later."

good habits."


will rein-

force it in your memory, says neuropsychologist Aaron P. Nelson.

Sharpen Your Memory Healthy habits will help your mind and memory function better. If you're prone to forgetfulness, be sure to ...

• Get enough sleep. Connections between neurons (nerve cells that make up the brain) strengthen while you sleep, solidifying memories.

• Exercise regularly. Physical activity helps neurons function better and keeps the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the brain healthy.

• Ward off stress. When you're under significant stress, the brain releases cortisol, a hormone that, over PROBLEM:

You have a hard time remembering


time, can damage the brain cells in the hippocampus, the

You can't remember whether you've

people's names.

turned off the stove, the coffeepot, or the iron.

You're not alone. "When I teach preventive

When you perform an automatic task, like switching


memory classes to healthy adults, 90 to 95 percent

off the stove, you're using procedural memory.

• Challenge yourself.

of participants

This type of long-term memory is used for actions

say they're not good at recalling

names," says Edgerly. The problem may be storage

like riding a bike, typing, or putting a key into a

(you weren't paying attention when you met the

keyhole. Because the act is more mechanical than

person), retrieval (you can't call up the name), or a

conscious, you're not fully aware of the action


while you're performing it.


of both. Most people are visual learners,


off the stove, the coffeepot,

and the iron. But if

you find yourself frequently

guessing or some-

someone new" take a good look at the person,

times truly forgetting,

repeat her name to yourself at least three times,

of the critical moment when you flip the switch.

For instance, if you

You can also try to link the name with a distin-

neural connections in your brain, says neuroscientist Daniel Amen, the author of Making

Say out loud, "Oven is off," "Iron is unplugged." you still find yourself forgetting,


invest in products

with automatic shut-offs and leave a reminder by the front door. A Post-it on the front door with a checklist of what needs to be on, off, open, or shut

$26). So if you're introduced to a Mrs. Chambers

is a good remedy.

cheekbones, think "cheekbones-

$24). "This

helps you encode and

make an effort to be mindful

author of The Memory Prescription (Hyperion,



store information with increasing efficiency."

guishing feature, suggests Small, who is also the

with prominent


learning new things also strengthens the

Most of the time you probably do turn

Edgerly says, which explains why you rarely forget

meet a Mary, ask, "So,~Mary, where do you live?"


a Good Brain Great

faces but often forget names. So when you meet

then use it in conversation.


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" 153 ~ 0 0

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Total Recall

How Do They Do It? Most of us have trouble remembering

what we ate

an excellent memory keep up? Real Simple


for recall, with lots of

for breakfast.

How do people whose jobs demand a soap-opera

actor who memorizes

20 pages of lines a day, a waiter who has to recite daily specials, and a CEO who keeps hundreds


names in his head. Here are their tricks. Ilene Kristen, a two-time

Emmy-award winner and

an actor on One Life to Live: trouble memorizing lines, I write out the script as if I am writing a letter to myself. The material becomes

Erin Matson, a waiter at Jean Georges Restaurant, in New York City:

loud several times. For me, once I get to the table, it all clicks, because I make associations-the


in the green shirt wants chicken, or the woman in the glasses wants beef." Norman Anderson, Ph.D., CEO of the American Psychological

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"I'm really good at remembering

faces, which

helps when I interact with our 150,000 at different times and in different


places. Maybe

I acquired this skill from being a preacher's

kid in

a large church. I focus on people when they are

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It's how you lve"

and the

Never Remember and Women Never Forget researchers agree that 50 percent of recall capacity is determined

Intelligence plays a role, too. "Intelligence refers to a person's capacity to acquire and apply knowledge," says neuroscientist Zaldy S. Tan. "And good memory is a vital component of intelligence." People with high IQs tend to store information efficiently.


But some experts believe total recall can be learned. Take Arthur Bornstein. When faced with possible expulsion from college for poor grades, he developed techniques to remember vast amounts of academic information, and in 1952 he founded his own memory sc-hool. Now 80, Bornstein

created his first piece in 1959. And our improved comfort system, featuring

talking to me and try to store an image of them in my brain."


author of Why Men

by genes, and thatthis skill fades with age.

is key to memorizing the specials.

I roll them over in my head, and I try to say them out

to mathematical or musical ability," says Marianne Legato, M.D., a professor of clinical

(Rodale, $25). Most

more personal and easier to recall later."


storage space for details. "It's a gift, akin

medicine at Columbia

"It's like a muscle that you train. When I am having

Find out more at

Some people's memories rival those of computers-they have a remarkable ability

appears on programs like Late Show With David Letterman to exhibit his unique ability to, say, remember the names of 40 to 50 people in an hour or less. His secret: "It's all technique."

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