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Volunteer - Help us find the next medical

Help us find the next medical breakthrough
University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) - Clinical Trials is an initiative that aims to improve access to emerging medicines and treatments for our community. With a growing team of over 70 research professionals across four South-east Queensland locations we are working on some of the most exciting clinical trials in vaccines, medicines and medical device development.
When you volunteer for a clinical trial, you are contributing to the important scientific effort required to develop a potential new treatment.
UniSC has undertaken trials in vaccines including COVID-19 and influenza, along with trials in Alzheimer’s disease, eye conditions, migraine, dermatology, osteoarthritis, gut diseases including coeliac, and cardiovascular diseases.
As a clinical trials participant, your safety and comfort are our highest priority. We are committed to keeping you informed throughout the entire clinical trial experience, so you can make informed decisions about the management of your health.
This includes:
• An informed consent process, where all relevant information is provided to you before making a decision. • The opportunity for an in-depth discussion with your health provider as well as the medical researchers undertaking the trial, before you commence the trial. • The ability to leave a clinical trial at any time, with no obligation to remain in a trial if you no longer wish to participate. • The ability to discuss results from any tests performed. • A summary of the results at the completion of the trial.
To register visit usc.edu.au/trials or to learn more, call us on 07 5409 8640.
Dementia Care Guide
Where can I get help?

There are many networks on the Sunshine Coast that are an excellent resource for people living with dementia and offer help and support to their families and carers. Not only do they provide a wealth of information about the disease, they are also there to guide and support you through your journey and connect you with many organisations that are dedicated to making life with dementia as easy as possible.
The Sunshine Coast Dementia Network (SCDN), is the leading local network for those living with dementia and their carers This service is the local gateway to information, services, and support.
Education: Dementia Information Days held bi-monthly. Nambour, Central Sunshine Coast and Hinterland Presentations on dementia and caring for community groups.
Workshops: On various topics to help you care for your loved one.
Social: Catch-Up Cuppa morning teas bi-monthly at Caloundra RSL, Nambour RSL and Maleny.
Dementia Month Events: Conference, seminars, presentations, ecumenical services
Contact: Lorrae & Vince O’Rourke Phone: 0418 298 183 carersoutlook@gmail.com www.scdementia.com.au SUNSHINE COAST DEMENTIA ALLIANCE

Provides help and support to those living or caring for someone with dementia. They run free monthly Vitality Cafes, Barefoot Bowls and organize special events and speakers. Phone 0488 680 265 www.sunshinecoastdementiaalliance.com.au
This service offers information and support to people with dementia and their families throughout Queensland. They provide a free service to help clients understand dementia and navigate the aged care system. (65 and over)
Phone 1800 692 273
ALZHEIMER’S QUEENSLAND (for all kinds of dementia not only Alzheimer’s disease) Offer a range of state-wide support and services including residential facilities, respite care, and in-home support, nursing and allied health services, education and training for family carers and staff. Telephone Support Group for carers. Dementia Matters newsletter. Library. Advice Line open 24/7. In-home care services offered on the Sunshine Coast. Phone 1800 639 331 www.alzheimersonline.org
DEMENTIA AUSTRALIA A unified national peak body for people of all ages, living with all forms of dementia, their families and carers. Family carer counselling and education sessions. Help line. Comprehensive fact sheets in many languages other than English. Young Onset Dementia (people diagnosed 65 yrs and under) advisor on Sunshine Coast. Phone 1800 100 500 www.dementia.org.au
Dementia Australia has developed resources to assist all Australians to get a better understanding of what they can do to contribute to a dementia-friendly nation. For more information visit www.dementiafriendly.org.au
DEMENTIA AUSTRALIA LIBRARY People living with dementia can access an extensive Dementia Australia Library by completing an online registration form. Library resources are mailed free of charge to registrants and must be returned within four weeks of borrowing via post at the registrant’s expense. To register, contact Phone 1800 100 500 www.dementia.org.au DEMENTIA CARER WORKSHOPS May be accessed in-person via dedicated groups , or via phone or videoconference. Workshops equip people with a wealth of information regarding the impact of dementia on lifestyle, functional ability, and behaviour and supporting strategies and techniques to help improve independence and maintain quality of life. To register for workshops, contact Phone 1800 100 500 www.dementia.org.au
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, contributing to around two-thirds of cases. The most common early symptom is difficulty remembering recent events.
Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS) & Severe Behaviour Response Teams (SBRT), BPSD Guide app. Provides 24/7 national support particularly on Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia Phone 1800 699 799 www.dementia.com.au
AGELESS GRACE Run by Vickie Doolan. Her team offers a range of education programs.
Dementia Communication Workshop For carers to successfully communicate with their loved one who is experiencing dementia.
Ageless Grace Brain Health Exercise Seated exercise program that incorporates brain stimulations and movement.
For more information contact Vickie Doolan Phone 0409 526 982 www.ageucate.com.au WICKING DEMENTIA RESEARCH AND EDUCATION CENTRE Runs a range of short online courses on dementia. Topics include Preventing Dementia, Understanding Dementia. Register online www.mooc.utas.edu.au
DEMENTIA TRAINING AUSTRALIA Provides free online courses. www.dta.com.au
DEMENTIA RETREAT Retreat based on the Sunshine Coast is run by Carers Outlook. It is open to carers and those living with dementia. The retreat provides education and friendship. For more information contact Lorrae & Vince O’Rourke 50 Savilles Rd, Highworth, 4560 Phone 0418 298 183