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Travel the world - Navigate the downsize
Travel theWorld...
Navigate the Downsize...
Travel The World... Navigate The Downsize...
Downsizing can be daunting on your own, it’s a huge decision and there’s much to be considered. Even couples find it challenging, let alone singles, but it can be done with the right support, and that comes in many forms. Enter Barbara and Patricia… Barbara and Patricia have been friends for many years, walking a parallel path in life, together. They are living their later years by jam-packing each day with family matters, community involvement, catching performances and shows, attending discussion groups, reading, lunching, keeping abreast of world events and, travel, serious travel. They’ve decided their next trip is to navigate the downsizing process, together, so they can lend support to each other. Most importantly, after a series of inspections, Barbara and Patricia finally had their focus on where they were moving to. So then came the task of selling their properties which they have enjoyed for the better part of 15-20 years where there are lots of memories and, lots of “stuff”. It seemed insurmountable but together they began to plan. The thought of de-cluttering and knowing what to keep and what to throw away can have you in a spin. So, with the help of Jacquie the amazing stylist I work with, we began the process. It was kind of like unpacking before the trip! We started with the
Downsizing can be daunting on your own, it’s a huge decision and there’s much to be considered. Even before the trip! We started with the principle of “little by little” and mapped out a strategy to move forward with couples find it challenging, let alone singles, but it can be done with the right support, and that comes in many principle of “little by little” and mapped out a strategy to move forward with the process. forms. Enter Barbara and Patricia… We also encouraged Barbara and Patricia to balance their de-cluttering with their normal social activities, so they Barbara and Patricia have been friends for many years, weren’t drowning in the process. Kind of like taking the walking a parallel path in life, together. They are living time to sight-see as they do on their overseas trips. their later years by jam-packing each day with family matters, community involvement, catching performances Barbara and Patricia were able to have lots of and shows, attending discussion groups, reading, discussions and compare notes on the progress of each lunching, keeping abreast of world events and, travel, serious travel. They’ve decided their next trip is to other’s sales campaigns. Most importantly, they trusted the guidance that was offered and understood what was necessary to bring the optimum result for navigate the downsizing process, together, so they can each of their properties in today’s market. They lend support to each other. embraced the property styling knowing it would lead to the best price from the market, and the results were Most importantly, after a series of inspections, Barbara amazing! and Patricia finally had their focus on where they were moving to. So then came the task of selling their Before too long they were both on their way to an properties which they have enjoyed for the better part of 15-20 years where there are lots of memories and, lots of “stuff”. It seemed insurmountable but together exciting new lifestyle, a new destination, a new itinerary which came from the collaboration of two individuals’ intentions and ideas on a journey into the future. They truly navigated this trip together. they began to plan. the process. We also encouraged Barbara and Patricia to balance their de-cluttering with their normal social activities, so they weren’t drowning in the process. Kind of like taking the time to sight-see as they do on their overseas trips. Barbara and Patricia were able to have lots of discussions and compare notes on the progress of each other’s sales campaigns. Most importantly, they trusted the guidance that was offered and understood what was necessary to bring the optimum result for each of their properties in today’s market. They embraced the property styling knowing it would lead to the best price from the market, and the results were amazing! Before too long they were both on their way to an exciting new lifestyle, a new destination, a new itinerary which came from the collaboration of two individuals’ intentions and ideas on a journey into the future. They truly navigated this trip together.
The thought of de-cluttering and knowing what to keep and what to throw away can have you in a spin. So, with the help of Jacquie the amazing stylist I work with, we began the process. It was kind of like unpacking CONNECT
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