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Chairman’s Corner
In BAE 213, Matt Mace announced that he would not be standing again as Chairman of our Branch and would step down at the AGM. He has elected not to pen a “Thank You and Goodnight” final Chairman’s Corner – although he will remain on the scene as a friendly face and lively commentator!
Matt took his duties as Chair very seriously and conducted himself throughout his tenure with dignity and decorum. The Committee – and all Branch members – will wish him every success.
This is a plea to all BAE readers (or any other helpers) for assistance in delivering our bi-monthly newsletter in the March district. Are you able to spare a couple of hours every two months to deliver to a handful of pubs? We would be most grateful if you could. If you can help, please contact Alan Binnington at
alanbinncam2020@gmail.com Are you missing out?
Get Beer Around ‘Ere delivered to your door! For a year (6 issues) send £4.32 for second class or £5.40 for 1st Class or multiples thereof for multiple years. Please send a cheque/PO payable to Peterborough CAMRA and your address to: Daryl Ling, 19 Lidgate Close, Peterborough PE2 7ZA
Pub News
This report will be rather brief I am afraid as I have only recently braved the inside of pubs, having had my booster jab.
First I must congratulate the Ostrich on a welldeserved CAMRA Gold Award and, from the photos I have seen online, the presentation evening was very well attended, as I suspected it would be – the reason I was not there! Although I have started visiting pubs, I avoid them at busy times as I am still being careful.
I have continued to lunch outdoors at various hostelries local to me and would encourage pubs to invest, where possible, in their outdoor areas for the winter months with outdoor heaters and blankets in covered areas, as there are many people who would be happy to eat out, but not inside, all the year round. Anyone who has visited European cities like Prague or Budapest in the winter will know that cafes and restaurants are well equipped for al fresco eating in the cold.
I am pleased to report that one of my favourite pubs in Stamford over the years, the Jolly Brewer, is now beginning to thrive again under its new landlord’s stewardship. I tried Shropshire Gold and Oakham Ales Green Devil while there and both were in good fettle.
Also in Stamford I visited the small but beautifully formed King’s Head in Maiden Lane, where my friend and I tried four of their wide choice of 11 ales! Our selection was made up of Drum & Monkey 4.5% Mosaic Smash, Round Corner 4.4% Steeplechase Pale, Salt Brew Co. 5.5% Huckaback NUPA and Mad Squirrel 10% Indulge! What a splendid lunchtime! The Tobie Norris did not have the same choice but their Ossett Brewery Brunette was a very pleasant tipple as was the Rooster’s Twenty-Four Seven. They had an Oakham Citra on tap as well as Tribute and Ghost Ship and a plum porter on standby, so something for most tastes.