☆☆Pantry Magic Gift Giving 2019☆☆

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15.Cor avi nWi neSyst em Model2El i t e CandyAppl eRedGi f tPack( LI MI TED10SETS) -1Cor avi nModel2El i t e:CandyRedAppl e -1Cor avi nAer at or -2Cor avi nScr ew Caps(1St andar d,1Lar ge) -3 Needl eKi t -4Ar gonCapsul e

19, 400 BAHT

“LOOKI NGFOR ANEXTRAORDI NARY GI FTTHI SYEAR?” Whe t he ry o ua r el o o k i ngt od e l i g htaf r i e nd , t ha nkas p e c i a lc l i e nto rs ur p r i s ey o url o v e do ne . Y o uc a nr e s ta s s ur e dt ha ty o u’ l lf i ndt hep e r f e c t p r e s e nt sa tPa nt r yMa g i ct hi sf e s t i v es e a s o n. Thongl orSt or e

G/ FTheEi ghtThongl or , 88/ 22Sukhumvi t55,Bangkok101 10 Tel :+66271386501IFax:+6627138652

TheEmpor i um St or e

4t hf l oor ,TheLi vi ngZone Empor i um Depar t mentSt or e

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+66856611844 www. f acebook. com/ Pant r ymagi ct hai l and I nst agr am :Pant r yMagi c_bkk

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