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Notice Board
In memoriam
Pam Gregory
We are sad to report the death of Pam Gregory. Pam worked with us at Bees for Development during 2009-2010. Pam wrote detailed and informed beekeeping text for the Information Portal of the Bees for Development website. The purpose was to provide an information access point for beekeepers around the world. Pam’s knowledge of beekeeping in developing countries meant that she was able to always ensure that the information was tailored and relevant for the intended audience. In a recent feedback survey about the Informational Portal one user said: “It helps us to learn and share knowledge and experiences”, Alex Okiro, Uganda.
This and much of her other work – in Malawi and beyond – was done as part of her commitment to promote bees and beekeeping to support livelihoods in poor communities. Pam was a thoughtful and dedicated beekeeper and development worker, and her cheerful personality will be greatly missed.
Peter Molan
Dr Peter Molan of New Zealand was the scientist whose dedicated research over many years explained the healing power of manuka honey. In 2001 he was awarded New Zealand’s Science and Technology Silver Medal and the citation stated that he “Revolutionised the New Zealand honey industry”. Molan’s discoveries about manuka have been used to help many people and animals with slow-toheal wounds.
Stop press
Propolis Conference 2016
Glasgow Technology and Innovation Centre 16-17 June 2016
More details at www.propolisconference2016.com
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