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Ken O’Flaherty - The ukulele maestro

Over the past 12 years, the ukulele has become one of the most popular instruments people are choosing to play, especially here in Australia and particularly among seniors.

Ken O’Flaherty was asked to teach ukulele to some U3A members about 12 years ago. The class was to consist of about six students but quickly grew to 20 plus. Although Ken is not teaching at U3A at the moment, some of his early students have actually become tutors.


Ken estimates that between U3A and private classes in retirement villages around the Sunshine Coast he has taught in excess of 400 people to play this fun instrument and is hoping to reach the 500 mark soon. His motto is “Uke ‘n’ Have Fun” and don’t worry too much about the technicalities.

Ken has been singing Irish, country, and folk songs since he was a wee baby on his mother’s knee, usually in time with her right elbow, as she quaffed copious amounts of Guinness.

He has performed in all Australian States and toured with the Queensland Arts Council from Thargomindah to Mackay and Weipa to Texas. Ken has also performed at many clubs in Queensland including Kedron Wavell, Caboolture, Twin Towns, Caloundra RSL, Hervey Bay, Mount Isa Irish Club, Ipswich and Toowoomba etc.

Ken has also played as a support act for Foster and Allen, The Fureys and Geraldine Doyle in his 10 years as a lead singer with the renowned Irish band, Blackthorne and has played at venues as far afield as New York, Macau and London with McGuinness & Co Irish band.

Ken plays ukulele, guitar, 5-string banjo, bodrahn (Irish drum) and harmonica and enjoys singing a whole repertoire of Irish, country and folk songs plus a few standards. He’s also been known to tell a few funny stories along the way.


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