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For a stylish ceiling or decorative wall

Ornaments give your room a new look, whether it is the living room, kitchen, bedroom, hall or toilet.


outer circle

inner circle

Classic geometric

ø 80 cm.

ø 26 cm.

Ornaments are available in a number of variations, from classic to modern and from small to large.




55 x 40 cm. ø 10.5 cm.

inner circle

Exposition design hotel Amsterdam

Ornaments are made from MDF and are therefore light. To make it even easier they are already sprayed white with a water-based paint. If so desired, this makes them easy to paint over or spray in any colour you wish.



Modern geometrc

75 x 75 cm. ø 19.5 cm.

inner circle

Ornaments are easy to place by applying Montagekit in combination with two-sided Montagetape to the ornament. In this way the ornament can be put into place in one go.


outer circle

inner circle

Animal tree

ø 75 cm.

ø 10.5 cm.

Ornaments can also be used as wall decorations and are easy to combine.

Organic type


135 x 37 cm.

Organic ModernAn im Cgeo alic trgric la ee ssmet eometric FOR AFOR STYLISH OR G A STY FO RFO ACEILING RLISH ST OR AYL ISYH STCEI LLIN ISCE HILCIN EILGINOGR OR DECORATIVE WALL DECDE ORA E WA CO LL DTIV RA EC TI ORVE WEAL ATIV WLALL Give your living room, Give Gi your veG ive gkitchen, livin yo room bedroom,

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Each Ornaments contains a leaflet with the manual for use.

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