Thursday, June 6, 2013
“Despite the many rumors you might have heard about the elimination of band, the elimination of marching band, the elimination of everything related to music, the answer is absolutely not.” —Dr. Murphy, Superintendent of Clarke County Schools, 6/5 TV interview with Channing Frampton, Winchester TV3 While no mass hysteria for “the elimination of everything related to music” has ever been conveyed by Save Clarke Music, low enrollment indicates something is amiss with the program and cutting the Middle School Band Director position isn’t the best solution.
In a letter from Dr. Murphy, dated June 5th (and received by local media prior to delivery to Save Clarke Music), the decision to eliminate the Middle School Band Director position was strictly based on “student enrollment, or more specifically, the lack thereof.” Clarke school system is experiencing a flat student population, down by 7% from several years ago, now only 2,040 students, and some of the lowest classes in the state.
An assessment of middle school elective enrollment is speculative as the middle school Schedule Selection sheets were erroneous. Save Clarke Music requested in the 5/28 Meeting to School Administration that they resubmit Schedule Sheets to rising 6th, 7th and 8th graders with the following changes: •
Current Schedule Selection sheet lists foreign language as a required course. However, it is an elective at Johnson-Williams Middle School*. It was our request that the revised Schedule Selection sheet reflect the class as an elective to allow students, parents and advisors to tailor their curriculum elective choices based on their individual interests and future career paths. BENEFIT: Open up an elective. Dr. Murphy’s indicated in his letter that Jazz Band (Ensemble) would be eliminated from 7th and 8th grade class offerings due to low enrollment when in actuality, Jazz Ensemble was not listed as an elective option—and students didn’t have the opportunity to indicate their interest. Our request is that the new Schedule Selection reflects Jazz Ensemble as an elective for rising 7th and 8th graders.
Our request was agreed upon by Dr. Murphy during the 5/28 meeting but to date has been unfulfilled.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Save Clarke Music
Thursday, June 6, 2013
In Save Clarke Music’s Meeting Outline presented to School Administration for their consideration, we highlighted several viable alternatives in keeping the position. The current J-WMS Band Director, Frances Stover, is accomplished in math. Her perspective of the natural symbiosis of mathematics and music could help students better comprehend applied math. Our suggestion was to have Ms. Stover assist the middle school math department (after completing her math certification as soon as the RIF [Reduction in Force] is reversed) and possibly spearhead a pilot program similar to Academic Music** to Clarke County elementary students. Music instructors at Allen Elementary School, a public school in San Bruno, CA implemented a program that first teaches students the basics on how to read notes. Then they learn how to add notes, which is essentially adding fractions. From there, they learn how to multiply fractions and add uncommon denominators. It’s all about visualization. And the Program is working. The average score of Academic Music students is nearly double that of students in regular math classes. And even low-performing students performed better. This viable alternative would allow us to keep the position and help Clarke’s struggling math program. At the request of Dr. Clyde Croswell, Professor of the Human and Organizational Learning Program at George Washington University, former Administrator of the U.S. Marine Bands during his 28 years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, and one of Save Clarke Music’s most vocal supporters, the National Association for Music Education (NAME) extended an offer to host a day of in-service music education development at their Reston, VA headquarters. The opportunity will offer Clarke County music educators to review the latest research, data, techniques, best practices, and solutions from other school systems similar to Clarke across the country and bring back other innovative ideas back to use in our own community. But as Dr. Murphy indicated in his letter, all viable considerations were denied. He did qualify that “First, we must reiterate that the reduction in force (RIF) decision impacting middle school music was NOT exclusively related to middle school music…this conversation started in November 2012 and was balanced with the reality of changing student needs, enrollment, and high stakes testing and accountability.” His statement indicates that the Middle School Band Director position was in jeopardy a little more than 2 months after the new J-WMS Band Director was hired. Clearly, her commitment to the program was a lost cause. The long-standing issue between School Administration and the community is communication. Decisions are made, and then the community hears bits and pieces on the soccer field sidelines or in aisle 6 at Berryville Food Lion. Our long-term approach involves “thinking outside the box” to fix a systemic issue. Save Clarke Music proposed developing an open forum of ideas and dialogue between community, parents and School Administrators to work together to make innovative changes to our academic curricula.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Save Clarke Music
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Thursday, June 6, 2013
Once the J-WMS Band Director position is reinstated (short-term), our long-term goal is to join forces with individuals and groups that are committed to working on a positive, community-based, enactive approach (i.e., CCHS Swim Team and Ag supporters, CCEF, etc.). Our community and our schools should be developing a holistic, collaborative, grassroots approach in order to create a more effective and efficient system with innovative solutions that endorses subjective learning. Changing the way we think—and learn. -‐
Systemic review and assessment of viable alternatives
Continuity for community relations
Intelligent means of utilizing the voice of the community (i.e., unified campaign by community to request State mandate changes)
Offer a means of community dialogue—validate the voice of the community
Based on the letter from Dr. Murphy in response to our initiative, School Administrators denied all of our offers. It is a shame because the community is eager for a voice in the conversation. It is our job to be advocates for our children and hold Administration accountable for their poor decisions. While we are disappointed that Administration isn’t receptive to our ideas, it is merely a starting point. After reviewing yesterday’s article in the Winchester Star, Dr. Murphy explained he was “not the decisionmaker” but rather the school board. Guess we know where our next step will be. Anyone who would like to follow, learn more, and support Save Clarke Music, please keep in touch via Facebook and consider signing our Petition. Onward! Save Clarke Music
*For highest high school diploma in Virginia, 3 years of one language or 2 years of 2 languages are required by graduation. **NPR: Fractions Curriculum Strikes Right Note in California by Caitlin Esch, April 6, 2012 **Scientific American: Rhythm and Music Help Math Students by Sophie Bushwick, March 27, 2012
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Save Clarke Music
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