1 minute read
Dear friends
In this 20 page edition we are bringing you plenty of fresh ideas from Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. All around the world beekeeping is enjoying resurgence, as people realise our need for insect pollinators, and the possibilities to house and care for honey bees. Discussion about what exactly that house should look like has already entertained beekeepers for many centuries and will continue to do so. Some beekeepers in South America are much appreciating the benefits of using the style of hive developed by Oscar Perone as shown on page 3, and in Africa some pioneer beekeepers are finding success with Warré hives (page 9).
Meanwhile, imaginative urban dwellers are realising the fun of beekeeping with their environments maybe offering relatively safe havens for bees. On page 12 we introduce you to Mr Bayligne – an urban beekeeper in Ethiopia’s capital city – Addis Ababa. In the centre pages we bring important news from Chile, where the livelihoods of rural beekeeping are being put at risk by decisions made far from Chile by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
We do hope that you find inspiration from this news of beekeepers all around the world.

Waterproof papier mâché hive
Many readers expressed interest in the article published in BfDJ 104. For more on this fascinating hive see www.beesfordevelopment.org/portal/article.php?id=2959

HRH Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, Sultan of Terengganu (2nd right) is presented with honeys from around the world by Dato Dr Makhdzir Mardan (3rd left), at the 11th AAA Conference held in Malaysia in October. See page 5.