3 minute read
Ideas for better beekeeping management
by Antonio Vaca Patino, Cd. Tuxpan, Ja., Mexico.
The purpose of this article is not to encourage beekeepers to manage bees without wearing protective clothing but only to explain some elemental observations that may be already known by experienced beekeepers, but could be helpful to beginners.
Managing bees without a veil may be more for exhibition than effectiveness since it is not always possible in every year’s season, month, day or hour, and with many colonies it is completely inadequate and dangerous for the beekeeper. However managing bees without a veil is possible with some colonies when you know their behaviour well. Interrelations between beekeeper and bees depend upon smoker use, smoker fuel, colours of clothes, odours on the beekeeper’s fingers, the size of the colony, climatic changes, relative humidity, temperature and other factors.
Before approaching any colony observe bees flying from the hive. If forager bees are leaving the hive, and if the day is warm, it is a very good hour to inspect the bees as they are busy with their duties and will not pay attention to the beekeeper’s movements if combs are managed carefully.
I find that the best time to work with bees is between 10.30 to 11.30 a.m.
Do not disturb bees in wet or cloudy days or if there is fog or wind. It is particularly important that smoke used with bees comes from materials which burn very slowly eg: pieces of corncobs or dry cow manure (see above). Do not use dry grass, leaves or straw because these burn very quickly.
When using the smoker, take care never to expel glowing sparks into the hive. Smoke softly and continuously among the frames.
Move the frames out slowly a them with your fingers firmly end of the frame, taking care crush bees. If it is necessary to and hold at each not to destroy any queen cells the finger’s movements must be slow. Never use black gloves for this purpose (it is disastrous it Without gloves is best. Do not move your hand quickly in front of the frames.
If you are going to feed the bees, sprinkle a little sugar syrup among the frames: the bees should be occupied should sucking these syrup drops. Bees should always be busy with non-defensive activities when you are managing them.
ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT: A beehive free from disease, pests, and predators is an extremely docile hive and is appropriate for beekeeping management.
WARNING: With necessary caution it is possible to reduce the defensive behaviour of bees but never to eliminate bee stings completely; for this reason it is wise always to use a veil and adequate clothes until you know your bees very well.